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Show THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. 1 6 TUK rinSKSU HOt'TK between 0M A I II ami I'HkWi'.n, oMiipU't.Hi lour ycurn at", -iiu-o wlii.-ti tiuio tilt) l'iii'ny havn -i .invl iii'illi-r I'niti nr cxieiis in rorl.vt-im rorl.vt-im it.t p-.ul b.t iiml tr.vk, aii.i o-inipi'in it with r"lhtit M-wa-. f tlio in.t niodorn im-i'ijn-iii.'iti; t hi. t"fthor with tho fact of in b.itu th.' n.ii;ir link, ollom to (hi. Ti.wfliiv l'ublio it Itouto unsuriasB.i in this iMimtrv t'T Kvood, co ui tort, iIty ud uco cvtiiiivti-'tn. rAKrk'lM.AH t'AI'TION should bo tken bv p;l-jiik-(T8 in ioI'Uhk tln'ir rvuti'. and nt Uf .1ivoivid by lalo ailnTtisovuenU ami rprro-.Titati'rn bv inturv'-ti-.l t'.trti ot n'dii'Olirid liti". in rck-.krvl to liiu, Jhiidom. rnti. oil.'. 'l'lus i1'1!' iljr route to-iuires no fnl-ostnti'iricrns, tvlf ing on its tnio merit, it nc-si" itnly to ha ktiewn by tho trttTolim publio W bo iprooiiod. TIME: Sn r'ranvisco tD Ouialia. four dnys and U llm-.n-ti anil N'Tthw-'tcrn Rnilway. Oiimlut to i'Iik'v, twni-thro bouii. iiu.ihit lo Niw i't!,,Jity hour". UiiialjAW Koatoa, luty-U'iit hour. IM't.l.M .W PAI.At K. ItOTKI, AND l,r.i;i'l Mi t'AUS aro run vtx Jl thrvush truii' i'ioiu OmitliiV to L'lik;ii. HOW TO SKn i;k St.l'PlNl) HtUTHS Hkiok1' H'-i'isi rnscnt iKviiroii1 ot ip'ii" Slwi'uig I'uli?, fivtion or Mtt H.vm-in llii'Slo-i niK-C.irlU'iH Umali run vio 'O bv toU'uriM'liinn t'roiii any of tho FtAtioim on the I'ui.'it Hailto.tJ, to A. On 'oni. t. UoiHM.tl .,ront. C. N. W. Hnil-ny. I'm.iha. fining nh.-t ih-'j w.mt-Tin w.mt-Tin i t'loy noo.1 to do until iiiv roach tho'-AN. W. Htilwnv IVr.'t. oo tb" t i.(o oi tiio MiS'-mri river, thon w to tlio Muci'ins Cur VMKi.K'bT- nd t ui; thoir , n;tmo, t'.'r lo!i"-t.ini. a.n.1 they will tlod l!i;l lio t!iir bona." rvprTil tor th em. ln.onors o.vt "ill ooQ'uIt she ir own intro-t ! rcvuurit riiro.-h 1'ckot.' n CIIU'A-lo A ,' ia'HM. I'KKN KAl I.-V. I.-V. V. luo!o:vii Im. iTo -urivl Jt i prinoipal tiAol .-"l-W in t'soiornia .uul tho .vn.l at railn-vl o'V:.-o : tn Vi.:woo. S.tit La City, Osvlen, Uui!i .tad Council lil-ait. J.N.i. f. M AI'l.T. tioniirl toil t, Ciicftco. H. l STANlV'oli. Uonoral luket Agnt. ChicApj, HENRY WAGENER, Nnlt lAk Cltrt Utnht CALIFORNIA BREWERY, I. AtJfcK Bl.r.n, AI.K AND POK TKR, THOLKSALI a IKTAlL, 5p)XDS0UTUSTRKSr,thr9 donut SAN FRANCISCO HOTELS' MORTON HOUSE. WSI STrEtr, A20V: t.r.Nt, Tb bat wrfmm'ji.ticin cuiraute-! Term, tt.tll to tt.iu ptr Omj. W. G. Graham, t r2i 1 rwrietcr. LICK HOUSE, Cornor Montgomery and Suitor Street. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFOBNIA. Tho "Lick ofen nnnrra-fxl tcccremo'la- ti'iii for louruu, beinc centrally ltaied axni having horso cars ior all ijrts qL tho city pacing pac-ing itd do ,r. Its rvuuu and suites are un-jailed un-jailed :jT comfort, wnllo iu Dining ilall ij acta ow lodged to h. the most eleact room of iu mnd in America, or tie CociieEL Iu cuiiine ia seeocJ to no iniuiuiton of iLikind; every luxury of tho jum, prepared by tha