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Show PIOCIIE NEWS. The 91 it tidy Indian PnytiifiT Jn. rook s AllUs Necrf of Hit Absent Ab-sent Ageiit..-SnUuca. (Special to tho Herald.) PlOCHE, 2$. Agent Lcmaa has just returned from the Muddy valley and says that when he left there, nine days ago, colonel Jennings, was paying tho Indian In-dian allies of gcaoral Crook's command,' the total amount being about S3,O0O. He briugs very unfavorable reports of the other Inr'iians on the Muddy, and says that they are poorly clad and sulky, on account of the long and continued con-tinued absence of Mr. Ingalls, the agent,. Colonel Jennings was distributing distrib-uting salt pork, that being tho only artictt! of food on hand, to them; he abo says that a supply train from Hook Icy Sprinirs had been expected. .A dclej) ation that went out to meet it returned with the information that everything had been stolen, except some shovels. EpJ .raim Chandler was yesterday wDtnr ced to seventj-tbur days impris-ouuie impris-ouuie ut, lor personating an officer a lew da yd since, and threatening to arrest a mia unless he gave up five dollar?. |