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Show THE CO-OPEUATION OP LABOR. Wherever the co-operative systom has had a fair trial in this country, it has afforded handsome returns. The Mormons at Salt Lake speak in flattering flatter-ing terms of its success, as it has there been practised for some time past. There arc several associations of tho kind in this city which appear to be doing a remunerative business, and there is no reason apparent why it will not work well everywhere, if conducted with honesty on the part of managers and with industry among the joint members. It is found to furnish a specific against involuntary idleness, (o introduce prosperity and happiness among the poorer classes, and to obviate obvi-ate the necessity for "strikes," which are seldom or never attended with benefit to those who take part in them. In England the co-operative system has been popular for a number of years. At the end of I S70 there were '.'tilt of these societies in active operation. opera-tion. Of this number 153 neglected to send into parliament their annual statements, and sixty-seven were remiss re-miss in returning full statements. The remaining T-l'.t societies in England and Wales made the following showing: At the end of 1S70, the total number of members was 2-l'.i,ll., the admissions admis-sions during the year amounted to 4,-;il-l, and the withdrawals to li!,9t'-4, so that the admissions exceeded the withdrawals by 2'.i,3."iO. The share capital cap-ital credit during 1T0 was $:;,yf),'Ji5, and the amount debited $"2,9 1-1,1 To. The total capital on December illst, 1S70, was $10. 171, ;;,"), and the loan capital at the end of the year .0,0-10. The cash paid for goods during tho year amounted to fJT'.'H.uw, and the cash received from customers. $-11, u 10, IM). Puring the twelve months the average aver-age value of the stuck in trade was 150,'""'. The stoek, therefore, appears ap-pears to have been turned over nine times between January 1st and December Decem-ber 31st, IbTo. The expenses were $1,G7G,G35, or slightly over four per cent, on the money received from the customers. The interest on loans amounted to $-101,005, and the allowance allow-ance for depreciation to -1,05. The total of these three items amounts to $2,352,3sj, of 5j per cent, as the total expenses. Of these 74S societies, the entire liabilities are placed at $12,019,-510, $12,019,-510, and the entire assets at $13,247,-145, $13,247,-145, the entire balance in favor of the societies being $1,227,036. The aggregate ag-gregate value of the buildings, fixtures and lands belonging to the various societies so-cieties is given at $4,S11,3$0. The disposable net profit realized from all sources during lts70 is placed at S2,-777,175. S2,-777,175. The dividends declared amounted to $2,418,435, of which $S2,-015 $S2,-015 were allowed to non-members, and $1S,S75 were appropriated for educational educa-tional purposes. In Lancashire there are 155 successful co-operative soeioties registered, of which the following had dealings with their customers exceeding exceed-ing $500,000 during 1870. 'ihe North of England co operative wholesale, $3,3'.'0,0O0; Rochdale Equitable Pioneers, Pio-neers, $1,110,000; Kochdale co-operative spinners, $830,000, Bury co-operative provision, $775,000, and the Oldham Old-ham Industrial co-operative, $015,000. In Yorkshire 15S societies are recorded. record-ed. The largest establishments are the Halifax Industrial store, which has dealing with its customers to the extent ex-tent of $910,000; the Sowerby Bridge flour mills, $830,000, and the Halifax flour mills, $080,000. S. F. Call |