OCR Text |
Show Ml N INC NOTICES. Illl, I III II. Ml 11(111 Uhl IIKIIt.li. j;.;::;;;;;::;.v.;;.v-;; v.. ' '" i. 'l. i.L.- W Ai. no 1 1 i:. I.iii!- l oiiiiiiuiMia Milling V Tin.ii.-i I oni.aii.i : I.- .'i .n : ,u.-, ,u.-, ..-., -..it - uy.J (.th: 'V.-'-' 'i ' ' ') nV.: N mi . l..-ri. .-tj..r'-. A int. I -I -m : -U-i. IT- t a ; ! i i r ' i"' i-i ' - i l-- ! .i. i : ii i; n I., li. ! i , !. .!,' u .i us A i i .,. . l . . ,-;i U a, i an ..r.ior '" '' '' 'i ' 'i '' (.' 'i:'.1' i-i; it''! I . .,. ..n I, I . . , lU .-'ii J "I 1 i . -( t; . ,i ' i: ! "t . "t" -ai J .iiiy, ;,i '" 'L "v, '.'"i.Vv, llu.-. 'rV" SihiIIi I iuiiiii l tiling 4 oiiipuiiy, j ": .i i', I Ml, 1 ii,- r : i ii.' i .il idueu Cl ' , i ' i . i .i. ilflin i rit uion the ' . I ' 1 , , i i .- . .-, .1. ii.-omnt ' . .i-i.; I. I'--. ! ! i.n ili' Mill liny i,i J i,,., 1-7 . li: I .ill. ,11.11 -,l .,Vl:,',lo I ', ' I .i 1 1.'- '-I 1 1.' i u -1 i tl u ,-hJIi-liulili-C, ILi n.i. Nil : N a.,:. -. ( .:r. Mi's. Am't. ' l;., ' I M., l.u-i.-u, . ..Ui S" .-i il I -r U V. 1"! l' '2-' if I cm., C U I" 1") ii fl (',,( r (.' ', l-'-J 1"J i"i 1,0 i ,i ( r C W Kii im ii (Jo i'.,f-,.r C W I'H l"J i' i A) . u J- r - !',.- i: 1" - ' ""i u) i.i.i.-ir i I,,.-, i: n"i - t:i 7.i I..-,. ,9 tt ! J -"1 l'ifj 7" .Mill- .1 U , I r -..-, U 1 1J ,J l illt .1 W, 1 i.l-i,., 1-ti :u l ;it M ii!-. -I , 'I i . -i".' 1.7 HjU uo Mivmi..l li E, Tii.!-'.-,'. LliI.uh-u ... ::i .") rn Shi'lv.-, ,1 11 I', T n; -1 i'c, 'I 1 II-) i-0 i-j Mi.t.ii ..il Ii I', Trurl.-u .-A lr, 1.11 Ii 1- , 't ru ! i-u :S l'J. IHJ ,-li. -f.il. ...t 11 K, 1 ruM.-u :l lii ixi li 1 H E. Tru-i.! -, 1') li-i on Mi'T i I: I-'. Tru-i,-..-, I : ."-'ii I-", ihi Ht.Uf. I II F, 'I ni.-l.o 17 :'0 7ri (H) M,.T.v. ,1 1: F. Tru-i-- :.i ;;) 7,"i ii l!"r''-l IS I'i Tmi'-i.'u Z'.'. 'l V, UO ...1 1; F. Tiu'i'v, :;hi 7.-, ( M1-1 n i L I-', 'I ru-dn., : V, imj Mi.-r-...,. i: F. Tr.i-t.-u -' i I'm I .'-i Mnirivi.Hil II I-VI'iiH-,' I'l-I ;m iHJ Mi-.rn I II F. I in r.'o, li'l !') 7n m) Sh.-r. '1 II F, Tr :.-t.-.-, Ts lim i", mi Mi. r.w".,l II F. 'I ni-U-L.., f-l H"i ii n) n.i.. A I', trn-...i', S li'il i", ui) u.U A I', 'ru-(..,. Ii i'Hi ii 01 W'... A ', 1 rn-,-., Ml 'I lii no U n..' A I', I ' n-ti'i-, VI '-'"I Fii iH) W .i l" 1 F, Trn-h-u. II : ') IN) W,l.- A I'. In, I.-.., I-i ,M"I lii l.i U 11. In A I', Im-I.v, IN ."-I l-J U ml,. A F, Trim,.,-, 17 :n J- .VI H'...)ti A I'. I i .i.t. f, IS I-I :n .iO Wn.i.. a i'. Tiu-tv. in i ji :rr .vi W a-1.) A F.Tm-i, ,., -il lui .VI iH) i..F A I', Tru f-o Hl i'. IH) U,..i,-A 1', Trn-li-i', J I 1'-. ii (Hi V A F. Tm-uv, i'. ,V,i l:w W.i A I', Tn.-ioo -Jil ,iV, 1;k 7;. fi.!.' A I'. Tru-ti'o,, ;7 i:.-, 7;, wk! i-l Tr'ii-t'.'v!!'.".'."!!!!!! !!i ii !! ixl.- A F, Tm -II... !.! I'" 1 i", in U A F. Tr,L-u-o ii liil ii ii U l.. A F. I r :, o Hi l . t ;, ,.i Wii-jn A 1", Ti.i-h'o :ir inn ii no Wft.l" A I'! 'r!u-!i.v.",V,'"" -s 1-j ,vi V,,,1,. A F, I'ru-ipo ics .-:,; Mi 7.i W niln A 1 Ti ii ("''.".'.'.'-'.'.'".".li'il Cfs (in ill U.M..A F, Tr..-!. Ill in H'.Vi . 1110 A I'.Tiiimoo II.'. .VI 12 V) V. u.L A F U,, ! 0 l!,l 1-1) -i ,:,) W.i. , F. 'Ii . 1 17 ii &) W i.iln A F.Tiu-r.'i-, lis li,. i", (i U.ll,. A F, li,-!LV, Il: I'M L' 1 1H) Airl In m c rlnn'i with Imv. nut mi order -..; tli- iiimr.l 1.1 Dir. ui.i.lo ..ii the ILlh ' .l-.v "I Jm.,., 1-7 :, :, u, :..iy .-imrui ! vu.-h .iu-l.,.i Mo.-k sillily luMisarv. will ''I -it c-Mic :m rii.n. nt tlio vliic' o!' (ho C.iui'iiiiy. .... I" .-tu-.'i'-5n liniUliiiK, Mm Ei-.u.-O'. i'i. F:il..v, !h. r.'h duv .,(' August, . f. in th- In.iir 01 l-J uVIook in , 01" jukl ilnv, (" I'.iy ,-:iul ,l..Ui iuMit A.