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Show A (.'.. r Load f t'alii'tjrnia wine and slt just received ch-Mp at Canjziii. in 'J K"VKD. Nfwinn A: Co.'s "Wood Ynl, Lu center of Jirfl block fouth-at ofil"p't. r;uar .Sill Lake Cracker i'.ic-tiiry. i'.ic-tiiry. C'nll are! mn a flock of nice ankeiiasp, verychap. mLL Ml.'fJ). C'AMpilELL A; 1'l.TTE EfiOS hsvo b'-eu Undo lh b'Ai agents for Salt iakti for the tale ot II. 11. 'Hull's Wnt-it;jf Wnt-it;jf arid Copy i ii Fimd, of woich liart-k-:t X Co., of ji&cy, IiU., aro age Ma lor itio entire W'-itern country. Mr. L, ti. Dermis is the representative of the luincy lirm, ar.d has boen iniroducing mis vaiuabie ink in this city. m'-n To Kent Two F a rn i li ed liooms, on JIain ftrccl. iny-'j-tf U. K. Baeratt. Wasted. A good mattress maker, also a man to handle, crockery. Apply to C. K- JJakratt, mil 40 Mam Street, The Celehratkd Dan. Hammock Kentucky whisky for falo at Morton' i oJil City Liquor Store, corner eouth Walkvr liros. m'JrZ-ii Taklk Cutlery and lilvorware, at bVralt's. 1D-jj Bar fixtures and hotel waro, at Barralt's. uiJG (Jeo. Buowsll, bcavougor for tho fily. o2 Mai.lory's Select Uyslors in ovory HyK yr by tho can, at the Oelmonico. alG Kor Til K Staff of Likb, also cakos I bun, cnn'kera, and pure homo made ! carnlv, wlmlosaln and retail, go to tho ULUUK li A Iv K H V ' (J mi u arpki.li's California K aoi.k Chocolate is a imst nutritious beyer-ao. A. -k your groeir tor Ohirardolli' C11UCOLATK and COCOA. d6 .li'T Kitt'KivKP, a uplendid lot of lu-d-rvoin, parlor and Mr-room mirrors mir-rors at ,locUon, tlroeibeok block. Call jind .-co thotn. maylT-tf China, crockery and glassware, at Gas Notice. Parties wishing Ga supplied in lliuir buildings, aro horeby noliliod" that tho undersigned are prepared, pre-pared, with a full stock of Piping, Clnindeliors, etc., and are enabled to do work at tho lowoit ratns. All work warranted and full satisfaction guaranteed. guaran-teed. K- Reese & Co. ap3 KxcblsiorUoal, from Kock Springs Bittor Crook. Liltlo waste; strong heat, vory flniull traco of sulphur, ijoave orders with J. W. S'liiiL, Idaho Store. j17 Tub Victor Sowing Machine pleas os cvorybody who sees it, being elegant, easy of operation, and has all tho latest improvements C. W. Stayner, m28 Agont. Tm New assortment of Parlor and Bedroom Kurnituro.at II. Dinwoodoy's, Is very cheap, and those wishing to purchase will lind it to thoir interests to give him a call. m8 Conkkctiokkkm rail for (JIUKAR DKLLl'SCUCUA f AST1S. 4 Okt your good Uorsei fhnd hy Win. Dowiing, at Saylos & Jj'ralick's shoo. mni JVlATTKAiw and l'illows, all kinds, at Harrall's. - I will bell, for one month, Tents and Wagon Covers choapor lhan they can be bought anywhere in tbis city. T. Curtis, 2d Soutb-sL, opposite Commercial. Com-mercial. Hl8 Examine C. It. Barratl's stock before purchasing . m28 AValnut Lumukr at II. Dinwoodoy's. Din-woodoy's. ma'1 Vi rmturk; an lmmoiiFO slock, at Harralt's. "'" For a nice breakfast or an elegant Kronen Minner g 1 to the LMmomeo. alt. Baby Carriages, for sale by H. Dinwoodey. mar'29 CKatlon to tlie