abla-t of couki bete daily placed on iu tables, In fact the "Lick" utTors to tho Tourist a home, whero overy atlentivn U suaranteod for tae ooaitrt at iu t'jeiLi thai tho iuu;t careful judgment of oipuricnced men in thuir several callings, e&n aiord. mtio GRAND HOTEL, 0b Market, Hew MoEtomry and Second titreeu, JStJcaT 1TKAJVCXHCJO, CjO-L. JOHNSON k Co., Pkopbhtobj. SAN FRAN CISCO TRADE. MACONDRAY & CO., Importers of CHLA & JAPAN TEAS, SHIPPING ax COWIYIISSION MERCHANTS 201 and 208 6 AN SOME STREET SAJH FKANCLsCO. We aro constantly in roccipt of frosh in-Toieoa in-Toieoa ol CH1.NA and JAPAN TKAS. and alj iesc'ripliooi of iuar XanLa and bltuirs Iho-nuca. Iho-nuca. d8 JOHNSON & BEST, Manufacturers of 0FFICR DESKS. BOOK CASES, WRITING T AULLd, SU0 W CAaES, and all kiada of CABINET WORK. Orders solicited ani sa lis foe lion guaranteed. guaran-teed. Warrreoins 311 PlutSI Mnnufacto-ry Mnnufacto-ry 717 fflarkttal Siuiilrttuci.ci). aj.r!7 J DALTOIN & GRAY, Commission Merchants ! And wholesale dealers in GREfcN AND DilhO Ft Ui ; S QF ALL KINDS, Alan Produce, Nut'. ot, etc., U iJti utvli t iiti, bet wceu WaalilUKtoii and Jncltsoii, Einstein Bro's Co., ' AI anufacturers and ImiKirtors of BOOTS & SHOES, Anrl dealer! In LKATHEB, KINDING3, Etc, 40 and Jl BATTKIIY NTIIKKT, dli AN FKAN CISCO. C0-0PE RATI VB MARBLE WORKS. JOHN DANIEL & CO., (Sucoesaors to 0. fiori.) Manufacturers of and Dealers in Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, MANTEL PIECES. TABLE TOPS, COlNTEK Tups, PLUMBERS' SLABS, IMPUSTNii SIONErf, Etc., i at loiTOdlpricoa, Particulnr attontlnn paid' to naokinir irnods for shivmonL Urdors rospoctlully solioitod. 431 Pin- St-, hftwern Mot(iroraer-and Mot(iroraer-and iiearuey, .Mvu Francisco. apt 18 PAPER& STATIONERY WAREHOUSE. JOHN G. HODGE & CO.. Imrortors, Manufacturers, and - Wholesale Stationsrsr Koop a full Una of STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. PRLNTKKS' STOCK, BonK BIN DK Its' MATERIAL, WKAPIMNO, liOOK. and .NEWS PAPERS, A.C., Ac Aircnt for tho Curow Company's superior Lcttar and Flat Pitimrs. The Trade aupidied at loss than Chicago priced. 347, 3 '49, and UJl Nwcratneuto Bt., Saa 1'ranclnflOt airl8 ESTABLISUED imol Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 218 and 215 -Von Street, San Francisco- o26 A. J. till I FF i TTi; Del.r In 3 M UD,ta SALMON AND HERRINGS, 11 WaablMtoai Street. All klnJi of Dried, Smoked and Pickled Ttrt oooataoUjoo hand. H MURPHY,GRANT&CO, lmportora or Americau and Europe Staple mill Fancy DIIY GOODS, CALirtlUllA, Call the at tention of t a Trn.te to theli lars and ootnt'letaiiook of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODSl Wbioh thT are m ri?eiTlnr direct rro nrei'a Manufacturert. ci'mpridiii ia pail Ttt BSe rlwo. Wool itte, Wool Plalrta, lrenh nnj ijf rtnua, Irtalk aad I'rtacH poplloi, Kmpraaa Cloth, Vamtie, Mack and cctcred, VelTeleewa, Alpaaai, Mack and eolred SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS a o v e s, KM. n-k. Berlin iLviiea'. Mimoi', ifinul Gonts' Underwear A3 -1 ail klndt of Gents' furnishing Goods. Hniltrf.corr.i la nil IU trcbe W hite Doi'.li, hlrtlnc 1. Inert, tiullt, wlilte n 1 ft'lcred D-maiks, brvwn a m acl H.