--i.'"im nt iliorttui, tii'ihir iu:h whs uf Adn.Tti.-ias titid o.-ul o.-ul .-alo. 1IFNKY li'"YLK. S.x-rcturv. Oim i-, Xo. m Mtvon.-ou liniU inc. Snn As.si-:KNn 1: x -r xothk. Km liu.n Iln.i.MiMxviCoMi-sY lav.-Ii-'ilh' Suit I.n. o tiuiniv, l iuli 'Torri- ti'i-y.--N'.'th-t i-. h. .-bv kwh tlmt nt 11 tuctit-111 tuctit-111 - i-l t h" Hi 11 nl iif 1 ru.-ions nl" jiii id Coini'iiny , h.-M "n il,.. -Uli d.iy ,'t Juno. 17.!, on Aj-wt lil'.V.M trii'l'MilVil St,'l-'i,Vd!C.'m'Iiv,,'W-iiMiii.-di.iti.ly, in l'i,i;l ,tmo, L,-,ild o..in, tu tin' i-rot.u-y , ii( 1 ho ciiu'o 01 tho Comrnny. U.'oiii -", 11, ,Moii-h:ui'.'s l-'vhiiniie, Citlitut ni:i Mroi-t. San Fr:m,-i.-t-,., CiliKTiiiu. nv ati'i'k 111 011 n luVli said iiso--niont ?hl ri mam 11111 aid i n 1 tiday. io 1-tdnvofAa-uu-l, l.-'T.:, Mll bo do.mfd doliiM.uo.itt, und ' mil bo duly ndvorti-otl lor nlo nt imldio iiuc-d.'ii, iiuc-d.'ii, and mill--- i'. niont sliall ho Hindi) be-F'lo, be-F'lo, mil lio -.old on Till .-day. (ho ith duy of Auoi.-t l"7:, to ) :iy dio delinquent u.-.'ose-m. -nt, ti-)jv tin r uirhco.-( of mh 01 ti.-inp unit oxtvn-t- o: tho sulo. I'.y o.-dor of (ho IfoarJ i'S I "i-LfL -.. Y. .MAHiiK',Socrt-tary. . NOTICE. Oi-iiin City, Tooilk Covxty, U.T., Juno UHh, lf-T:l. t LI. FFF.SiiNS AUK 11EUKRY CAU . j.1 V tii'iud HKiiitiJi I'LitoIm.Mni:. or in any v iio.-oti.iiii, i. r tlio - .vn-rauionto LI' ?. ..lu-tod .l.ut .'i.x liimdrodaiid sovo- .I'Si' Vot o:l-;,-;-Iy 0! iho HMd.-n i ronMiro " .,-,.tTt,T "i-h.r Mini!. DD(riot. Tooelo Cr , 'P Tori ili.rv ilio --mn I. .i., - . u Jn L Uh ,,..,, .,..,.".;; ,.r 1 '1' ''l iri; "'iV'. :':"!;-;;'; I't""-"5" 1,1 ' i ,7, .' n- C', -,l ifcUI M H . 'i-LUM AXKIioM." notice" t.r.n--u ;l.4l. ..n.i aiMy-sij d i--,bir,l ' L"'.l t.:"nwoa District. Slt horl,v t,, t ,.;,v sa.d sum within ninety J. A. IV APE. HKNltV t'AlRA. DELINQUENT NOTICE, riOXKKK MIMMi Jfc TrXXELIJJ IitMlTtiV Of WORKS: Lutlo C:ti'i:w,iod .M in in c District, S'U ke L.-ur.tv, l orril.'ry ol I tub. Frinci, r,Lno t-uk Lako i. it , L uh. VT oriOE.-TIIKUK xuv. pvi.isorssT x vo nit'1'"-UiU" fl,!K,"ul"V'-0iclil"d- twfc. ,n l .voi!"h d.iy 01 M;iy, j,. i7; 30er,il rtiuount- I'l'i-o.-iU1 -.no niuuosof tho tmixc-livo tmixc-livo ;harvhi,dv-rj .1.-. fUioiu-: No. ft'. No. S. A u. .lean S.'voTioa';? ! i w Sia',. ti. A. Hol.ii'-ou ill v-,,xi J. K.lruuii Jl iy lit i .1. K. T" i:iiIh ..I .Vi ti. A. Kolun-on. :u M .Vj,i J. K. Tr.iL-.iU. ..7 Ji U.Hi 1 Willimn M. Woil II -.ti II'JiM Alloa t tvom.in It 10 5,." J. K. Tninioo 17 :o ,i,.) Mrs. y. irv ovcbj W V, -rVxi J. l. l'hotm-on 50 -JO 10,.ii And in a.wni i-oo with law ard an cnlor of tii.- !' .irii o: L';roc!orj. :i:.i.io on ilto l.h iv of M i-. l7 si; i.iv -hares of .ac i-arool of j.i; I -;,.-k a- l:.. b.- :nvc--ii.-v. a lU 1o .old at F 'ho A.it-:i"ti,'iH !ho v: -o of I;. 0. Cll V-V. N . I ; K.i..r-all -k. V."; To:nplc m root. i!t Li'o L;:y. I'uli. i n :io ":h dv of .' '.;;v.l7 i, at !t.o hoar of U o'o ).--., ,'t::. oi" Slid i day. to ; iv f.vd do!in ur.t -,-lo:::-: then.'- oi. t" ,-.-;h r m llIi t-v.-t of advrii--n: utid ex- I il G. C. Ml NKO. Siwretary. Iho a'-, iso -a'.-.' ha bv ooi::.,-ri.vl io;iJ i Ava-t 7:h. U-7-..it l.-.o -r;.:oo and hour- t Mi Nu", 'i'.-u'Ur-. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT, j ViCTim JUD IMPERIAL TUStEL P0 I L v .n ,- I.:::- t:.-,riT.,j. rttb I :'r;u.:. -: ; o;' li-j3, J.ta , N ice ? i.rj'-v ,-:v.-rt. :j it a! a -c,t of ! t::o d j: 4. ol' t..id tjuv. hold tr. :z di o; J..,y. an ...