OCR Text |
Show Arrival and Closing of Mails. ARRIVALS. mi Through moll, dally, T;0 pjn. Locl Ogilen, kho Oltj, WMtcb iid MorKftn ooanty, cUlly, T;W " Buromlt and Wwlcli coantle, Tnetday, ud Ibartday, l:iO " Wmi Tbrongb mJI, dally, 10 ,m Local Wnt Joidan mil Uerrlmati, TbornUy, 7:10 p.m. Troele oo'y, dally, sxcept Bauday, 8:00 p.m. QnatsTllla, Batorday, 8:00 pJa Morth Idaho, Uoulana, Uiegoo and Wash- loiton Territory, dily, 10:10 a.m. UxJ DtU aud Box Ilder oonntlea, dally, 10:10 vtc Omch oouut j, Moudity, Tbnra.Ky aud SatDrOay, 10.10 a-m. ftlclioouuly, Muudij nud Thurwlay " oolh To Pioohe, divily 7.10 p.m. Dt, Qeortie aud Arliona, alternal d,a, T:10 f.m Bnnjieta aitnity, TuoaKy, Thorvday ail flalurjy, T:10 p.m rail Held and Ue-lar Valley, Friday, ""ilO p.m "Ml-llirvUgll ulnll, dully, 9 p.m !rl O-ti-n, MorRi.n ' uiity, Kcbo OM)-ami Wivntcli, duily, 9 " Buniuiit and Wasatch coon Ilea, Monday and Weliini'Jaj, Wait LaiKorulj aud Morula, TUriin((b Ui.tll , nl Oiplon, dally, 1:30 " L.-0-ol YmI Jordan a ad Ueirltuan I'bqnHlay, 6:S0 un r-vle. fltwkton aud QrauUrtlle, daily, (acpl Buda fcilO M jut! i, Idaho, Jlotilnoa, Wafhlugten and On-pjn, dAlly, 1:30 p.m. Lvcal DaxLi and Weber conn I lea, dally, fcOO ' Bu Bllrioonury, dally, 1:80 " Cnche oonnty, finday, TuMday and Thoifclay, l:l " Rlob ooQUly, TurJay and Tlinr. 1:80 .'Htti PlochP, c, dally, 6:30 a.10 HI. ttvor and Artiwaa, alternate; lays, 6:80 " aupeie ooonty. Bond ay, Tii(ly and nmrsday, 6:00 " ralrnaUandOodarV'y,Weliieday,ft:W " OFPIOB QOTJRS, Ui-norat DMlTery open irom d a.m. tot p.tu SuiKlny, l'J l 1 l-ni. Money Onler and RogL.lry DrparUuent open f rum t a.m. to 4 p.m. Oiiulde door vyoa from 0 a.m. to 9 p.m. J M. MiXlRR. MASONIC Artettta. Loage, No. 3, A. V. A. 31. ST VTKL C.'tiimHtiionllon of this l.oJuo holilon tlio 1'ir.t anl Third luw.Uys ol pa-li month . :it Miwtiio Hall, ha.it lauiplo iro-'t- Mombors of nlor l.",ltsa and limminK bri'thron in Rvud stanJiQji aro Cordially Cor-dially UlVltud, A. W. SUCK0LS. W. M. W.ll. UIllD. Swj'v. I'lnU 4'Hniter 1, K. A. M. l'T 'lKD OlNV'X"ATI"N3 OF THIS O I'lmi-tiT hold ut Miv.'niv Hull, Kiut Tom-plo Tom-plo Mrot't. tlio Kir-a arivl lliinl ..UurJayj o( eah luoHtfi, at hali-M.t mvi-ii o'olwk p. m., hnri. N'tmirnin o'inpaniom in bouJ itand-i itand-i aro cvrdialb- in viu- t. I'UKO. T. TRACY, n- p. T. E. CLOUKCY, becrciary. fJ SPRING OPENING SASH, UI.INHS MOULDINGS l'lCKKTS. SH1.NGLKS, LATH, RKDW00D, SU(i AH TIME, Aod all kinds of BUILDING MATERAL IX f I'LL, STOCK AT LATIMER, TAYLOR ft CO.'S LU.M13KU V A K D AND SASH AN O DOOR I'ACl'JiiV. 0ao li1 titit of Dopot. HENRY WACENER, SU IkClt-t rth CALIFORNIA BREWERY, 1.1UKR ltKKR, A1.E An I'l'FTKR, THOT.X9H.1 tKTAIt,. SKtMNL) SOU TU .SrHKliC, thra.d'or ost I sanfrah:;:-:c3 hotels- LICK HOUSE, EAN FRANCISCO, CALIFOBNIA. Tho "Lk" rTer n-Tr; 5"cl acoruinoda-ti'jn acoruinoda-ti'jn for 'louri?'.-, b.:ia- c-r.traiiy ltd BA.-iflK h'r:(! car !or a;: irj oi thu city i.as-lcit i.as-lcit i'j. d'.jT. l:s r-ti,-, ai:d s-i-.w a.-o un-oiualltj un-oiualltj lor eosujort. wullo iu Dia:ngilall is a:f.ii'lc-is-t.