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Show ( AttU, Sau LakkCitv, I'M). I'i, l7J. ! Editor II. mil: On .Monday, I'Jth in.,t., I, day ufelee-' t'uhl, K. II'jWi.-Ii's Vote wa.i eha'IcNirei. lYr uiiaily L have known Mr. ii. since 1 iY-'j. l S'iNie time baek he h:u been nlH''nt. fruiji the ci'y. lieturiiiug to his h'nif a 1'lw iii"i:iln a.-'o, I ac-1 LVpted his Vole j In a letter fiv.uiG. W. H,jiwiek, ( ee Trihunr, I'.'Ah inst.) I am aeeu.-td t of treatini; to nculfs and in.-ult the dial-1 li-nger. 1 called on Mr. liu-twick, aUo the lnaiia'.'evs of the Tribune, lur an cxplanaiiuii. Mr. l. inluiincd me that it wa.i nut, lioin me but suinc other party par-ty or parties he received the alleged insults. As the letter of Mr. Hu.-twick and the editorial head' d "In.-u!is to Challengers" Chal-lengers" in the Tribune of the Kith envey the idea that 1 gave those insults, in-sults, 1 requested Mr. Ii. and die Trt-biinr Trt-biinr managers to correct the first impression im-pression publicly. This I was as.-.ured should be dune. As ample time has passed and no correction made, you will oblige me by giving publicity through your columns to a correct statement of the matter. I G. M. OrristiEH. |