-,t.ai di tir?. V.':'i"--s VV r?ar.V.'L( :c . i..i-.:.M:a:. y V y. -d i c--n, to ! ( j . d No. ..J -Mt--c.v itrix:, A vs .v.; ji-.. :-:.! c-o-: ,hU rct 1:2 t;u. z 1-0; i.-y. :hj .: .ij- 01 A--,- V, d:.:-,i dc.L.:, L..:v .. i.-t-;-::-.J :" r -.do nih::.. 0.- ; jy-ont jiiil lj jdo bo- I :o:e. h-im b' ? . M o ' r.c- -1 iy. ;co ,7;a d.iy of 1-7 ;. t .i.v :ho dy.:s. t ;en: .- i:-. .-..:vr c--V.-v. n:;i;i.- cd 1 V.:.'...'i.r ! -i f T:-.!"m. v. ii. V. i N. S :?:rj, K- ...... 1 .. No. "J JivDWaery NOTICE. Mp-iivi ? the .'VKH"rsns A ;..o Hid ai:-.-..uia;od Mit.i: a:.i r-i-ol Lj- ir.v will bo hold oa lac :h d.iv t'!'.U,v:-i. a: J o'clock, a; Kuabill i;: L,vko C.;y. for ;h ELECTION OF TRUSTEES f "r tho e-. yi-ar. a.-, i any otLo bbani lhat tiy hr.'-jjr'j; bo:'.-rc :ha iiiet-tlos. " ' s. f. rrLLKi. '''"ij- d '-c' l ro le;a Z.C. M. I. CLOTHINC AND FURN1SH1NCS. Z. C. M. I. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. N Y. W Al'.KI ,'A1S UF :SPEING AND SUMMER GOODS, j is .MILXS, YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHING, III "II Hit: Nt wmt Fnl.ri.-S an.l Slvl. s. Also all the NViv.,1 !!. t,l SILK. IIEIIO, FELT, .TIUI I'lMlll HITS, For Men's, Youths' and Children's Wear. Wo call Special Attention to oitr .St,k of CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, IN Unerclothing,' Hosiery, Gloves, Collars, Neck-ties, Scarfs, Shirt Studs, Umbrellas, Valises, etc., etc., Agents for the famed BURLOCK Wo iro opening tho mojt oxtonsivo and best assorted Stock of PIECE GOODS, Wo h.i70 ovoroirorod, coniitinrfor thojlinos-t qunlitios of French, English, German. Scotch and American SUITINGS, VESTINGS, CASSIMERESl &o." Which connnl fftil in suiting Iho tnstos of all. a hnvo purchased, with n vioir to supply all tho rciuireeot.i of our Rapidly increasing Business in MERCHANT TAILORING, 8 ;othat our Patron;: can select from tho choicest stock in I'tnh. NEW REGULATION MILITARY SUITS Mario to ordor on the shortest notico Our very Heavy Sales of "Wall Paper and T3ecorations HAVE INTi:CEn US TO MAKE EXTENSIVE ALTEltATlOXS, jutlu.t ll,i, ,.,,.,r,,0,., c,,n ho won to m.i.-h boiler ndrnntiwo thnn fornierly. A boantifu n..srl,.,onl of t,,tt, Jiromo. bi,o,. lto and broivn Bl.nkB, old, non- on hand. .V larKo Assortniont of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S TRUNKS, of Olir own manufacture, beautifully got up. Men's and Hoys' BOOTS and STrlOES, Home-made r.nd Importal. FLOOK'OIL-CLOTHS AND OAKPETS. H. B. ClAHSOX, Supcrlnteiidcnt. 2. C. IVl. I. SEWINC MACHINES. SINGER SEWING MACHINE. MILLION IN" THE UNITED STATES. 'o rojoocttulb- invito tho i.ublio to call and aoo our oxcellonl variety ol SEWING MACHINES Plain, Beautiful and Elaborate Styles of Workmanship. 10MUIMMJ THE LITEST UirilOYEMEXTS, WITH THE MOST fSEfyi ATT.U1I11EXTS, OF THE YEKT BEST QIALITI. ; THE SALES OF LAST YEAR .UIOUNTED TO 181,260, Till- Slnjcr Com ii ny selling ii.rLH Machines mure llianauj otlier loin pan). - - cl.tr sales in L:tb excood any other huoso in the Machine line this ide of Chicago, OVER 9,750 BEING NOW IN DAILY USE THROUGHOUT UTAH. EVERY MACIIES'E VAEEA2sTED. To jt iv e entire satisfaction, and in?t ructions furdiihed free of eharse, by comi'etcnt arti ti. It affords us great pleasure to :rfnrtn the public that xo MiCHwr hs r.ry.R besi Ri.Ti-RMiD to th:s AiiijfiT, through failure or Lin period tii-n in perforaiius its work. Every machicf is thoron,:hlv testi.'d a.i tri.