-i the m',;t elc.-at rouia A iu kid id America, or u Cuaiiaect. IJ cuidico is socotj to do ic-tnaticn of m kird; ovL-ry lumry ui :ha itiin, i rti irt-i by io at)lu.-tg: cuoti beica- daily lacj mtabies, Jn '.A-;t Lb i "Li1:'' 'jL'.-ri to iho iourut a h-.B-o, wiitra every aiier.ti-o v tuaric :ee-l fijr the comi-.rt of its ij.;-tj thut tho ni"-i careful jiii:iieDt of exj unsncwi men m U.uir several MORTON HOUSE, PUSI Sri-Etf, AdOVc KcAriNcY, j SAS Fit A. CISCO. Tho boet aecommodauoni cuaranteod. L'M:aXijD cotitraL Tcrun, t.UO to Si.OU per Day- W. S. Graham, arr2J i'roprietor. GUANJD HOTEL, On M.rket, New MoctKomoir nd J0HNS0M i Co., PsopsiETOEa. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. ijaltu.i aTg hay, Commission Merchants ! And wholoidlo doalurs in GHttN AMD D.-ilED FhUl.S OF ALL KINDS, Alfi i'rotluco. Nuta. ota. etc., ntl JUO navU blrril, bclifttu Wanhliiloii mid Jn cits oil, him fru ud.io. MACONDRAY & CO., Iniiwrtora of CULM & JAPAN TEAS, SHIPPING and COMMISSION MERCHANTS 301 and 303 SAXSOME STHEET SAM PltAN'CliCO. Wo aro constantly in rccoipt of frosh in-Toicoa in-Toicoa oi CHINA mid J A I' AN ThAii, and all desc'ripLiona of iinr LtuiA and riiaiiia 1'ko-ddo. 1'ko-ddo. db JOHNSON & BEST, Manufacturer of OFFICE DESKS, UOUK CASKS, WRITING IAJJLLo, tiUuW CALS, und all kindiof CAllIiET WORK. Orders aolioitod ani sutiafactioa guaranteed. guaran-teed. Vt nrcrooniH 311 I' lite St) Mnnu factory facto-ry 7 11 Jjurktt M Sum fi-ami.eo. aj.rl7 Einstein Bros &. Co., Manufacturers and Importers of BOOTS & SHOES, LEATHER, FINDINGS, Etc., 40 and 31 IIATTEKY NT It KKT, dlZ SAN XllAS CISCO. CO-Ol'lilLVUVE MARBLE WORKS. JOHN DANfiEL & CO., (Successors to 0. Oori.) Manufacturers of audiJoalurd m Monuments, Headatones, Tombs, MA.Ti:L PIKCK5, TABLE TOPS, CUUNU'Ktl TOl'S, I'H'M UKKS' SLAUS. l.Ml'OSINt; SlU.NliS.EW., at lon-iwUTicod, Particular nttontion raid to packinu goods for aliii'iuuuU Orders roai.etl'ulb' solioiUd. 15S1 l'Ute Ht., between Mmitfimcry null liearuty, .Sun lriiiioicu. aprlii PAPER STATIONERY WAREHOUSE. JOHN C HODGE & CO., Iiuportors, Manufacturers, and Wholesale Stationars. Koep a full lino of STATIONKKY, liLANK BOOKS, SCIinuL liniiKS, I'ltlNTEliS' STUCK, liu li l;l.N iiKKS1 iMATi;itlAL, WHAl'l'lNH, liUUK, and NKW S PAP lilttf. Ac, Ac Acent for llio Carew Cuiupany'a superior Lettor and t lat 1'uors. Tho i'rudo surpliod at loss than Chicago priced. 3'47 3i0, nail 331 Sucrainento St., tau FrixueUco, a it 10 1" BSTaBHSIIED lt0. Importers of Teas, East India goods ami general groceries, iiia and Front Strert, Han Francisco- uO iTJi it i iTTir; SALMON m HERRINGS, IBS WlHlo" fllraaU Alt k!nJ of Dried, brauked aud llckll Hil OOuaUnilj on banil. I tophy,gMtgo. Importer" of American ntl Jluropo Staple nml Fancy DRY &00DS, MAN XH.VrsCICO, Oail the a.t-ntion of 1 1 - Tr.i l to th.U Urt and coiuiieie itock cl FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS" Whf-Q th" are now miviTit dire-.-', from Kucorean Mar.uu.