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Show DECOUlTIU.V XAT. It comes tc-mcrrow, a, id to Lc celebrated in proper style. The fallowing, fal-lowing, received jesterday, will be rra-i with much satisfaction by .the general public, as there had been conquerable disappoiniment leir, as weli as diguit expreaeed, that a Fecesion ex-juiiix of the peace who W decided the lo-.h amendment uccousiitutional, and a few moving with him, choaM be permitted to mar the preparations made for the due observance of the day : To tlie Public. Silt Lake, May 2-5, 1-73. It is determined to observe "Decoration "Deco-ration Day " in a creditable manner, and the underpinned bereb7 invite the people of this city to join them tor ibis purpose. Wc have iccured music, flowers, carnages, A;3l, -fur the occasion; and wc wouid sladly meet aii, who feel disposed, dis-posed, at Camp Douglas on Friday morniog at 11 o'clock, from which point the entire gai fieri ne wtii prooetd to! the ceraetory, io which lie tho remains re-mains of our fallen heroes and where the proper ceremonies will take place. No special invitations w.l! be irjed, but everybody is rno-t cordially invited. invi-ted. Y. Kdward Connor, J. K Tagtrait, 'J hos. H." Bates, James 1J. iJage. V'e find, upon inquiry, that an error has been failca into by moat people relative to the part which the G. A. li, ashumefi towards the national cemeteries, ceme-teries, on Decoration Day, and an error, er-ror, too, that was telegraphed in the press dipatches some timo ago. It has been eupposed that the organization organiza-tion known as the Grand Army of the Ilepublic, or its affiliated members, had sole control of the national cemeteries ceme-teries on Decoration Day, and hence the action taken last Saturday night seemed all the more narrow-minded and contemptible. The following, telegraphed tel-egraphed from Washington, sets the matter at rest, and may bo accepted by Major Maxwell as quietly disposing dispos-ing of any assumptions which may have been made, offensive to good taste and public sentiment: Tho quartermaster general, who has charge of all tho national cemeteries, stated that they have not been placed under the solo charge of tho Grand Army on Decoration Day, but all organized or-ganized procersions or parties desiring to take part in tho ceremonies will be admitted. Tho quartermaster general further says that the national cemeteries ceme-teries aro national property, always open by day for the free entrance of all well-behaved persons, citizeus or Grangers, who desire to visit them. This is righf. The people own the cemeteries, and the government is only the authoriz:d servant of tho people to care for and direct regula'ions relative rela-tive to them, tho tame as any other properly of the nation. Decoration Day is to bo observed here; and we expect ex-pect that the celebration will be wide'y participated io. Preparations had been made for one of the largest celebrations ever witnessed in this city, and it is not too lato yet to see a gathering that will do fittiag honor to tho day and the occasion. |