Traveling Fabllc; Upon your arrival at Ogden City Utah Territory, the junction of tho Union Un-ion Pacific and Central Pacific railroads, you should know wbere a tirsl-class hotol Can bo found, and where the bustle and noise of the engines may be avoid-od; avoid-od; also a coniloriable house where the danger of tire, whkh is apt at any time to occur at the depols, is averted. Ihe lowoofOgdon is half a mile from the depots, and in the business part of tho town and its principal street, travelers will find one of the most comfortable hotels in Utah, tho Oqden House. It is well known throughout America and Europe, to be one of the cuziest and cleanest hotels in Utnh. The Ogden House keeps carriages which are in attendance at-tendance upon the arrival and departure depar-ture of all trains, io convey passengers : to and from tho depots, freo of charge. It is a two-story brick building, and built expressly for tho aecommodalion of guests. The Ogden House employs no rutin or 3, but employs a porter io assist as-sist ile patrons and lake chargo of their KunnunA All CI. I .. l. baggage. All visiting Salt Lake City wul Iind it to their advantage on returning re-turning to Uke the evening train and oome to Ogden, thus saving the annoy-ancoof annoy-ancoof rising at 4 o'clock, in the morning. morn-ing. Ja24. Kcrvoua Ucblltty, With ii- gl.io-ry attendants, low spirits, deprei.Mi,invo!u:'.ary oiirui.-Mons, hvs of semen. pernml'rrlni'a, Io?.-oi power, di?.?.y head, iois of iv.eniory, and th rt'at-ened' rt'at-ened' impoicniv and imhfi'iiity, iind a ov (-reign ei;r. in Hutiiphrcy's llonm palhic Sp.vil:.c -No. Tweiity-L.ght. Comp.ved of iii- .'t vnlnHl'lf, mild and p-te::t O-irV.iu". th,y ftnke at oiu- , atth-j ro-i,.f n af..-r, tone ut tho. svsl-in, arrest th- di-el-src-. ar.-l im-p"rt im-p"rt vigor ar.d enorgy. lue ar.d viLvity U llio entire man. 1 h-r have cur.-d lhou?ands of caj. Prnc. - wt pack-ne pack-ne of live boxos and a largo J-J vial, whieh is vorv importart in obstinate or oid la.-'?, or"5I p-r .'ing'.e box. Sold by all Lli;:ge;f . ar.d sent hv m.iil on r-v .vipt oi price. Addre-. H ;i:n piirey's Sp.v.::c U.-ni.-oiS-K- Med;.-ir.e Co., 6 lre-!dy, ' ' rouri of CA.-S AVENLE.AND STJCND TV.r.ET. ST.iLOUIS. MANiTi r . .:.: ; PLMN m TINNED 1RGN, Pressed, Stamr-cl. P..r:i-hcl, Jaran-ntd Jaran-ntd and Gai ."am;1- d T l N " 1 J K Tl,,,-' Cfjiin.M ''-8-:;le A full I. In. of our 1..a.f(lnr(J 4io't cn nlw.y. "found t the Z. O. JC. I., SALT LAtiJ: tITV, X TAB First National Bank OIF UTAH, -V I , I" LA Ji K. f ' I 1' V DESIwN ATKil I'KP"SITOKY AND FINANCIAL AGK.NT OF THE VKV Kl) STAT K n - ft ...-. '.Vlier. Ant dorl if-l 1 - I. - - UO.Ot? p.iiw t p CAriiAu" - aiso.ooo. J LARWLKili, - 1 30,000. Dividend in !S7I, 50 par cent. j A. f if rj f-rl llnnKlrfi Unlnc T"nKiwlfd, -M ;r. i i".I"!t.j Ar'D " v A S. I ' .' Tt'i" LO "0 iNTriir.fT AT-i' RD W .TIMS 1 iEIlIS .t , 1 4 OLD I- .VALLEYa I G tn 0 ter.ivib i ure ard cf the hib mil im l STEELL SALT LAKE CITY. We hav n,w S:.-k s.