-d from tho fsctcrv. aad is not aJlood t) loive . -jt sajcsrooai until placed 12 coaipleto mr.ninj order. Terms of sale to suit all circumstances. Other Sewing Machines Repaired on Reasonable Terms CALL AND SEE THE SELF-THREADING NEEDLE, Ai ail&ble foi all kinds cf Sewi-r Machines. The ess isit threaded, and the best bk&9 fel me world. M e are Lbe ocLj' atvriied agiisia for Via fa. We extend a cordial invitation to all to COME AND SEE OUK MACHINES Whether they wl-h ti.. pur.'h.L5e ora )t, AT THE SIMJE1C SERVING 3IACT1IE DEPAET3IEST, Two ikvra south of E.-;e Eir.r-'-riuni, Z. C. 2.1. 1. General Arsnts. Z. . I. SHOE FACTORY j Z. C. M. I. i SHOE FACTORY itu i-:.v.-r ti:mii.i:-nt.. BIG BOOT. Gents' Boots, Ladies" Boots, Children's Boots, 1 Gents' Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Children's Shoes, . GENTS' SLIPPERS LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILORENS SLIPPERS, F.ir fir.e wnulh-ir ..r -t.-rniy wentlier; f-r wiilk-in,'. wiilk-in,'. liniLt-iiit,-. wrkiiiK, S'i:kiMi, ilimbing, riding, t..-Lii:i,'. tu iiiiiiii, t-tc . A lur-o :iri'l t-li.-ii-e iii.rt'ent of Die itl.i.ve. our own icLiko mul inn nrti.il, at tho murt reaaimnblo j rii-w. ViC miike to order any style and qiialHy (h'siri'd and insure satis ruction. OLD BOOTS AND SHOES Mado Osgood iLa now almost, SELLING OFF OUR OLD STOCK. BELOW COST, SOLELEATHER, UPPER LEATHER, HARNESS LEATHER, Imported Calfskins, "American Calf Skins, Morocco ami Kid Skins, (shoe findings; 'kit" of all kixds, HORSE COLLARS! Horse Collars !! Horse Collars !!! AI.L AT LoweslpricGsJIolGsalG&Mail, Orders by Mail receive special and prompt attention. Hides and Wool Bought. II. H. CL.UVSOX, Sup't. IRON FOUNDERS. Cuabi.ks Koojik, President, Nkw York;' U. J. Davison, Vice-President and Treasurer, Kew York; F. F. Josts, Secretary, New- York. .Miiniifacturors of all kiiida uf IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. TFE ciin ofier tho bc.-t inlncenicnLi to nl It parlies in this country who are interested in Jhninp, SmeltiiiK nnd liniklinK. Wc can furnish, nt tho shortest notice, ORE CAKS, Of tho latest iuiprovenicnrr.in oilhorWoxd or Iron; ORE BUCKETS1' CAR WHEELS, of any size, UOISTINU M I.NIJLASSES, Cast Iron Tuyeivs SLAG C'Al'.TS AND l'OTS, BOnOffl AND FRONT PLATES, . Corner Binders' BULLION MOULDS, Ladles a-i SsmiiirES. WiTLH JiCKris, Smoke Stacks, Charcoal Wagons, PULLEYS, of all iijss. COll'LLXGS, BOXES, HAGEES, IEOX EAILIXGS, COLVMNS. SASU WZIG11IS. 0R.XA31EXTAL WORK, F'.T. fT.t'ILMIKif Work?: Una blVck south of Dep-..(, L. S. SI.'THF.KLAXD' r. 0. Bvi. mr: ' BITTEFlSaAND KATHAIRON. S.T-1860-X. r:;.v j Slisi.5i Its :y v.-ai.irft?-::s ;& EITTg Ww-rjL:Tfhg -naidtfj TG PURELY A VEGET:U3LE PR-RPAItATIO-.', X corcpoaeilelroplT of well-bnonu R DDT'! HERBS and FRUITS-cc:abinc.l withotlKr properUus. which in their" naturo ,ir; CAthnrti.-Aperient, CAthnrti.-Aperient, Nutritions. Uirti-il; .Mtcr,.tivo nod Ant l-B-li oils. Tho who'.o ij v --(:r-,V( in a auiTl-cient auiTl-cient quaatlly of fpirit C-. r.t tho H'GR CAXE to tucp th&m in ty citato. wLu.-b makes tlio PLAITATIOI i BITTEEB onooftlio most drirab1e Tonitn c.n- tIl5tirs in 11)0 worlli- hey aro intended strictly as Temperance Bitters onlyto lietii!;dsa a n;rl:c!iLe, ind ohray ao. cor.lins to dircUos, -TLey aro ina shtit-icchcr cft'jo fccblo and debilint.-d. Ttcy u n- ca a disccd iiver. and Basi-j.it ; to aiiih a dijTCQ thit a hialihr action la ot once brcc-iit i.bv.:. A3 arcmniy to which ouicii arc cz-cc-yAj s-b;cct It is super-esoing super-esoing every cih-.r ciiiunL As o Sprint and Sniumcr Tciic tcy hive no" erj ill Thyare a nuld a-d fj;:Ic P-r,7iuvo ,v weilaa Toruc. They p'ar:.'