-turori. co mi mini in part rra atarlatoa. Wool HaitlHai, Wool PlM. rrach an I 3ermnB, lrll k'raach Po'U""i Kiar Clnttia, l'K-nli, Wfc-k and cclortd, Al, Waci and cclorW. ; SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS GLOVES, Kid.lijok, Berlin vLaiiw'. :iiMM'.0iU') Sants' Underwear At.I all kind c( Gants' Furnishing Goods, nntrr.vnv !-9 la a'.i IM rraocha Willi t3'-'i'. " iinittl Wrcli'r. Bblrtliiff Ulniat, Uxllta, w.'if.f .i 1 oMoriK o - eli. !T rirr, Tnrkuh. a ,rVI. i l UojlUi, SANJRANCSCO TRADE. JthnSpraance.-6. L. Sticley.-C. C. Chapman' SPRUANCE, STANLEY & CO., iSnsctf.-n to IT. Webster 4 Co. and J. J: J. Spruance.j Importera A WhoUaaUe Dcalcri In WINES AND LIQUORS, Sfo. 410 FrouiSt.. SAN" F1'.AN"CIC. mar-1 L. A. Sazderson. T. L. Horn- SANDERSON & HORN, Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO, ( Proprietor! of La Espanola Cisax Factory,) Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated (CH AS. DICKENS' CIGAR 41) FRONT STREET, Be;won Washingtoa and Clay. San Franoisoo. arii E. A. FARCO & CO., Importer! and Jobbers of Branrlies. Wines and Liprs, 310 Froat St., cor. Commercial, O. n. jiti. iS5 SAN FRANCISCO A. W. WHITE CO., Coiumissiou Merchants, And dealers in all kinds of 'GREEN AND DKIF.D FRl'lTS, BUTTER, CHEESE, EUUS. UAMS, Sic Sh.irping ordors solicited. B. IIatdes, ) 20a Washington Rt,, J. O. Mkijs, - ba-ix Kraucltco, A. W. White. J aprl7 S. P. HOLDEN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 33 SANSOIO! STHEET. SAN FRANCISCO. J. BAUM & CO., Importers and UaiiDfactarera of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. 213 k 220 liBiomi at., San Francltco. No 18 Warren St.. Now York. fi S. A. MAEilllLL. ROBERT BAlOBT. St ItS II A Lt" A IIAIOIIT. COMMISSION MERCIIAMS, And Wbolosnlo Dealers in EUG, BUTTER, CHRESE, Etc., 203 and 210 Claj- Street, rp5i1 SN FKANCrSCO. NOTARIES PUBLIC. NOTARY PUBLIC. HENRY M. TRUE, hainft boon legally appuintod Notary 1'ublio by his Excellency Ex-cellency Ouvernor Geo. L. Woods, is now pro-pared pro-pared to attend to all business connected with the Olllco. Mininn companios incorporated undor tho laws of Utah. Searching uf Records, ConvoyaoeirjE and general Noiaiial business attended to wilU accuraey and dispatch. Utlieo hours from S a ui. until ti p.m. Office of True, Son Jc Martin, at No. iw Kimball Bloos. avrit CMAW. W. 8TAYNEK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Daly qualified and commissioned by the Governor. 0(Ti.-o 1st door south of Sarase'q Photograph Gallorr. Suit U.ke Citr. ml SAVE YOUR MONEY By PurchsBlns the WILS03 SEW MDERFEEO Ml MACHINE. It will do all kinds of work, runs easier, is tuoro durable aad costs from KIOUTEEN TO THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS LE6d than any other ! ; FIRST-CLASS MACHINE. Calder & Careless, General Agents, 31 EAST TEMPLE ST. Where you will also find tho r. AUOKST. BEST AND CUE APKST Stock of Musical In.-'tniincntg in tho Territory. a4 H. B. MANN & GO., General IusurancB Agents, FIRE and I-IF 5 CAPITAL KKlRESENTKL, .......5- 30. OlVico in Banking House of A. W. While A Co. M AIN STtlEET, Salt Lake City. Id Information Wanted (( the irhoroalwilsi. if livins.fr prf; "f tho .l.uh,f ?cl. nh-. onn- an ntcr.'t in fit l.ef.