--ji? very i:? OLT Bourbon Whiskies OLD CROW, HERMITAGE, ; G. W. TAYLOR, E. 0. BKltRV, A FULL LINE OT EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE LIQUOR TRADE.! For ale low and on liberal terms CJff" It costs nothing to invest Ljai& T " 11 ease rinnitnc nnr l.notl and Price btfort purchasing1 litre. LIDDELL & BROWN, North of ih9 Post Office, Are now receiving a larg stock of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, Etc ( Etc. Etc., Wlrch thoyaro .DETEK.H1XEDT0SELL CHEAPER than any othsr Hou CITY AND COUNTRY liKALEKS, HOTEL, RESTAURANT, AND HOUSE-KEEPERS, IF YOU WANT BARGAINS COME AND SEE US, AXD EXAMINE OUR STOCK & PRICES uinoniLiiOF ti;is 8. L. JONES & CO., SAN KK.AXCIiCO. CAI.l FUKMA. Xliurstlay, nay 2t)lh, -73. AT TK.V O'CLOCK, A. If., rim'-TWOHl 'NDRKDl'ACKAliKSl-IXE JAPAN AND CHINA TEAS. IncludiDE Cno CViuet Uolutie, FIXE JAPAN TEAS, In nsort.l rne-V-acP, coinrri-inc hulk. One Pound an.l Half Pniin.1 i'm-r,.. l.mniond ilnxo-s in I nrcn. Four and a Unit, 1- io mid i'en FINK SHANGHAI GREENS, Consisting o( Uti rodder. 'Yonnit Hymn, and luilicrial; also finv.-i Amoy and Formosa Tea, In Bulk ncu I'npcr!, TERMS LIBEItAt, S. L. JONES & CO., AUCTIOXEKKS, uiay'J) (inu Frnnclico. STAMl'ED "J. WRIGHT, Extra.'' scott, iiiixiiiTi Si CO., Having hcon mipoinlod .olo Accntf for WRIGHT'S WASHOE PICK, Wilt Vot, a !ar.-f n..rtni"at tl nrJ ! nt nil i,m-; ihor r;o tn ttU-r the - ; ol J Mil.- U rig I'd Pii-l-rn - ami a n- I'.'inti-il wi'ti im'.-o timn ilio u'Unl ta qnniilvol So-t Lneli-ii .-"i ('!. 1 mr- Btiil d"al''i - l li ;it vrm hny IhuiD.-tauiruJ".!. Ufi.Ut, l-.Alit.'1 A!s I'iM'pri in lrontfi-I. Slov(s,T'iiwarf rJ Jf.v.v; tools, ti WK'Jl VllT TL l'KKS, Pipe mid all klnrl, nr flltlnffo VtI for i'nr nnr ei nl FINIb. ii A i j; au i-j . 1 tl KITN-S MUY.-Y. ANU Ml l.i: U tHol.S. I;mi,.-Mlll T..'.L.-. UKAfi !, i.l .l;Bl.R AOKNTS FOR Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Sc.iit-s, Hercules Powder, AJL LOW KOH CAKIl II.t. . ...It .piili.I.rt "...I .r. )r,.r,d I. do all kln.l. nf Sheet Iron & Tin Work,1 Pr"UJi t'r and at re"na le r" WJ L.tii IhMl'L.K ; or 11 A IN r . i.f:i;T. dc 1 Pionp r Aiming A Tnnrim o. l.-i--, " -i'. Jr, 1 -wr.-,i V"Tfrr I- lin:Vi-MVI 71! -Tl i M -. y , ' " ' ',' j r- i:,-" .' c" li K a, a1 .-ii" ,:,,r I':;, tt-iUt J-ku I ii jC 'I'" KEW YORK'TRADEv BENEDICT. HALL & Co. r.iviaiaioM-r; aJ 'Wiiole?aie 300TS AND SHOES 134 and 13P Grand Fl Sw 1 oii. -orrjr C?e;!'T. ret Mcci ffi ci r.j "thos. K. ARSALL &. Co lrlf-a't. Tco'.hr" D.y'aaJ CtildranV O L o T HING, II 31 tMdHkr, Maw York. a. i'TL- jeh:al read & Co., M umfacta.-art txi WoMwaJe lur$ io r'CR AM) M"IKL HATv, NKW YOUK. la, ins Utsr. jr L. M, HATES St O., til ft v-aj4war. Fancy Dry Gooas, (T'HILKJS, SHXWl.s, lAXFEE XO 7 i 0.YS. 4-c in. wr-i.ny.i. WASATCH COAL aro, JVKBr KEK. bas Ira-od tb. Wai aUh coal min, aaj is iTi'arvi lo lurnifii tbe BEST WEBER COAL At S7.50 per Ton AT TUB DKl'OT. l.cao order? at the Pcr-,t with l.a-iham l.a-iham or ai nis orJi.