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Show DIED L A II ( I C I Si G The New York papers are chronicling the shuflling off of a young man named Itufus ltipley, who held a clerical position po-sition in a Wall street bank, and who seems to have destroyed himself in the best possible humor. He was a handsome hand-some fellow, but he suffered with neuralgic neu-ralgic pains, and worried somewhat over the recent death of his father. On Friday morning last he left his desk in the Bank of New York, walked up stairs and fired a pistol ball through his heart. lie left a matter-of-fact note, of which the following is a copy. It is rather cheerful for a suicide, and oontains some jocose allusions which areas mysterious as Mr. Pickwick's "Chops and Tomato Sauce :" "Dear Ned: I think you will find everything all right. Whoever takes my placo.will find the accounts and interest in-terest statements in my right hand drawer. Things are a little behind, for I have been too miserable to keep everything up to tho mark. The only old affair that bothers my mind at all is that $10,000 credit of Allen, Copp & Co. I can't get rid of the idea that they have credit for $10,000 too much. You remember the transaction, and I believe understand it. If not, please look it up. I am worn out with headache and figures, and I am go:n to my long rest. Please remember mo kindly) to Mr. Leverich and Mr. Meeker, and tell them I am grateful for their kindness kind-ness through the past year. Say good-by to Mr. Ferris and all the boys for me. Meancy is the only one with whom I have any misunderstanding. Toll him 1 am sorry, and that he must forgive me now. Shake hands especially espec-ially with Eb. Mason for me. Many thanks, Fddic, for your kindness to me while I have been in the gold department. de-partment. Tell Joe that I'll have to do without my morning dose now, but hope not to need any more dosing. Tell Bill that tho 'band struck up,' and Oakey to 'sockatoom,' and Stouty that 'he's no better than be ought to be,' and ak Swan if he has got any voice, and Officer if he is there, and ask Tis if he'll 'tick up' 4, II, 44, and Mr. Buokcr how he'll swop. Tell Bill remember the 'rock and sands.' have made the last posting in the ledgci of life, and now I am going to 'tick off.1 Good-by; God bless you. IJufus." To this was appended a humorou; codicil in the following language: "Thank Robert for the key, and ask Wallcy how ho swims. Say to Mrs. Brown good by, and that I'll mis; the riue pudding." It is remarked that poor Ripley wai not a drinker. Ilis habits were excel lent, but his brain was affected. Th verdict in his case was temporary in sanity. |