-p- i:i N "mr.an Xa'Icy. Lear L.k Miring I'l-trwt, Idaho, i'crrilory. ; W,lfcJ T B MiUlKR, . ju3 r-x 1U-7 Pwitoifo. Salt Ukc City. FIRE-BRICK CO." FLRK B1UCK! F1KK CEMENT l-'IKK CLAY! OIF flTEKUH'iJV.UIT V. roB sili BT Tar UTAH FIRE-BRICK COM Y- Standard No. I Brick $100 rilU Tli'"fSAM Fartovy coin r 4th Snth Strrel mid Vinh iniKhrrn H K. fH I.k? Cliy. llii '-'O ln Street. Mr.T. !. Ifcw. (a f-.irr.i-3 KiMcr l.i?. !v m r AnV.' a r. d w ; it '"i -J" I ., ..- ... . , h, t'l I'll LA. h f-.- i ;;i.Ku iiNi-,t'ALi.'iN iNi sd aL air.d.-o: air.d.-o: 1 area; vs. The C-Tupar.y i- act MUNS0VS pai.-nt Cruaa;cd Meul ;'-TT , HOTELS, ETC. jlOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE Clir. 'the leading hoifl or UTAH. JAMES TOWN8EHD PROPRIETOR. ThLf Heme li MStraiiy and pleuantlj located, lo-cated, well fumuhed. aad haa aoeomatcda-tiou aoeomatcda-tiou for 10 ismu. THB PROPRTSTOfi ij now prapaxin to bnild larte additloaj to hii EoteL whi& wnwfinijhad,wUlre&T it the Mo$l Complete Etiabliihmcnt in the iHOCKY MOIlTTAIS EEGI05 mil WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, XJ T XX . ''pHIS HOUSE IS THE LARGEST AND X best apH)inted House in Utah Territory, and has accommodation lor three hundred and fifty truest.. Street cars and carriages cunnect-od cunnect-od with the White Sulphur Laths- Reading Rooms, containing papers from all points, Baths, Bar, Telecraph, 5i ewi and Cigar bund attached to tho Hume. 1L S. GREELEY. CO.. novSl Proprietors. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. myll O. 8. KBB. C- B. KBLLtS UNION DEPOT HOTEL JUtD RAILROAD D1N1NC HALL Situatod on Railroad Platform, Junction U. P. and C. P. Railroads, Ocilen, Tth. marll ERBiNELLIS, Proprietors Pulaski Hotel, Known as tho Chicago Restaurant, Opposite tho U. P. and C. P. IL R. Depot, OGDEN, Utah. PASSENGERS wishing to remain over a few dayi can obtain pleasant rooms and lirst class accommodation. Terras S4.00 avnd 4.50 per day. A SAMPLE ROOM attached to the House. Lunchos put up'for passengers. J. B. CZACIIERT, npl9 Pro prietor. AMERICAN HOTEL, First Class Quiet House, ONE BLOCK EAST OF THEATRE, SALT LAKE OITY. Tcrma, S3. 00 per Day, Weekly and Tnble Board at Reasonable Reason-able Kates. J. C. LITTLE, no24 Propriotor. Washington House NEW ADDITION. ANOTHER 100 NEW Si'RLNli BEDS, NEW TAR1F. Third iSoutli street, HALT LAKE CITY Board and Lodging, pr "Waak 90 OU to 1 00 Board and Lodging, per djr, 1 00 to 1 B5 Day Board, per week, 0 06 llcds, pr iveck, - ISO to a 50 Bda, par Mlgbt - as to 60 flaaU - - - - 33 Thirty copies Eastern, Wostorn and Local Daily Papers. GREAT OSTEIN PTBL Second SoutU Street, Salt Lake City, With aenpneity for 200 ruosK First -class accommodation for families and travolen. Uonnts ltr day from BOc to t.OO. . Room.nirwrrkfronil3.ini lt 10.011. Board par -wakj J7.00, fllala. 