-o at me 1 in ami ii;is hi-tino hi-tino flora oi Mitchell .t .1 iws.s, i'irs i South sirwi . iJiio Kl;:k;. v. i.?:i GOOD NEWS A.N KASV WAY TO 11KT A PRINCE PATENT W'e will Hnt oar Or cam hy the Month and wlioa tho jiruv paid ir; lititiL, tho Orcau will Uecouio tlie pronerty ol" the Kentar. This is not only iho eaiit wty to obtain an OrKaii,-but you will have ihe Best Instrument made w hi oil J. U. KIDGES. OrBD Builder, 0. J. THOMAS, Couduotor of Theatre Thea-tre Orchestra, And many others will testi y. .Mr. J.J. OAVNKS will ivo three inooili'fl lcsn to ouy person mi uutf our Oraj ay well n those who nay the lull nr. toe dowo, Na uoction. !Send fur iliuitratid oirouiiir aud . orioo list. S" SlI0Wfcll00M3 UP .STAJH3. J. DAYNES & SON. Tue Only KxcLUtiivs Wcsio Stoiie Id tho City. , 2 Jion ewt of UtnlKo'i ilruj; !ttra. i Imssett, SARDWARS STOKE ' All Hind of ' ' HEAVY HARDWARE Iron iiimI Nwl, Stoves and Tin Ware tLUDHHPITB lUUbl, A(rlallaral Iiapiam A ad Mlalaf Wool a. At Lswiit ILataa. OPPOS1TB TH ti SALT LA K K HOt'S NOTICE. THE CHEAPEST PI.ACB 70 IH'V C R A I N, PROVISIONS. Ali-o C.KASS, VKGETAIII.B mill BIRD m m id js. A.NDAITI.L link of GROCERIES. CALL AND EXAMINE AT Geo. H. Knowlden's ! O;;. V.-;.. F.rt, A C-.. WET EIJjE MALN BTRFLT, ' I. GEORGE MAN WARING 11ASA l'l LL11SE OF GROCERIES - aM FIRST SOVTH STREET, Hal:" lic-i wtst of Kiicbaj; 4 Lawreaso. m- m:l:vk:;e? i-sek or OLA lit, L. ouiJ IT; v. V - . '.- r 'l ' '".': THE FAVORITE The Joi.iKinc i tho opmioa of PttoK. O J. t 'vnis-i, whii'fcft thirty-T... thirty-T... y,ur" .xp ratios s a Musician, i-- L-.vitr O.v'ie-tras .abJ Choir in KiirvH1' su Auii:ca; j ' Salt 1..kf Citv, V. T., ! April A,ilS7i Ma, C. V. SiAYNaa, Ilivi;it an ciperioDee of thirty-ono thirty-ono years a a Mtisiwau, a t;rt'ai share M which iiiuo I havo Kvi- L."der ol' Oreho-tras iitid Ci. i; in Kutvpe aod ; AiLorios, and Wuxa o':vio.i hy you to pass u-y jiKiir.nont on (da " Kloy Oralis," lor which you arc aent, aud haviup iiiod arid tx tuntiod thvtu ihor-oithiy, ihor-oithiy, I o.uifid-nt'j iv, .tiTi-ud thtfm lottee.ii. , ; Kir i j,-r-; 'v,nr ilwir St -raRU;ToK t1 j Vu Jl i;il.xti ix'icc a li.io iii.iiU'ion 'h-- i'i(o Or- th. ir moc m.'Oti Aon os aud l'Ki.:o.- Tvt on K'n .:.i.kni-b of U iti;kM.ssini'in ih,-M t ,i ..-.iuvtion Mia ifccii li WvKfll. t iuB! i.t:Y.niak.-nitriliout i.t:Y.niak.-nitriliout ALU I H.C i -.n UK -l.Mrod iu Oiun$ oiihoj lor Chiuoji oi- i'anor. Vour,- re.-pio::u i., l J. TttOMAS, Condu nor of TheaiiioM. Otvheirm, DJk Call ancrSoe tha Uran ywilt 6o mra C11AS. W. bTAY'Kl, HKNKRAL Aiii: r Fi'K I'lAll. o. s Mmo .-trc-t. Novt tov all ar j, H.S 'itli lukt ( iiy M. T. BURGESS, Civil Enginttftr find U. S. Mineral I Survnor, I Will pm'sr the ntvivi.at-T Pnr and Pia-tiiaiun Pia-tiiaiun lor l'l Willi and I rvlivta. t:Tire in BuiMing oocuiId hy Sur-raj Hoc oral. ianl 1873. z. o. m. i. Our fciiuek of ih- Seastiiihlo ltroas Oooilrt in the Ni'w Slimli's haa arrived, end in ntforod for iupeelioii and bale. Iq Cloth and Can'nuore. SUITS, In liuiMi and A'l aia. S H AW L S, In ail approvi'd MylcB. Cn-urpi.'-"- Itn K,.-o co y(Jalily .aud I'nw. G L 0 V E S IN KID, 1MKI.U'.CM: m AjiJ tL. CKl.ElllUTU) tAI.TII.AKVqlOTn. HOSIERY I.AIII.-. MI- I..-. AM' CIIl LMIEWH V.'c jij-':y oi'ii -nr pirei 1 eyond f!l'tll ' til DETAIL DT GOCDS DEPARTMENT. io -,Mv't'';,'-.7- |