-,- to l-.'o;d. They arc a srlr-ndidApp-t zcr. "TicyaiihMfctk'atroce. Tapy partly a-i invigorarc. I'.-.ry euro Dyc-pepaia. Dyc-pepaia. Con.n:rai:on and ITfadachc. They act as a Epecilic in;!l 6-c,-!'fl cf disorders which tinderrain! thefcodily etreastli ted brtay lown ttc z-.Eiil spirits. q Depot, 53 Park Placej New Zort lyiiflifioM Only 50 Cents per Boiik- Il promotes the C:noWTU. PHESEHVES the t'OLOlt, end increases the Vigor and liEAVTY of tbe HAIR. o-rrn Trrm-rT V-'.M ai T.ts's K.enTin:' W''-' Vll ZZ-- "C'n!r'rr;.i-.-"of r'r.V'.--. i : T.:- "!r (1 -- 1 V.r j fIlX-v' ': ''ir..:' e.'iri Tza Vi:-'T:"7a l-rAS ; c irj t;rs V. u'y ltr Lm!' PKT ilottlc. j q jt wail's Gl:ry i5 Ecr Eair. h' LYON'S jMTHAIOON i RAILROADS. AMERICAN FORK RAILROAD NOTICE : On and afcr Monday. July ih. 1T3, train will run dmlv ivs oxci.:,.d' ori-r tht) Amenoin Krk lLai.rA.al, Im:- Lhi at : i a-sa., un the armaJ of tho L'ah .athorn Lra:n. heiurninit. will Icare Deer Crek at p.m., a::i cvnntv at Lohi with iho j o'clock train fir Salt Ldie City. S iLT Lawe Cirv. J uly 7th. 1S73. jyS P. R. Ei. On md fler IfUDdty, Say 4, 1813, Trlua will leave Ogden mm followat SilU'ii.m., (daily.) Passoncer Train for Ueno tfTL'arsun and Viriiea1 Sucra-meot Sucra-meot .MaryaTillo, UodJin, itur r.-nUnd. o.J Si.'fku-n, .Morc-d. (tor Vu-HiLiitei Iipu-n v-ur l- Anpt'Ius,) San JosO and San IrnAiCLsco. 1 Jl0 p.m., daily. Through Fmimnt Train tor Sacramento and an tritn-ciaoo. tritn-ciaoo. T. H. GOODMAN, Gen. Pass, and TicKei Airent. A. N. TOWNK Oen'i buii't GEO. U. RICE, Aoa.1T. Salt Lake City, OBico with Alardhall A Kcylo, W. F. Sl Co t bank. sii UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after i'.ay 11', lh?i, T) A I Ij V T It A I N !; Leave Salt Lake City at S:iO a.m. anda:I5 p.m.; Arrivo at Ogdon at 7:"j0 a.m. and o. i-j p.m. ; Leare Oden a. S:iO a.m. and i:;aj ji.ni.; Arrivo at Salt Lake City at 10:1Ja.iu. and S:30 p.m. In addition to tho above. MIXED TEAIUS will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. Leaving Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., and Ot'don at 5 a-m. and U:oO p.m. Froinht Trninn loaTO Suit Lako at 12 m and Ogdon L2A) p.m. Pa9ongars will please purchase their TiokeUatLboOflicoa. Fifty Cents ndditionnl will bocharcod when tho Faro is colloutod on tho Train. Fnr alt information concorning froight or paasage, apil to JAS. SHARP, General Freight and Ticket Agont- JOUN SHARP. Superintendent- UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD On and af-cr May l'Jth, 1873, DAILY T RAINS Lenvo iho Ttiih Control Knilroid Dojot, b'alt Lako Cily. at 7 a.m. ond p.m. Arrivo nt Lchi atS:li a.m. and -l:l"i p.m. Loavo Lchi at SI: i 1 a.m. and 5 ji.ru. Anivo at Suit Lako City at lt:30a.m, and 7 p.m. In addition to the above, M I X E T THAI TN'IS Will run Daily, Sundays excepted, Leavinp tho L'lah Central R- R. Dopot, Salt Lako City, at ti lO.a.m. and 1 p.m. Arriving nt Sandy at 7 '25 a.m. ond 2 15 p.m. Leaving Sandy at 9 50 a-m. and 1 .iO p.m. Arriving at Salt Lako City atllH-aiandG p.m. Pa?3enpor3 will ' jileaso purcbao their Tiokou at Iho nOiccs. Fifty cents additional will bo charged when the fare Is collcctod on the Train. For all information concerning Freight or Parsage, apply to JAS. SHARP. Gen. Freight and Ticket Agont FERAMORZ LITTLE. Superintendent UTAH H0ETHEE1T E. E. TRAINS RUN BETWEEN C OEINNE, lunction with C. P. R. R. XjOOJLIsT. On and after Aug. 1, 157:;, JJaily l'a.onfior Trains Loavo Corinno at 7:30 p.m.; Leave Logan at :t:U0 a:m; to connect with trains forOgden and Salt Lako. Trains Kuii on Salt Lake Time. CB St as eg