80a. FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Barber shop and Laundry connoted with tho Hoiol. Ice foraale. For particulars apply to tho Otlico. SMITH tt BIOAZaC, myl7 PrnpHotnn.. T 1 1 6 R O U U H B K E I GRAY STALLION Faugh-a-Ballagh! (Clbab tub Wat), Foaloci 1868. This sptendid Stallion was Sired by Lightning and LightntDK by LEXINGTON, Hence he is tho Grandson of that FAMOUS RACE HORSE So widely known on the Turf. FAUGU-A-TAALLAOH'SDAMwas tho celobrttr-J itnn.irlid T!iorom:l;bred Mure. (HCKIA JOHyN; Sired by V KTH K K B I r-bv LLV K 11100 L by HAMIIjTOMAN an. I an on down to tho wonderful HUKTON BAKB Man?, ninoteon coooraiiiT. Th.vo who Tih t.i improve their h.T?w fan co ihi-"rloadi.l r.iI!ion ni !ho ."labl" 01 il. r. CUw.n. northwe-it cmcr 01 Kth ward. ""'""" 'ita: smith. .rrlT At ihMN. G.TGHLMER a GO,, WKOKSBKCK BLOCK, G ROCE1UES Wholesale and Uelnil. VI.l)OW GIASS Of !1 Si'W- -N i"-- cr;T;sc, to ar.r r.MiUIM. 5I All BK AS VAH WISHES t.:-,::K.l-. i Dest L'ns'rd Oil Pu'.iv. E S TI M A T.E 3"G 1.V E -N . b3 MISCELLANEOUS. CURANT& GUTTING, C 3 NIR1CIOES, ForHarJiui and Commissoii ?lfrchanis. SALT LAICK; C1TV. SANDY STATION GKAMIi;, AND ;LEIiI, CTJH TERRITORY. DEALERS IN I? TJ JR. COriELUVlLLE COKE,- lrcc Snjiply alwayi on hand. Agents lor the HOWES' U. S. STANDARD SCALES. Aceuls for the LACLEDE FIRE -RlCK MANU-FAC1LRLNG MANU-FAC1LRLNG CO. Sr. Louis. We are prepared tc Contract for any of the above-named artictus, including the WYOMING HEMATITE IRON ORE, At the loir as t market rates Eur casIL We are a!-o POLE .Aents rorthoCelobraied COOHLLaKU lAtol AND iiiEluLI AiiUN, mamu'aL-t-rtd eiprcslj- for the Ltah Ira da. Agents for Uie I" w West Frclglit Co. C&fh Advances made on Consisaments o Oro and liulhun. Through ISills of Ladinj,- given to all points is thu L nitod itatui and turoi'O. SAMPLERS OF ORE AND BULLION, j Contracts made for the Transportation ol OLE, LL'LLKc, and MILL MAOilNElU" to any point in I ah or Nevada. Wo also carry the largest Stock of Grain Id I L'ttth which wo Sell Low lor Ca-n. Hoods Forward o 1 to all points in Utah and Nevada with pruuiptnuu and itspatcn. Addross all Communications tc DURANT &. CUTTING, Salt Lake tli-, Utah. mar 'J : g 't .To i O 'Co " s s 1 2 2 . -a f - te e 1 K H W 3 s S 2 1 .H S8 CRACKERS!- CRACKERS! Crackers ! SaltLaic Steam Crate Factory NEAR R. R. DEPOT. r AM MANlFACTURINO the Lest QUAL-I QUAL-I I TV and tSKKATKST VAllltlV of I KUIiKHs, over producoit in Ibe Territory, Terri-tory, which I otli'r to tho Trudo nod Public gunorally, at the loiTtvt pussiiiio prices. Merclinnis and friends are rono.vUod to eal) and ox:uuina uiy goods and prices, before pure hading. Omco at Thatcher A Elkins'. R. i. AN DKHSON, tialt Lhko City. Jan. 4, 1S7A Utah lorritory. ROSS & COMPANY Dculors in Family Groceries PROVISIONS. first Hoiith Mrerf, Jt Wat of Hlmhill A' Uwrtnci'i. I'rofh Vegitable-s an 1 l ruils received 1'nily Families suppliol at the cheapen ratta. ( 0d! delivored free of cbartic Xc all parts of thootjj- mar 1.1 X, P. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG Room L'O if- 1 Merchant A'xc1" ng CALtF'.'KNIA STRLLT. SAN FRANCISO, F. -IL-ita Arerticmects and Sabcripiitns for the Salt Lake Daily and Semi Weekly Herald t f'T rt"7 ri,,,:'.H in Ci'lf-rrita. fre t- n - i Nrv-i iv W a--; , c;.