-a.-fcad Towel. Hock, Piaw-r. TVrk ab, at.aiava suad LXjyltaa, Hi., Bt t SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. E. A. FARCO & CO., Importers and Jobbers of Braniies. Wines ani Lienors, IO Promt Ht, oor. Coarairclai, O. B. ti. iS BAN FRANCISCO A. W. WHITE & CO., Couiniission Merchants, And dealers in all kinds of GREEN AND DRIED FRITTS, BVTTER, CUEKSE, E'i'iS. HAMS, Ac Fhiprinf orders solicited. E. IliTL-ci, "1 SOS Waihlncton St , J. U. M:i.is, - on Friaclcil. A. W. White.) airl7 TP. HOLDEN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 23 SAN30ME 8THEET, SAN FRANCISCO. J. BAUM a CO., Importars and Mannlactarera of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 218 4 220 luiomi It., Ian Francisco. Ho 18 Wait en Su Now York. 19 It. A. Sanderson. T. L. Horn. SANDERSON & HORN, Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO, (Proprietorsof La Espanola Cigar Factory,) Solo Manufacturers of the Celebrated 'CHA8. DICKENS' CIGAR 113 FRONT STREET, Between Washington and Clay. San 3J x- Ano 1 m o o . ap'ii B. A. masB ILL EOIIIT HA1QHT. 9tAR811AL.li A HAItiHT, C03I1IISSI0S ilEBCIUMS, AndWholetalo Dealers in EUG9, BUTTER, CI1RKSE, Ete., 3J8 and 210 Clay Street, apCO SAN FRANCISCO. NOTARIES PUBLIC. NOTARY PUBLIC. HENRY M. TRUE, having beon legally appointed Notary Publics by his Ki-rolloncy Ki-rolloncy Uorernor lioo. L. Woods, ii now pro-larod pro-larod to attend to all business connected wttb ;bo Oil loo- Miniait companios incorporRtPd indor tho laws of Utah. Searching of Records, unv-eyaocinK and general Koiarial btuinoas iltendod to with accuracy and didpatch. Uilico hours from tt a m. until 8 p.m- Office , f True, Son X Martin, at No. VJ Kimball Uloct. aprJD CHAH. W. 8TAYNKR, i NOTARY PUBLIC, 1 Daly qualified and commissioned by the Sovnrnor. Office 1st door south of Savage's Photograph 3allery. Salt Lake CiU. mJ GOOD NEWS AN EASY WAY TO GET A PRINCE PATENT ORGAN'. We will Rent our Organs by tho Month and when tho prioo is paid in Rent, tho Organ will become the property of the Renter. This ia not only the easiest way to obtain an Organ, but yon will have the Best Instrument made which J. II. RIDGES, Orgao Builder, tj. J. THOMAS, Conduotor of Thca- "tre Orchestra, And many others will testify. Mr. J. J. DAYNE3 will give throo month's lessons FREE to any person renting our Organs, as well as thoso who pay the full price down. No distinction. dis-tinction. Send lor illustrated oiroular and prioo list. sjoT Show Rooms up stairs. J. DAYNES & SON. Cub Only Exclusive Music Store ; lo tho City. 13 2 doors oast of Oodbo's drui iter. NOTICE. THE CHEAPEST FLACK TO Bl'Y C R A I N, PROVISIONS. Al-n UKASS, VEIiETAIILK ami BIRD SEEDS. AND A FULL LINK OF GROCERIES. CALL AND EXAMINE AT Geo.H. Knowlden's Orpfl.it. W.lls. Freo k Co.. WKST SIDE MAIN STRKKT, IU HOTELS, ETC. TAYLOE'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. my 11 Pulaski Hotel, Known A.