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Show PACIFIC COAST KEWS. CALIFORNIA, Coin is scarce. The Cloverdale waterworks are complete, com-plete, Santa Rosa ia to have five new brick store a. Vallcjo has a street railroad in successful suc-cessful operation. The Ventura wharf extends out 1,200 feet to 18 feet water. NewlowD, Eldorado county, was totally destroyed by ore on baturday night Martinez wants a school house, but tbe peopio are too poor to pay for one. Foxes are creating great devastation devasta-tion in tho poultry yards in the vicinity vicin-ity of Bay View. Mrs. K W. Stevens of Sacramento, is lecturing on spiritualism in Santa Cruz. The Market street Railroad Company Com-pany hare extended their Hayes Valley Val-ley branch to San Fraocisoo. Orders have been received at Mare Island to have the Ueited States steamer stea-mer Benicia dooked. Indians aro straggling back to the Vorde Reservation, Ariaona. Fifty have recently returned. Henry JaniD, tho diamond man, returned to San Franoieoo Saturday night, but from what direction he has not yet reported. Several trunks belonging to Laura D. Fair were sent across the bay on tho " El Capitan" Saturday. How are you Chicago ? San Francisco experienced two or three lively little earthquakes about four o'clock last Saturday morning. Wool growers have brought their sheep down from their summer ranges in the mountains and are now engaged io shearing- Tbe Freeno river has not beea dry this season. This is the first lime for , years that water has flowed in it throughout the summer. Dispatches from Vallejo, Mission San Jose, Gilroy, and other interior towns, mention the earthquake shock on Saturday morning. The Hebrew Socie'y, Chebn Achim Rachmouim, will give a grand ball aad banquet at Mozart Hall, San Francisco, on the 27th inst., in celebration of their tenth anniversary. The whale ship "Minerva," one of rhn rlerr Irwlrprl in tha i .J k doncd last year, reached San Francisco on Saturday. She was saved by Capt. Williams, of the bark "Florence." The "Monitor," bound for Huencme, struck on rocks off Point Vincent, in the fog on the night of the 8th inst. Sho returned to Sao Pedro, where she will be beached and ropaired. She is leaking badly, and the extent of her damage is not known. The bark ' Florence" arrived in San Francisoo from the Arotio ocean, brings intelligence of tbe loss of the whaling phipa Helen Snow, Roscoe and Sea Breeze, and that the whaling fleet abandoned in September is all a total loss except the Bhip "Minerva." All attempts to save BOme of the others failed. Our new possessions in the frozen north, embraced in Alaska, have produced pro-duced a four-legged hen, and the fowl 8 on exhibition at the California Market. Mar-ket. It has an excellent reputation for laying, and despite its unnatural physical phys-ical gifts, is modest and self possessed. The news from Pennsylvania reached the monkey cage, at Woodward's Gardens, Gar-dens, Saturday afternoon, and a terrifio fight ensued, several of tho smaller fry being badly chawed up before the antagonistic an-tagonistic factions were persuaded to shake haBdi across the bloody chasm. BETADA, Patrick Donahoo, charged with complicity com-plicity in the last stage robbery near Austin, will be tried on Friday. The oircumstaotia) evidence ie said to be strong. The bullion 6tolen has not been found. John Ford severely wounded John Mahoney, with a knife, at Kureka, on Saturday. Mahoney is reported in a critical condition. H. K. Mitchell, of Virginia city, i was severely injured recently by beiog thrown from his baggy. A rich strike of ore, swaying up in the hundreds, is reported in tho Troy mine. Schell Creek mines are improving in quality and quantity of yield. Robinson distriot mines show considerable con-siderable gold. White Pine, dnriog the week ending end-ing Saturday, shipped $15,359 19 in bullion. At G-eooa last week a Spainard attempted at-tempted to awtasrioate a rancher named .Lute Olds, but without success.. suc-cess.. George Fane, of Carson, was found dead in his room on Sunday. He had been sick and is supposed to have died from want of proper care. Sally Winnemuoca, princess of the Piutea, lately created a 9DBatioo, at Humbolt, by appearing at the depot in a dazxling costume and upon a foaming foam-ing charger. ORKOOS, aw. Indian troubles prevail in the vicinity vicini-ty of Marshfield, Oregon. A man named Ryan fell from a load of bay at Portland, on the 2th, breaking break-ing bis neck. Lands in Taooma, W. T., have advanced ad-vanced to $50 per acre, and at that price they are ail buyers and no seller. David Shelton, of Skooknm bay, Manon connty, W. T., has a youDg peach orchard which bore siity busheis of peaches this year. A Portland dispatch says: The Spanish bark "Mamia" saiied from Astoria on the 12th, with a cargo of wheat for Europe. The bop-growers of the Payaiiiip valley fioished picking Ust week. The crop is about 24, WO pounds. Five I thousand pounds were shipped to Portland, Port-land, by the last steamer. I A bill bas been imrcduwd in the Oregon senate to appoint Mrs. Mary j P. i5ateiie oommisioDpr of immitrra-I immitrra-I tion, with a salary of $400 for Lhe nrst I six months, aDd 8tu0 moie on proof !ihat fifty persona should move to , Oregon through kef eSoris, In Portland, three months since, a youne man died and was placed in a coffin in the parlor of hia home, and has remained ever since, his mothei steadily refusing to allow the body to be buried, imagining be will return to life, being only in a trance. Recently near Newautmm, W. T., a train two construction and one freight car in making a short turn, were thrown off the track and down the road, which at that point was raised quite high. Several passengers were on at the time, but all escaped injury but one Chinaman. MISCELLANEOUS, SEEDS & PLANTS. |