-n. I :-h. I l.h. i 1 r.:..r.a. t.. :-t.i K A:i- : a a.- 1 a i. trec( Ve-i' 'i"b 1. fe LrTn.h I p.;..:.,. r.: W-i--in I' .rt'. N -rana. I'ara-' I'ara-' rr,'.. Vai; nrair.-. -I ir n a. i C:,iaa: Nfw lar.i n:.d A-''.raliJa CviuLies. Be Atlantic tu; ud Lur-1 e, ADVEKTIcINtJ R11 crd t:v an" binr : li v rM tt r.y a fr.-.-.t r,.i.-,--: Hi' rro-fr.w :t..it.t a ,nr;r ir.-.rns;; A-d iii;ira i;;"-'.' in a;.j bi.z.s- l .,;:.'..-:lrv.,I.l7 - ', . 1: -t i- i ' : t- ? f-- ,,..f 'c;,-; c.7 b--',:i Y-r-t j ' -1- :r.- i CLiny tia: i oltar- I w-e ti.: e-i' e I AdTcrtla rnr Boilnti. ! Kcrp f onr name h'fnra tlif Public 1 .lR.lifP.ii. A'l.tril.lnc t-. Ill liunrt a r'nminr, ir liudnr'i ii Pull, ArirtHUf. 1 1 Bn.lnru ta Brlik, Advertlae. , j ear T-. in's nr.- d. "1 h- -r ir air -j.l.'-t .-r. :-r.-..v.; w:-a t 1 tari. aiiu ti t otoaj fto Lb 4t arui.it. I MiSDELLSWEOUS. WaTaniTcoal lira (VARD C0-01'KKAT1VE MEAT MAKKL'Ti COALTEPOT, j lrt Si..'M. 6:i Tti Eis: St. will open ill. .bote i l-.' en Saturday, May 21th, 1S7J, Acd will keep const ar tly on hand the rtry best CITS t'r'.CiiulCK MKii'5, CHEAPER !han th3 CHEAPEST. We are also preparoi to fi:rr.iih ccal iz a-y c ty. Give -s trial an j we will guarantee .-.at job. (.jr.UNMlANP.rrorU PAI L STARK, iupu rcvvSi H WALLACE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CONFECTION E R, Flrat South Street, Salt Lake jt'tly, FRESU TIES, CAKES, CKACK.KKS, And CRHAM:CAKR, . EVERY DAY. WEDDING CAKES Made to Order. TUB HEAVIEST AND BEST ASSORTED ! STOCK OF ri'RK C A N D I E S I.V THE TERRITORY, Country dealers should call and examine. ORANGES AND LEMONS. Special Attention Paid In Urdur. I I J "x r J s 1 es hi I1 Is "2 TjSh ,1 14 1 '2 : H i B H t K -J S m 33 W2 Sg M-h Oo: o,-j kJ CJ H S fill 0 !S 0 fig ft g rO " ii -s si I OE-i . m J- -! .5!. "lis E SI I SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS, (Wot side or City Market.) All kinds of Stationary. Ui right, or Locomotive Locomo-tive BOILERS, and TANKS, Made or Repairml. REAFFHS AND "HOWKIIS AND TllKl-HiNG MAOHINliS, Repaired and put in Running Order. Work rl.tneon thr Sh'Ttt-t N'.-li-r. Boilorsand Flues in:ii;lit r Ukun in exchange )rdert by Teleerai h ,.r Mnl prumidly at U-lldnd t... JOHN Sl.DAN h CO.. Prm.riet.iHL WATCHES a JEWELRY 1 O. L. ELIASON. BftlF" to lrr'Ttn Oi-r-i't-rt nf Hntt Lai e 1'itv and vifir-.rty, t:,l he r."t (ji.1t t in-tr:- -r : -It -r. n-.n ar.d Ad.nit aicbf and 'r-.r-.n-'.: -i r.. t.'i- ho m 1 : makothftii r ar.y partol tliom lu or.ler, and Ta: iios, ati'l a t .m -i c! ' dr ; lewrlrv. lTi- ! a-y in t. n. 1 v ..1TII.I. Ii 11 IS i JiO.W IRON AND BRASS Founders. Ail kinds of O fx is "t ing To m-"r. A'.; rs r CRIFFITJI & 'VFI)G K f-ati:nt ve;:;;(.'.l jl i a i,f: ENGINES AasViV MILLS, II ALL'S Shingle and Heauln? Mach.pps ?''PE a wwm,, v a :-rr ' C".vii'ASi'd in .Mi'i;- . ma. ii;: t.. v. FIRST WP.-T FTP. TFT. VPAB SOi'TIJ liUrU'Ut jiH-LtL iai BACKERS. SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BA1TK 5alt Ljvb-e Cirri X-'trtti Ter. Autiiorizsd Capltaf - $500,000 Ban. H. DuKill, Praitta. Jotrph M. Burkrlt. CaahUr. HiMmiiD A KiatrTs.ici.. Attorneys. ; ICOKKCS PON DENTS I ! NKW YORF J'lt w,,?? Co. UOSIVN. .National liakk o: Sorii Ause- :''i'a:cA.