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Show Cash Patents Received. U. S. Land Oitici:, Salt Lake City, U. T., Aug. -ith, S7o. The following cash patents have been received at this, from the General Gene-ral Land Ollice at Washington, and arc ready for delivery on surrender of the duplicate receipt's: No. Si7, in favor of David Grant; S70, Moses Martin; 871, Jesse R. Burbridge; Si 3, .lolm lv. Lemon; S74.John A. Lewis; 675, William S. Singleton; SSG, David Adamson; 8S9, George Brough; 800, Hit-hard War-burton; War-burton; SiH, Win, W. Merrill; S94, Adam B. Smith; Wm. Prescott; U00, Georgue Jenson; 0u."t, Neils Nil-son; Nil-son; 009, .John 0. Dew, v; '.'Hi, Albert W. Collins; Oll.LymanS. Keen; 012, John Hendrv; 91-3, David Dav; 010, William Sharp; 018, Nathan Staker; 800, Daniel Suerer; 801, Sam'l Cunningham; Cun-ningham; 8Go, David H. Crosby; oj'J, Surah Ware uw-Sarah Bates;710, James W.Carriiran ;718,Shadrack Em-py;8."0,JesscT. Em-py;8."0,JesscT. C!ai'k:Soi, David Higgs; SoO, Jacob Frehrimaun; OJO, Pleasant Pleas-ant S. Bradford; 0'2:i, Yolnev King; Ol'o, James P. Rohson; 0'H, lienry V. Cox; 0;iU, Peter Huntsman; y;io,Wm. H. Branch; OoG, Alfred Road; 937, Win. Lang; H2, Timothv Parkinson; 914, Olher Bauer; 010, Joseph Page; 0 18, Edward Meredith; 0"j0, James Kennedy; 0-jii, Wm. F. Butler; 9o8, Wm. Puole; 008, Robert Ashton; 97o, Alexander Nieoll; 080, Allen F. Sniithson; 981, Wm. C. Smithson; '.)$2, David Charles; 9S:3, Phillip De La Mare; SSI, Wm. H. Lee; 9tJ7, Wm, Pace; 08S, James Pace; 902, James Harvev; 900, James Clnward; 991, John K'ellett; 990, Wm. l".Cy; 1004, Thomas -;-eii; ioi7, Edmund Webb; 1021, George M. Pace; 1022, George B. Smith: 102S; Henry Baur; 1020, Thos. D. Roberts; 1030, 'Samuel Pilehforth; 1117, John Price; 1100, Frederick John; and No. oOh lor the townsite of "Heber" City, Wahsatch county. Geo. Ia. Maxweu., Register. |