- the Chicago Restauruut, Opr-0'it tb D. P. and C. P. K. R. Depot, OGDEN, Utah. IASSrrN"J itnDp to remain over a few days can obtain pw.iiant ruutiia and liret clajj accvLuuio-iuU'ja. Terms Si. 00 and 92.50 per day. A SAMPLE HOOM attached to theHous. Lunches put up'for pasiecirers. J. B. CZACUERT. arlfl l'roirietor. AMERICAN HOTEL, First Class Quiet House, s ONE BLOCK EAST OF THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY. Terms, 93.00 per Day. Weekly and Tattle Bonrtl at Seasonable Season-able Kale. J. a LITTLE, no 24 Proprietor. WALKER HOUSE, KAST TKilPLB STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UT A H . 'pHIS HOUSE IS THE LARGEST AND X best appointed House in Utah Territory. and has accomuiud&lion for threo hundred and filly (cuoatA. Struut cars and carriagws connected connect-ed with the W hi to Sulphur Laths. Reading Rooms, eontainioB papsrs from all points. Hatha, Bar, Telctrarn, News and Cigar Stand atlachod U) the House. 1L S. GREELEY, k CO.. novUl ' J'roprieutrs. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. TUB L K A I) 1 b UOTEL 0 9 UTAH. JAM RB TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. This Hons ie oentrallj and pleasantly lo-ted, lo-ted, well fnrnilied. scd has aooomnoda-dons aooomnoda-dons for l0 meet. THB PROPRIBTOft is now prtparini to Build Larn additions to his Hotel, woiau irhafi finished, will rennr it th. Mott Complete EttabUthmetU In the ttOCKF MOrNTAIN REGION mil 0. S. RRB. C- S. HBLUS UNION DEl'O L' HOTEL AKD RAILROAD DINING HALL Situated on Railroad Plntform, 'Junction U.P. and C. P. Railroads, Ogden, rtah. maril ERB &NELLIS, Propriolors Washington House NEW ADDITION, ANOTHER 100 NEW SPRING liEDS, NEW TAKLP. 'JCljircl South Street, HALT LARK CITY Board and Lodging, per Weak ti uo to 7 oo Board and LodElnir, ptr day, 1 00 to 1 35 Daw Board, per week, 0 00 Beds, per week, - 1 50 to a 90 da, for Might - MS to SO fiiaii - as Thirty copied Eastern, Western and Local Daily Papers. GREAT WESTERN IIOTEL Second South Street, Salt Lake CKy, With aespacity for rupjU. First-class accommodation for familios and travelers. Booms per day from 50c to It. 00. Room f per week froiiiSJ.OU tollO.OO. Board per wk tl.UO, Meals, SU. FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Barbor shop and Inmiry connoted with tho Hotel Ice for .ale. For particulars apply to tho Office. SMITH M. BIOA71E, myl7 Proprietor. WHO WANTS Fire Brick? Messrs. MORRIS & EVANS Be to inform t heir nnmoMAi patrons that they aro prepared o till all orders for their Celebrated Fire Brick At I heir i&rd in roar of Theatre. Offioe near Saraire's photograph p.llery. P. O. Box 1W5. MOHRIS & KVAJis Arealo prerarwt to estimate for tho EKKCTION OF SMKLTERS ROASTER?. CALCINERS. Ac, and find all matorial?. on the ihiTtc-st ncttce- I Fire Cement Foe Tainrint always on haaJ. arris NEW GROCERY STORE. ROSS COMPANY IT wrNI rtin-baed the "vV and W.re 1 rfoniiy ,v.-ai Vy :iM5rn, on F-rx S- uth traet.): "ft of KimMi. I C'H cr. buj laid in a fi ieodid frwh "-:k of Daiuc and r aoc j GROCERIES Whi-h thPT o5r to famille as AS CHEAP AS THE CITBAPEOT. fl.