-o ,.tv:.-i N:i:;.ai T!3k. i St. l.'.'V 4S N.,::. :;al :-:A. I I'M M . i:;-...:... Na:.,.-....: r SAN F!lANCi?L'...Aaii.-aai tiold Bank jLv'NlVNJay C.vk, McCalloch A C A. W. WHITE & CO B A N K E K S KASl IKBPLKSTHkKT, Halt Lake City. Dealers ia BOLD DUST.CUIN AND BULLION. Exchange on ail t'.e Prxnnyal (t4 Oj tne Unitfj Side atid .'..ro;t; Particular attention -iven to CoHevtioni and proceeds rriuittci at -'urrer. ra.e Of Kxoa.nce i-a any of pa; men t. GKO. K. WHlTMkY, Attorney1 tVtUlltlSPOS UklBtTai Buk of CWuoroia n Tu-uft L.Hii W Irr - V. .k .yvt cVc-jt NaUonal Baak - - i'l.u'- tlutfll Kl fri- U'uu out lUui of NetnuU - Oii.nJu uvil WELLS, FARGO &, COT. EPKSS FORWARDERS Bankers aud Dealer-Mil IacIiaiu DraiU on Korope- Kuropean Colieotioui promptly auenioi to. Kilt Timpi blraat, Sa.lt t,ka Olty. n-LS Two. P. Tract. Afnt. First National Bank of Utah LSALT LAKE city. tiprvioi A itf '-riein'rt ot Third DScrii.T National Bank SALT LAKE CITY- UTAH Paid up Capital, - $200,000. Authorized Cat.iial $1,000,000. Wii. H. IIOOPKR, President, 1 U.S. KLOULDiiE. ico 1'roe'L iiKIGHA.M Vul NO, u. JENNINGS, Director!. JUllN sllAlll'. j. T. Lt rn.K, L. S. HILLS, Cashier, dral ir UULD PI ST, ( OIX, KXCII ASKJt; UMI AIIK.T.S, t'Cl-LEUi: t'Cl-LEUi: 3(1(11', etc. OollooUoaa made and promjitly to mitud. FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE IKTEUliaT 1'AIO ON 1st n. xr 1 ii s st X)oposit. n:i LEGAL J. 11. CABTI:R. C. C WILSON CARTER & WILSON, AT101LNEYS-AT-LAW, Office over 1 Nat. l':ink, OcLS LAST TL.Ml'LL STREET. C. E. WHITNEY, AT T OHN EY AT LAW, Oflioe over D. Grpnlt-'i Store, MAIN STRKKT, aiAL.1' LAIili t'lir, BATE8 Sl ORMSBEE, ATTOHNtYS ASO COUNSflORS AT LAW, Acenta for I'urrtiaae and Sale of niutiA l.aitrla, I Nnll I. ski- City, ClLlHI.RS W. OakiiBKI. J I lull. Warnor iiarll. t. M. bunih, ATTORN K Y S AT LAW, a LT LAKI OITT. First South Slrert. H-nmf 11 and Li. N c lu,. Kimball It luck. J. 13. RonborouKh. S. A. ftierritt Rubburouyh & Merritt, ATTUKff KYS-AT h K W , Nalt Ijikc City, I tali. OfHre. 1f1 Siuth Slreol, nral building eajt Dererel Lank corner. JOM.I'll I.IIKU.M1I, UIV1L KNUINK ); It , U.S. M IN lit AL ANI) I'TITTY SUHr YfciUR r'iK U1AH, Offif-e: Firvt Sulh Street, nearly oppite Jirk'6 i-huri'ii. e. : ' WM. Hit (- K. UII.I HKItlT II A V DON & OlUMUUtST, TTORNKYB-AT - LAW SAIvX L.AHIC CITY. OfiVe otot IU National Rank of Utah. a12 0. n. IlempMeai, M. Kirk patrirk, HEMPSTEAD &. KIRKPATRICK, Altornt't-al-IaT, Main?lret, oppoitt W ellt. Farto k Co. Salt UK rtTT, alO K. I, TH', w. H. 7KI K, in 'H mUTIH. TRUE, SOH L MAHTIN, Real Estate, Mining and Loan Brokers, VO Hlmlnll'l Klork. SALT LAK L" CI I V, V I AH TCKHITOUY. It -ul K"ate b-.-irbt ar. ,.,. !)... -,'i w.uruil (..tale ail'l u.ii.oi. pf-nlplly vi til1"' Tlil'K. f-"N A MARTIN. fOE SALE. ! 1 1- T y V 0 K I. (J V O X K S im; ihm.i:i;d vokk S T 3: K 11 H , E IP i'i. ' n ' r -I '-'jNU II a li n i i . ' . At lb- I'j-Tr'-T .-.'