connect with Trains to and from Northern Settlement). PASSENGERS WILL PLEASE PURCHASE THEIR TICKETS AT THE OFFICES. For all information concerning freight or passage, apply to Cn.AS. S" IB LEY, General Freight and Ticket Agent JOHN w. Yorx, dll Gen'l Sup't ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE, Tho undersigned bavins been appointed by Hon. Elia Smith, Probate Judce in and for Salt Lake county, Territary of I'lab. Admia-Uiratorsof Admia-Uiratorsof tho estate of James A. Hyter, deceased, de-ceased, this is to notify all persons knowing themselves indebted to aid estate to come forward immediately and liquidate the same; and those having unsettled ac:ountj wjth or claims against the fame, v ill rreecnt tham forthwith for settlement Henry Grow, Jacoe S. Fietz. Salt Lake City, July 5th. 1S7T. iy$ BRUSHES. CELEBR-TEI) BEUSHES, ros PAINT El'--. KALSOMINFFS. M WliiiHVAHKnS. HiOKSE.IllN, Astf cnuL Familt Use. For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, by Z. C. M. I- tlroc-piT and Drag Derw-.r-cnU. M-r. ' ; .-lbe .t Co., Me-r- Teudcl Co. F.D. STEWART 4 Co.. j7 i'ULibursh, Pa. STAGE LINES. GIL!.!EEISALISEUEY'S DAILY STAGE LiSLlNE. UUih,;Southe;ist Nevada & Montana U Leaving SALT LAKE CITY, DAILY, Running South to Tint id Amorictr, Fr Mount Nebo, Sevie ,M. George, I'uh; and Piwche, Nevada; PASSING THllOlGll Provo. Sprinnvillo. Si nni-h Fork, l'n-"U, Salt Crot'k. Chi.'hi'n L 10-k. K.-uiid Vnll.-v, Iilliu.'ro. L.fti I'rcok. HtMver. .Minor-1 iil.s and all the l' iii,-tl'iil Tvuns and Mm,:. Cn 111 1 in Souihern L tab and Soutlii-a.-i Nolt.da. lAlio leave COKINNK. I'TAll, DAI l.V, Running North to Virginia Citv, llo'cna, F' .-t ii.-m..n, Iuht l.'-.i-.-. Cl.ir Cr.'.-S Klines and p;is-in.- iIi-llIi .ill ih., Ti mk-i-j'Ul Xowns and MiniiiK Cuuij'S in Munvaini. PRINCIPAL OFFICE: Wells, Karo &: Co. Uuildin iunl SALT LAKE CITY. OPH1R AND TINTIC. SlaieanaEipress RUXKIXa DAILY F1I0M S.M.T LAKE , vin LAKETOWX, TODKLE CITV, STOCKTUN and ul'lllH to TINTIC. Tlii roiite tin., been ro-.-Ie ith si,l.'r,ii,l Lutieurd tuiii-huf, lino ,tc , -;irii',,l nn,l ,t tentivo Drhurs, iind cvury !Ufniin i, to tho couilort and conyuaioncu ol iunron1 Good Accommodations on tSie road. TllKOUcm LV DAYL1I1HTV1 Cheap Fare and Quick Time OFFICE AT W ELLS, FAKGO ti. CO'S iSALT LAKEiCITY. WINES A- UREATHOlsE, l'ronriotorl (1. L. Grenthii50. Accnt. SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS BOILERS OFIALL.KIXDS, Upright, Locomotive or Stationery, Mado and Rc,airod, SMOKE-STACKS AND TANKS Built to order, and Slmot-lron work promptly prompt-ly do.io. IROX DOORS FOR YAL'LTS OR SAhh'S, And Iron Shutters ot every dWcrii'tiun mado Rfiiler. and flues bought or taken in part payment lor ivork. Order? by nnii! or telegrajih will receive immcdiato utteiiEion. ''-Ifi JOriN SLOAN ,t Co.. EDUCATIONAL. ST. MARY'S OF THE PACIFIC" BEXICIA, CALA. BOARDING SCHOOL FOR VOONG LADIES. (Under the Supcrvii,m of tho Episcopal t-hurvbj DESIGNED fur tho diri'tinn education of Younc Liidie-. and tho carolul ruining 0! pupil.- in nil tint tvnuM-i pruiiu.tc thir-uuch thir-uuch tiivntul, i-lijvienl. m.d religious culture wilt be iW-nhiou.-Iv iiU'-nded .i The Scll'.'.l lluildin.-s nreai! rrw, and mr-nihed mr-nihed with the mo-t ini'dorn iiiipriivoiiiciit. Tin local ion i uii-urpa-ied in ti:o I'oantv unil u' ..-:' ctivi'iii-n ul' th-- s.irmimiiui Fccncrv, and in the salubriuu.-nes ol' it; vlimate. 1'AitTii'ui.Aiis is i:ni;:r: There aro two Term? of) weeks ca.