--.vij dfiTcre-i i"r of claret U all r-t of the ciLT- , "Win LIN&HiN I SON, RYS WHISKEYS, Ware boa ie Ra. 90 L,ilt Street, ALTLMOB.lt. I mrfl j BANKERS. ' SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK j BrUi Lake Oity, Utah Ter. Authorized Capital - $500,000 BnJ. X. DuRiil, Pniidiat. Joseph M. Burkrtt, Cavahtr. , EM?sra.a k SiRtrj.TUCt. Attorn ars. CORRESPONDENTS! i Brit vac c- J N&iioaal Park Bark, 'NEW TORF-iDcirt.,i- llv,D i Co, ' PONTON. ..SaiioLAi Eani of Xonh Am inOLlICAi';n...Tb:--d Nati.inal Bark. St. L"l."I...T;.i.-J Xaucnal nwt O.M AI1A..A 'a-a XaiK.nai Bsait. SAN i'RAiCiaCO-.A'atioaaJ Gold Bank ! and rn;; Co. LuM;uNJay Cook, McColloch k Co. A. W. WHITE & CO B -A- XT IE IR S KAiil TikM PLK STBJtKT, Halt Lak IClty. Dealers ia GOLD DUST,C0IN ANDBULLION. Exchange on all the Principal (M4 of the UniUd Statet and Europe; Particular attention men to Collectioni and proceeds- remitted at Current rat of Kxchansei on day of payment. GEO. . WHITNEY, Attorney COKJUCslPOMDsCMTBt Bank of California San frudsoo I lfti k Waller - Nsw York ; Oouk CoQiily National Back - Ohieafo iHaitellilBuk Bt.Lonl State Bank of Nebraska - - Omaha ay It WELLS, FARGO &. CO.. SXPKESS FORWARDERS, Bankers and Dealers in Exchange Drafts on Karon. European CollooUoni rromi'tly attended to. sB ut Timplt btraat, Salt Lak Olty. mli Thio. F. TaaCT. Agon". First National Bank of Utah SALT LA KB CUT. 00 Mpociai Attrrrtitement cm IWrt Feme. cai DESERET National Bank SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Paid up Capital, - $200,000. Authorised Capital, $1,000,000, Wh- II. HOOPER., President, 1 U. S. EL DREDGE. Vice Proe't, BR1UHAM YOU NO, TV. J E-N N LN 06, rDlrwtori. JUUX SHARP. 1 J. T. LITTLE, I L. S. lilldS, Caahior, I -DIAL is oold m st, icxch amu, LAM) HAKKAMS, CCi--XJUi: St KIP, etc. Oolloctions made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE INTEREST PAID ON Savings TJoposita. n-3 LEGAL. . 1L CAB.TKB. O. C WILflOH CARTER & WILSON, ' ATTORXEYS-A T-LAW, 0C6 oo over 1st NaL Bank, octS KAST TEMPLE STREET. C. E. WHITNEY, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW. Office over D. Uronig'i Store. MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITT. BATES & ORMSBEE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, Afonts for Purchase and Sale of Mines Lands, Sso-C Bates, ") Y Salt Lake City, Cs&bxks W. OanflBKi. J Ulan.. Warner Barll. F. M. SaiUu KAKLI K SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, JI.T LAI I CITT, Firit SoaihSiroat. Raom 11 and 12, No h. Kimball Block. J. B. Roaboroogh, S. A. Herri tt Rosborough & Merritt, ATTOK.NBYS- AT L A W , Salt Lak CUf, Ut&h. Office. 1st South Street, first building east Dofioret Bank corner. ool JOSKTII UOKIJSSKI, CIVIL E N G I N E E Ri U. 3. M INI-'RAL AND DrTPlTT 8UR-VKiuRi'OR 8UR-VKiuRi'OR UTAH, Office: Firft South Stroot, naarly onrosiU St. Uark'a Church. HA I' DON k (JLLCrlRIST, TTORNEYS-AT-LAW SALT LAKaC CITY. Offieo over 1st National Bank of Utah. al3 C. H Hemi-r.ca l. M. Klrkpatrick, HEMPSTEAD & K1RKPATRICK, Attorn tyi-at-Law, Main3trot. opi'osita V oils, Fao k Oo. HALT LAKE CITT. alO a. H. TI;CK, T. K. TR'-', H KURT a-ABTIK. TRUE, SON & MARTIN, Real Estate, Mining and Loan Brokers, 99 lilmball's Hlrck, SALT LAKE CITY, I TAH TERRITORY. Heal K--:;:e t.i-iit ard c-H: H---ti asd StT !