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Show ( j-W.U.Tclograpli.) ! HOTOKIOtJS BUKULAR CA1-'l'UUICD. CA1-'l'UUICD. New Xork, 2S. Jim Brady, a notorious no-torious burglar, waB arrested yesterday. tin iunmo.l nnh nf thrt BP.-nnH n'nru Ho jumped out of tho second story window, No. 40, Sixth avenuo, whero he had been attempting to negotiate wbat are supposed to bo stolen bond p. Fivo shots wore fired after him, and John Rcnson, a resident of Sixth avenuo, av-enuo, was hit in tho leg. Brady ran iuto tho basement of No. 300 Roy street and there was captured. Tho geutlemau who occupies the premises picked up $2,U0O in U. S. bonds, which Brady threw away while passing pass-ing through the basement, and handed them to the officers. Tho police are o' the opinion that most of the bonds were stolen from tho body of captain Calvecaiesse who was found dead in a field near Bridgeport, Conn., a year ago, having died from a pistol shot wound in the head. Tho manner of tho death of captain Calvccarcsse was ; in doubt, it not bciog dear whether he was murdered or committed suicide. A few days beforo his death, the friends of the captain knew he had in his possession pos-session bonds worth $00,000. These were not iound on his booy and have uot since been discovered. Mr. Gale, of 5S1 Broadway, called at the polico hcadquaitcrs this afternoon, after-noon, uud stated that ho is a brother of Daniel Gale, whoso bonds were stolen from tho First National bank of Glens Fails, threo years ago, and ho thinks thoso found on Brady were a portion of the stolen ones; also that Elmore Piatt, A. W. Black and Harriet Har-riet P. Baldwin, whoso bonds were stolen, resided at Glens Falls. At the time of the robbery of this bank $100,-000 $100,-000 in bonds were taken and this is tho first ciuo to thorn. Tho cashier of tho bank has been telegraphed for to identify tho bond. |