-h in Iho year. The Trinity To -in open-: n Thamtnv. J uly "J Ith. Pupils may enitr at :inv time and bo ehartfcd frum diitu of entranc-. Tho cs-nen-o I'cr liea'-il, tiiiu-.n. fuel, and luhts j.r Term, Sl'. 'tlio C r Al.nt.L r, with full j.vrli-cular. j.vrli-cular. mny bo had by ;i;.j-!yiny to tho Principal Prin-cipal of the Sflntul. Iti.v. J . LLUYD DRKt'K. I. D., Jleiiii-ia, Cala. MINING NOTICES. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Crnrr. -t:!;- Kckvka Mis:vc i 1 C-Vi-iNVoil'r.iU, i Sr.lt l.iVo t'i-y. Uta;i,.hilv3. srt. A speci!i!!uri;tingff tlu-f-.u-MioMt r- of this iiny in'ibi' city, vn .M-n.-lav. ' Ane ; ll', nt ill o'el..,-;- . il in., ;,,r the j . j-j ,... 01 inerei- V-inc V-inc the ca.it!ii .-u i-k o: ;i i. 1 11. mi unv, mid tlio trnnn -ti'in of m,-h uih:r biu-ines as u;-iy coiuo belurc tlio me tir-. JoR I.AWRFNCE. Pi'.dont NOTICE. 'I'O.IOHNIi.CAMI'EAND Jn)l OLF X yotumd Ciit-h nl vim will r-I-n-.i l-iko nV tice hat l:-l.,.r tu the ;uiiu;:m ,.f I l,.,n .I.mo fur J 1 hii IL . na -i. -'" r f o? -:.;''i;f v" f in 01? paid wr.hm nini-!y a.iv- trm jK, (J.l!e "I i n- m.i--e vr lr,t.,r,..; will w lM : . cordimco with tho act of con;-ro-s tu i.hv fr said luoor. 1 lur Salt Lako City.U. T., iiay" 'h'lil'x' LEGAL," LECAL NOTICE. U. S. Lash Un ick. Salt Lake'City, ftuh Territory. l- :h'J uiy. 1-7 i V0T1CK IIKKH;V (ij Vi;N, TH '.T dre-siscaltLnko Cilv. Uuh '1 erritiTy. hL mndcai r -a-;, f,.r p,,r, :vr 1 1 . 1 . u-n n ,1 jsfe'jiiisAni so-Jta-rly iri-m di-cu-.-.-ri -ai; ii,i-rC.,E ' r h siinacesTi.uriil -.,-., Liin.tr.d l.rjn 1Ti,1:h MLua: in Norta .-:ar .LiMr.,- Di-tri 1. 1;,,,..,. " ' T u 1 ! ' ! 1 t hence OL:;hr.Jrty-!ii"li,,.W.i i:'c,-r. 'Linu', we-: ono:L.,u,i and :.-:y u p..- i ,.,,.t nuiarJl;r tiu . ; iI,..t.l-o i.f.r:ii fi r:y--..-jr d-x. grt.-..a lorty-5vo Eai.i.Hf' rn.-;, two h r.dr.-d il'AJ. feet lb i-t n-tnbtr t:.ree tL- north i&rty-ijvo d-z. Lifu-;.i mia. cd-: ..n-- thu-,-dtjd and f;:ty il---, ft-..: ij 1(.-: rub-- j, it---; therue f. i.:h fo-jry-fur d---z- a--d forn-hve itinuiea t-j.--:. two band.-rd :ti :o Iron r"'t'w!i,i,j T..'" V.' .'yiiz.t .l'.n-.m.ent ciirn'r-jr cr.c, b-.-a-t vJih n- y-ihrpi; y-ihrpi; .i..-,-rt"- c-;t t ;. . c L -s ir, ,1 a.-rl i -.-i-n IVi.-l ,1,. r. Mii-.-'r,; f ;r ei. h:"-. - ,1 0 ..n? h-;ndr....i:a.-7.--- 1.- - L f ; t-n " at i " ii . r.ir;. : r "' ' 1 - - 1:. ::a'):ia., it.-.-i-t-r. BREWERS. HENRY WACENER, Sit L:a:. C.rv, l.rui. CALIFORNIA BREWERY, LA'iEu u k;;k, ale and rui.Ti-.K, SC'-nND .-OF I il Sli.KhX thr'Jj d-r- ca , ai-o; ciej aanl iivre. fcjJi I Z. C. Nl. I. WHOLESALE GROCERIES. jGROCERY DEPARTIYl'T, ! Z. C. M. I. WllOI.VLK ANO KKTA1L. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, PLOWS, STOVES Croi-kei-y, Glnsswnro 'PiiiAvaril MINERS' SUPPLIES, We do not throw out any Baits by Advertising a few Leading Articles at Low Prices. ALL OTJJi COOps Ai;i: OlllOAl' Dealers in the Settlement and .Mining Town will rind it U. thvlr itit. iwt 0 einjuire I'rieos beiote purvhiiiiitf. i vii H. B. CLAWSON, Suporiiitendant. Z.C. M.I. STOVES, ETC. S T O Y E S , AT U,l I. (iROCERV ILIRDMiRE MnW, JSLonitov, Cha,L-tev Oak? TTEW EEA JJ-JD LOYAL COOK. AI-.- 11 i,-r.-iii vin-;.: n nili.T C'l'klnjr !andl;llejitinj Stovos, cuiuiirMiii lie ,L-or;iiient Ii. bi-foaiul in a y sleek in I'ttili. H. B. CLAWSON , Sup eriritenden!. CENERAL DEALERS. TAYLOR $c CUTLER, THE eilE.U'KST lrolI.SIO IN TOWN mi LADIES' DRESS GOODS, NEW PRINTS, Sl'M.MEli SHAWLS, LADIES" 1IOSI E1!Y, !s .-liiissooks, di;ck Jiu-oiH'ts, Piques, And i. Full Stiiek of FANCY Gl,L .. . AU.0 OJIOIC15 lVAI IT.Y C I!