--!-,!. i. ri-'r,t' f. licet snd all liasirina C n:.t :-i uh rul MUle ami wioes prutoPUf "aul TRI'B. SON k MARTrN. ,'Tnil I'lllli-BIIKK tO." ! W. II. ClUSHnLM. I f w BKNVrm. Pn-Mucr.t. I Irea. A aee'r- I U'n. T- MATlltWS. Sui enctendenu I t pilot Mfk, S.tO.UOO. ' Ws manufa-t Jre : alt Lake Ciu and Lohi. Ma e Y Firc-Cc test. Front lhanJ- reed Bui) Jing Lriek. Stre brick. CrnciMas. Re;,.ra. Ao.. Ac", P.wrruerial no nna?d in anj lrt ft i ;h ) i r. a- Vf Ltui, ifitLaai and otner . C . T. y. a:h" :b intecdeat ha had I -i-" -" m - - f;ir. tr J-tc- j n -:r : : 0. iJ, MaiB i S : j, '7- e '' 1 'fo-T.ae rc-r. i r.i- FL.-o-iricki m&de to pa& i Tiers i c -r yr. j:.'Ti;r. s is f-r S. B, Munson, Jun., & Co.'s rv--; C.:- -.r'-. Iron (.-';. 1 v..---.;" 1 . e-, e.,- JIjl....- si L. r. -V: ia. ' - v.:,t.' caa V at tae "f tke ' ; -.J, Cy-.r-oy ;a a.ia. ' " " c. w. Btxxn. MISCELLANEOUS. H WALLACE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CONFECTION E R, Ft rat So a Lb Street, Hlt l,keCUr. FRESILI PIES, CAKES, CRACKERS. And CKEAMKAKES. KYERY PAY. W E DID INC CAKES Made to Order. TUB UKAYIEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF PURE C -A- 1ST D"l E S IN THK TERRITORY, Conntrr dealers should call and examine. ORANGES AND LEMONS. Sreoial Attention Paid to Orders. SAVEYfONEY Br Pnrchaln tht WIISDI IEW UIDEE7EEQ SEWI5G MACHINE, It will du ill kinds of work, runs easier, is more durab'o sod costs from EIGHTEEN TO THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS LESi th&D any other FIRST-CLASS MACHINE. Calder & Careless, General Agents, 31 EAST TEMPLE ST. Where you will alao fiod the LARQEST,BEST AND.OHE &.PEST Stook of Musical Instratnenta in the Territory. a4 WATCHES ft JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON. BEOS to Inform the rosidents of Salt Lake City and Tioinitj, that he not only -uarantors to properly Roimir, Clean and Adjust Watches and Cbronouielcrs, but ho will make them or any part of thoai to order, and warrant tho work. Jtut rocoivid a new nipply of Eicln.SwlPs Watches, and a fine bfck of nrtt-claff Tewelry. Prices u as any in town. Two doors bast of tho Oomorot Bank. li C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All tUO of HEAVY HARDWARE Iron nnd fitel. Stoves and Tin Ware UrKIRITH TOO i. a, kcrtaaltwral laaplamsat Aad li--t T-.la, At l.owaat Rata. OPPOSITK TH R SALT LAKB UOUS MEDICAL The HiLmaii Eye. UC. WILbnS, M. D..OrnIi-t and Anri'l. Office near Uodbe'i cimer over lon-ford'e lon-ford'e Shoe Sure. Bi-r7 . lias. 1 1. fiisTti. 1 1 Orad'ia'e M.- P-nn. Mtdi-al Tr,i- Ter-i'A "f Phiiad-h-hia Pa.. 'i'ir to ini'.rrn V: fnee it bd ! th - nt-'ir K at ano ij i r-H'fpd i. Ti.iv. :uc and n,T-!.-d of l-r pi-i. also chtMren. .Fr-m over TWENTY VE'.P'i E-sFVL. r-RA-.TICK. Shu is ijualifiarl 'j it-! rir .nic ca" it 1-DS lU0l,i,(. 