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Show NIGHT REPORT. FOREIGN. Gcrmauj- Fortifying htr Co liquet. New York, Forei?n advicei Etnto that the Prussians are u.rtifvir.e ilciz vi:li enormous eannun of Uuel from Krupp's man mac:, tv, of tho samo calibre cali-bre as thoto at ilont Vaierian durintr the war. Tht-y are also cnlargiiit: Str.iiburg bo tijL in:caJ of'.vu-O n can contain inbabiiant. and aro making a canal paraiiol with tbe Kiiine, and an pnormous ba;in for p coming from ilannhuim aiid. the Ncrtli sea. Tliicr Interviewed. Thiers in an interview with a contributor contri-butor to the Paris l'atric f-Ud the part of t ronclimen was to act a? freemen, quenching every incendiary attempt'. Uo ;ayi lie has l.X,(.mi soldiers train in? in rude camp life, and considers tho future fu-ture or the army verv hopel'-.il. The government of France only wi-hes to live in peace with all iho'world. He claims that Germany ha? alreadv pent for war expenses the two milliards p;iid ly France. The remaining three milliards mil-liards will be promptly p:ud, and that Bismarck iniends to make war with it is probable. Slarlliug. During his recent visit to Paris the prince oi Wales was troubled by a running run-ning sore in the thig).. Canada ami Independence. Hamilton, Canada, 0. The honorable William McDonald, a member of the Ottawa government; and former! v late lieutenant governor, in a lecture last ! night, stated that while in England he 1 had discussed the position of Canada a , affected by the relations between Hug-1 Hug-1 land and the United State, with. Card-well, Card-well, earl Granville, Gladstone and ; Adderly, tlio under secretary for the colonies in tlio previous government and tho conclusion they had come to was that all parties recognized the change that bad taken place in the position posi-tion of Great .Britain, and were anxiously anxious-ly preparing in every possib'e way to meet the new state of things. He had bcn forced to the conclusion that the policy was not to abandon the colonies, nor to net so as to drive them away from their allegiance, but to prepare them for maintaining their own position by means of their own right, hands- to make them rnnsrimn M1..1 iF was levelled against them, they mu-t depend mainly if not altogether on their own resources to resist it, and failing fail-ing in which, they must be prepared to accept the consequences, whatever thev might be, which followed invasion and compiest. lie was of the opinion thai tlio union of these provinces was a preliminary pre-liminary step for the establishment of an independent government in Uri'.Uh America. |