(J(Cp:ilI.:s. GOODS DKI.IVF.KKI) FliKK OF ClIAJlOK. JTAYLOR & CUTLER, undor Taylor's Hotel. LIFE INSURANCE. . MISSOURI VALLEt'uFE INSURANCE CD, OF LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS AL.L POLICIES NON-FORFEITiNf, jSTo l'lesti-ictions upon Travel. DIVIDENDS OX COXTIUBUnON PLAN, lecarins Iho sronlc.t 1'oeuolir, Ain-.-J. to tlio Tolicy lloUlcrs. DIVIDENDS & LOSSES ARE PAID IN CASH THE COMPANY RECEIVE NO NOTES AND (JIVE NOXE. J THIS COMPANY DECLARES DIVIDENDS ON THE J-'IRST TAV-MK-V rrillE MISSfUKI VALLEY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY is the f i Coninnv organir.L-d tlint van i.-riiu 1 TtKGTSTKItEl) POLICIES, Jiioli pmvMu ndii.il, 6yay?-STATF, S.vurilv for full nmotmt of tl, ? -; v : nccuinuintion.-, i-ai-li s.-.nra' Poli.-y (R.-pi-t.-n-l) U-ariiifr tli (Vrtili.-nt.- oft)- , .SujHTmt.'iMkiit ofliiunmcc to th dlVrt. ,Sw S-,:ml Mi C L-ci-lulitr.! yf Pujfi! Set. 50. TJT:SE POLK 'IKS AllE AS SECUKE AS OUK NATIONAL fUKHKN1-l fUKHKN1-l Uli GOVEKNMENT JtONDS. I)ATR(IN1ZE tlif Company Hint i.-an Rive ymi tho HiT Skit nirv, nmJ tJ,. 'r Dividend?, nn-i tliat ..mn their nimn-y where- tln-y rm-ivc it. All tlier ' n-cei-,-cd liere by the Company i; luiun-! here nt 2 jut rent, iritep-t, on li.-sl . S-cli: -itv, to its Policy liulder.-, and Inrfre Ptini? in ntiditiuu brought lien; from East, TOXTIXE DIVIDEXD POLICIES: T'IIE VISSOUltl VALLEY LIFE VNSUKANCK COMPANY i n-w i-1 i-1 l'oiiiu tipun n inetlnxl which i- nnvtitie with Kn-iit favor anxjujr H h'.-.-. ic adk-d llic "TONTINE DIVIDEND SYSTEM." rrjIIESE Pcliciis cunl n-gi-trn-! as o'.her Pidiuif.- of tiio Company. HMIE TONTLNE DIVIDEND POLICIES of this Corn 1. any t-omhw- ti- ''" J. irr'-:it iJc-inUilc prinei.!.- of Life Iiisiiranto, viz: SAFK'j'Y, J'Ji'iTi.' i '' AXD JXV'J-ISTMFST. rPI IE Policy TIoldiTP n-mainine to shnn- Tontine Surplus vi-an; full piiid I' I of oriiMil iiinounU iti-im-'J nii'l a return in Ot-th 0 Full Amount jf J'tti- -J'aid, with over 30 jK-r cent lidded. THIS r.---jlt is o-ltainwt here priru-ipfillr from the fntt that tin- nioti.-v "f th" '-an.T '-an.T i.- loan.d t TWELVE PEK CENT. Comj-iund Ln-r-t, whi y CoiiipiiniL-.-, n-strii'-U-d to lonn their money nt home, receive only Six jf.-r o::X-nven.ge. o::X-nven.ge. LEGAL IXTEREST: CONNECTICUT, C per ccnL 1 KANSAS 12- NEW YORK, 7" " NEBRASKA, 1- ' MISSOURI, 12 " " I COLORADO, 12 " ' THE iulrfiriLitrfof "W extern Iiive-tments to the Policy Holder apjvart iii thv i----' Etnrtlinf( fijrriror: The amount of ?1,UUU, invt-.-Ii-d for Fifty Y-.'-s : 'J cent. Comj-ound Irit r.vA, h $lfi,-iLiJ.i at 11 per cent, il is S:J1S.06.63. THIS Com nan v liuve rrcntlv orgftr.Lwd a Branch here, known a? th--- "K1''--MoCNTaIN BRANCH," of Salt Lake City, whkh erubrw.-.- ineinbLTi the- hvt buriue.-e rat;n of the city. TUE Company i in a flutiri.-hiii(r condition, with a rapidly-iiicrca.-i-'x 1'"'' IH-ri.-(.-nt;ipe of incrc-a-y of burinc;: the paitycar being larjfely in tinis v. the old Eastern Compiie- VO MORE SAFE, PRUDENTLY MANAGED, BETTER DJVIDKNI'-' inp Lify Iii-urarice Company, eii.-U Ea.-t or "Wctt, thua the .MiBM ' . . Icy, whi.h is comraendL-d to" the citizen of Salt Lake City ad t---cuu:;tr- fur its patronage. SA.UI EL A. S.iRtEM, ABCnt, I SjR Lake City, June :M,l$7d. Second door north of "'' jei BOOTS. SHOES AND HATS. D U N FO R D $c SONS Have on hand nrxl ore Daily Iteceivinf One ol' tho lai-jrct and best selected Stock BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS , (i EXIS' GLOVES, 1-Wvv round in any store in America- WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT WELL SUPPL''8 I |