1 Oi),nterie cw '.a-ftlj stteMi"-!. Iiri"r:a- t-::r.-r'. ' tt;ris!e ulcer?, I'ttT. oi'tiialmia. rbumatitn. etc. tAiz. fiir wpite new TaharnarlK. Kontb Temple Ntret, lalt Ikt Cltj-. ai rl6 XEW MEDIfJL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage." rartht Dakllltaiad Iiri -ttist. IiH. J11tA. ' t Attl ml-ml riM-nra. 1 r ?. s j - l- i -- i '.- Vt lb'- -r.r.-.: 4 - ' - 1 at tha M-.-a.. --T M a", it.:. i nu !. -.A rwl :. '. t ic- U. ff4 r.' hitwi' Ml "ft.Tij,K BTa:-iti tl r.--j of iw ALt'ti.;-a M -. -a fiaa f-:.- ai-'.'.-j ; f t. tit tr. 1- f' ;J f-t- tf iaok vi.. krwardad u. aaj part ut Ua bi; "ih. jtriat eaa im asoaralted ky l:ir. d7 MISCELLANEOUS. j IVTOnKG :C0AL AND MINING COY. , Mites at E-rsiftos ad K.-ct Spr-r.trs. ;The Best Coal for Smelters, Smiths and Household Purposes, WtSI OF 1UK MISSOURI. II K 1 V t ll 1) RATE S. 0ce and Yard, ' TNT . r tlie O as w orlta A. L-MuiK, Gerersl Aeer.t. Civ at B. Lrons", two doors south of Po Ot.-e. 1 1 1 3 Jl i f Is n lii : H 12 H mi !tif o a - I o r;'h . LU L !es 2 0 Jigia 5 H Ml s r 4?11 1 1 I g ; E S S B- .is, 1 1 -e IRON, STEEL, HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE. SCOTT, Dll.Umi Si CO., DKALKR3 IN WRICHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, AND ALLKLNDS OF MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PirE ALL KIM.N 1P FrrriNuN HABDW A. R.E , BUKDEN'S A MULK SHOES, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS. RUBHKK PACKING. AUKNT8 POK ' Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes. G. S. Lubricating Oil, Hercules Powder, AIX LOW FOR OABH. tiave a Mppntnterl 11int, ami are preiiarod to do all klixta or Sheet Iron & Tin Work, Promptly and at rearonnbla rates, ttl EAST T KM PLK : or MAIN SiKl.FT. dno I E ST E Y THE FAVORITE it AX Tlie f'iPn win tj ifl tlio opioiiD o) l'R'PK. C .1. 'I lioniu, who ban thirly-"Q'v thirly-"Q'v er pirn ties a Mucoid, a dir ft Urcticwtraj.aod Choirs to KurtJj'c and America ; Salt Ikk firr, V. T., A Til 0, 1 "vT-'i. Mit. L'. W. FTATsni. Ilavin.- an nttx-ricne: of ihirty-I ihirty-I nn- yars a- a M im ian, a sr.-saf liare I ( winch titi)" i have brn l'-ader nf O'.t'estra1. anri ' t in Kxirr-jn- and Ani' ru-a. a I wk Mjlicif'i by y'u ti i pip my iij'iriiii tit on tlie " lOrk'D," I'T winch you are ape tit, and IhBviDS- tried anri-exatuiocd tli' tu tlmr-lool'iy, tlmr-lool'iy, I ooiitidrntiy r -cuiirrj end thrm I to ile oi'ia'-n (tt ttiifl Tr-rnuiry.frir tli' ir i Si f'KRi"TiMc the Vox .It r.n.AHTi tb a fiti" i rn ration of tin Fitrf; Or pan iti'-ir ii'" ."MfwrTH A"7lrN anJ I i F.l.ir ATE Ti!'H, hxr,rJA.V.S-K f 1 Vt riRK VAN - HIP It) t hir iNTIl'''TT'i N land .nr (jTtkal '. ii.ia nii.irv.rnak-1 nii.irv.rnak-1 inc them Ai.I. that fan J;K 'l"-ired in 1 Oreao? fi;hfr (or C'ri ')r--h or i'at.yr. I c. -I. TMOMAH, , ('r-nduor of Thcatri'-a. Orrh-,r. ! "mil i tl.a 0-ee:-7"l w''' ' '' ! C1IAS. W. STAVXFK, j i -E KR L A ii.M t RUIAil. No.bXa.ii N fv-avaes i uaiiwy, 1 ai lait lAk ttty jJYIISCELLANEOUS." U. T- StLFV. A. CulSTEA Pacific Assay Offioo. Unior White A Co.' Main Street, Salt - M i ihwAss Ar;aj.'