. i. K.n.l H-.i;tb .'trwt- vyo.ti if; C3 AND .'.'JI'fG CO'Y. m.-.. ' : -it Tho Tyt Co;.l for Sme".ra, i'urpo: eri, iii;ih '!.: is.vtj;.s. 'r-.M-.-.ri. cRrtLoCinw tA7orl-. j A. L .-):. g- -t - ir 1, i ' C t,t7. ' -. ''at L. L'U'i tt-t, ujjt j. t, -.' ' I'M 'Jl.;. I MISCELLANEOUS. j ii- I- S:-v. A. CGratt Paciiio Assay Office. i L ndc.-; hite A C-'.'- K-k. .Va:.n St.-xt, ialt Luc i. . o . . d 'rw '.'".iv.'i. Aal-es mada I "lTotsc Tl;i 1 -N ::. HAVE THIS TIN, COffi'&imTIfiQN "W A K E ; Cinlitiini; aiuiriuiiibius, I o .1-'.,'..".'.:' L"''."ll"i'nd lMi:...i.,. .V,..j I-.....- .MlTCUKLl. & J AXILS, No:.h Si.ie fi i'i;t . ui:i ,;i,vt. botwoen i.: . . . : i. .. , ; ;.-s, rail, k-a e . il. a,,1T O. I. ;GRAiLToPENiKu Paris, Landan ad New York FASHIONS, IN Ladies Hats ami liounots .ND OIK; lvOflierche Ooods, AT Mas. cauBOTi T M P L L FASHION, Ori'USITU HlSUt'l III' NT PR'S. LUMBiiiK YARD All Kin. Is of Lumber 0O0US, W1.NP0WS HLIXUS, MOULUhNUS. BlUNGLhS. LATUfl, JONES i FORMflN. HthDAiE BnUl HRS7 Salt Lnhe City, Contract foi tho orocliuo of STA3I1 MILLS, I SM 1.LT1N0 l-UK.NACKS CO.MI'LEJB In any ol tlio miiii:iK dmiNcla , (of Utah, Afc-onUs lor tho lolliwimj .Mannl.clurorai i Jl jol a liuii.ry iL.it Hlouvr, ljUa,i; KlKIWKM ,lui.ll 1 UllljiS, iSoW 1 0" a. V liu li ij, i n Tunnel iiaii Iron, l'iro Unok, and inning hu(i(..n..i oi.oiuhv . i miuiii- iaCluiy jilltt-a, LclflhL UiiJod. b. do Aiii.Lt- ("Mho COUNCIi, HJ, Ut-l-ri IKON Olilv j, UiaiMMiu-iiiierH ul m. a,t.u4 Ul AiHLiitui:i' auu L-iiMll.tft, U) u.Ut-r, Ai J.A.I inOA UHK.-, in,iuu ao-iuiti.-i,i Hut Air U iiM i'Lii uncus U..U liO.Ui. .'1 .iCl.lUi.'J. UTICA M (.AM h.NGiNii CO., col- ulilu.Lil l'uiiai,i l.t.im;, uiiii bull-UTi bull-UTi and ts.iw Alnl. . j " iiuvy iu umj biuck uu liauj liu luiiutduio tlg li v'L-ry. T, H. VVUAS A ItKO., Ht Louis, UiaUUiauLUlvO ul ll.iu J'luutfi, Ci.Jlt, Ac, lui LmidiuK", anU (Ji U.tLutJijLaJ liuu U uik ul an aiuUx. Solo Miuiuiai-diror i.d I'n.piteiyri uf the llolilioll" Rail Pulverizer For .tm.Iiii,,. ,-,,,, ,,r. diy. ,11 ciuib DRA.M.II ..id Hi Lfi Nan l.r n I , ( nil ml 'll r olni -.l.t, . u it Hit, II., Iowa. apile AMERICAN riMMIiLlOlU'OlUTlON Cmir UiHi t:; JPJ Franklin Avenue, NT. I.M IM, CIO. CAPITAL, 8500.000. LIMIT. I I ."'mi ,noi. Ol I M Mil i ! i. r V r V. I I, hi:. Pr. ,.!.-,., I, .1 ti;..IH 1 (-. . i r-i.j.,,,1. Wm. i . V, J,, . , r;,-) n.fj It "Murff. TL" :- A I ! J VI '.:; '" 7 I ' MiH In L-.r. d ..r J,-rn- ..ii ),-v-a h- irily lor .'ai ,ti. u.M nt.-J -ti-r u'.c. r rcial btali-.b '. '.ui !..' I. ')ffj l-r li.B i i i' I" 1 '.'la lo r.,--u,..f.t -- ."'i-' "I all I ,r. i. nil i.trt ; .i . t ii 1 1 t -i.d .ar.'f'i. n'l' i,i,-.i. (."ul -"i-.r, .'..-, P. tl,.. I.t..ii o i.'..iu,'rr Mirl liMil.cr.. -iid luti Bl'MtKi"l. i;ar.k A'vm .i.U!. V-'jr b-.i-in'-' in rr'y ir rpo 4,l.-.l. 1. 1 I,.. Ii-,.,r,...,f s! , ' -,::.vit..r. I- inanaa-H " t: '-' '' i 11. Ut.' " tl'l" i ".! '." 7 1 . " i ' I 1 i n l:ntln ' . ' ' ' ' ' ai.d ji: I - - -. , . t--i. .-.rin I . t :- i Lana. ' I '. ' ! ' V... ' -r -,t bL L'-uU - . ' ! - V -- :,.nm ! ' i. .. .. . ' ' . t . ,r. I;.,!. v ' |