--'es made r. a. u.. r-n k? 1JOTICE. ,L, COPfff&lEETIKON "W -A. K, E ; GaMUling and Plumbing, Lie, eto. -V.f" -Vr--1 " ii- t-d toaie e( eri Kt l'rI l'" " ,;" w M'-i;L'. ' i,1'''i.;tl':' i-irta. Work" and t,.(.in,c to w,';if a libers! -hare .-f publio Jt'o a" "":k'-v . " l, : " U1 l'8 dvc on niiaat..e tsr.:.. ' MITCHELL & JAMES, North SiJo of First S..u:h Sir.vi. Mrtio ball Lake illy. a.pi; 25. O. IVT, I. GRAND OPENING OF Paris, London anil New York FASHION , IN Ladies Hats and Bonnets Una otbsk; Recherche .Goods, AT MRS. CQLiBIOQn TEMPLE FASHION, OPPOSITE BISHOP 11U.NTFR-3. xitrM LUMBER YARD. All Kinds of Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS BLINDS, MOULDINGS. SHINGLES, LATHS, JON ES & FORM AN. HtNDfliE BHOTHERSi Salt lake City, ContrBct for tbo orwtiun of STAaIIP MILLS, AND ISMKLTINU Fl'KNACliiS CUM PLKTK In any. of .the minim district of Utah. Asents for tlio folluwiriK ManuUcmr ers: Hoot's ltotary Hlast lilowor, Blake tV Ktu'wkH' Sicaui TutiipB, ftcw lork Wiro liujio M'fj Co, TudocI Kail Iron, Kiro Unclt, and Miluin Bupput-n generally at uiftliu-tacury uiftliu-tacury priocn, l'rci;hi added. Sule Affuntd.rur the COUNCIL li LUFFS IKON OKlvtJ, maiiulucturensof all kmdH ol iVaolnucii' aud CaHtiugb to order. ATLAS IKON W'OKKS, ruaoufao-tururri ruaoufao-tururri ul Hut Air Uiaai hurnaoo-aud hurnaoo-aud Ho1Iil iMill Mauhiucrj. UT1CA 8TKAM KNUl.Nli CO., ool-curautd ool-curautd I'onal.lo Knin-and HdiI-ere HdiI-ere audtjaw Miiif. 7,thniow in uw. block, uu baud lur luituodialo dull du-ll vury. T, K, J'ULLld JiKO , tit Louis, I liuaiiUiaotUKTh ol lryu 1-munt, Caixt, A;c., lor biuJtiitiKN, and Oruaujiuta 3fi'rJ0 V ork ut all kiuda. Suk'Manufactiiruri and l'r"i riet .rs ol l tie Ilultlioir Hall Pulverizer i' T cni-liln Mirer ..roc drv. Will -ruf.h """"'Vr ,,::;;1-""'1' HUAaNCII ,.Oi rji'KS : Unit Iran.l.ro, l, (,rn t, ( i'il a.lu, v,Uu,u Ii JJI i, U., Iowa. aiTlS AMERICAN FiAAMIAL lOKrOUlTIO." C.iibf Oin- t: nw franklin Aienue, NT. I.OI jn, nut. CAPITAL. 8500.000. LIMIT, I ! , U I l Kim j III M!V r wji.lir. '.. i'Iht.i , I. -i li'-L I H " - . , . i -, n.tii. il.. M I i l;k 1 At. ,-. W a. i . i i. -1., r-. i-ihij. and 7 rauter. The VA I I: IN VIM Ml NT 'P II'M in l'...i.d tn 1mi m l.-i-ia Hr-ritT (or I l ittiif.-l iIm and Mb-if ClU'x. if a M-T'al I btanrl, 0UJ I,,,. rrl.r- f..r IK t'i"'ha--. if lift ( Iim ln-wu ln-wu l.-mn -nd .f-u. hH. o'i .n. ram'ul Sfrt'.n r-n tn Hi- 1 '.irnry I'.nnl- an-1 I'Mi.trt.. ,A lMret al l-.ta-txJ uD Lank A .ur1. V-nir bu'ii.e ia tint cuv i r'r"c 7 ha lltrn-i 'ifihit fn.'iraii'Hi ( iiiaraafll by llii (.ii""iii ua'Q'-'J iiiiiirTiini i j'-tr J -i "'---i'; -.t.i." ..i o . !- t-v if,, J '-f .v i. i i . ". ' '': t. n V:,r,, at.j We ! X . ,i, t .' .-., f -fl. H T. IU' I'l I V. ! I 1, .-it f j.-i,l ; ' M n- im- lni i.. L. TI- I'HMi -. Iiir'.,r IV "-'--l. .. it 'iV '. l.M'r. r Wit" r '.rr.'.tinn j...a. a:. , '' -.' a . .- il.a- W P. V ''.-. - i.. r- . rj v:P-, i-., ,,, pa rr- ' - I . T 1 V. , .' r ' . I, .ui 1ta LaiiK. ar,-l niuru - , Lan. |