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Show BANKERS. FIEST5ATMALBMUF UTAH, (Succeaeora to Iluisey, Daliler Co.) Waebbn Hubsky, . 0. L. Dahlrr, President. Vice Preat. Ahtiioht Qoobb, Cashier. Salt Lake City, Utah ; Also connecting offices at Ogdon andCorinne, Utah, and Virginia and llelona, Montana. Doalora in Gold Dust, Coin and Currency) Draw Exchnnge on New York, Chicago, St- Louis, Umaba, Denver, ban i'ranciaco, and all parts of Europe. Collection! Promptly Attended To. mil Bank of Deseret, HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Cu., Corner E&st Temple anil First South Slrcotn, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - 100,000. IHUOITAM YOTTNO.Prcsidont.l H. 3. KLDIiKDGE, VicoPreB. U"M. II. IIOOPEH, WM. JENNINGS, Directors. .KUiN SiiAKP, FUUAMOJtZ LITTLE, L. S. HILLS, Cashier, Deal in , GOLD DUST, .COIN, EXCHANGE, LAND WARRANT 8, COL-LEGE COL-LEGE SCRIP, dtc. Collections mado and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE, WELLS, FARGO & CO,, Kxpress Forwarders, Bankers, and DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Europe, and all the principal prin-cipal cities of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. Estl Temple St., Salt Lake City, TIIL'O. F. TRACY, Agent. mil Tho. R. Jones, A. W. White BANKIMO IlOiJSK ov A. W. WHITE & CO., KAST TEMPLE STHEET, ,-:t0 RitlL huko City. MEDICAL. X A X 1 SMITH, I'UYSICXANS AND SUKUEONS, Ofllcc nt GoilLie'a Drug Store, iuyS Snlt L:iko City. J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., Late of Carson City, Nevada, OU'ern his professional services to tho people ofrialt LukoCity, Kosiiionoo at Cnpt. Tyler's, Ty-ler's, hall' block south of Walker Bros, store, KtiM TeiuploStrcet. ju28 0. C. ORMSBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SUKOEON AND DKUGGIST, II UKIUI1AH CITY, UTAH. 2ynsiciaii, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Office Main Street, ! OverTaylnr ,t OuMer's ?torc. DU. A. FOWLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offioo over tho Co-opcrativo Drujr Storo, jufl Main Street. S.L. City J. AI. & F. D. BJ2NEDICT, SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, 0111 00 Ovor Calder liro's Musio Emporium. W.F.AN0ERS0N.M.O. H I, RICHARDS , M. D. Surytoua nml IMiysiciaiis, Olliccs. for tho present, at thoir respective ""iJcncos vn ilio 1,1th and 17th Wards. DR. GROVES, Odlce and Soutli St., Salt Lake City. ThroodoorB West of Hovoro Uouse, half la block Eajt of tho tilophant Storo. OFnoi houkh frum a a.k. to 5 p.m. ml LEGAL JONATHAN C. RQYLE, ATTO RN EY-AT-LA W , Snlt Lake City, Utnli. Office Qodbo Buildine, 2d Floor. Rcm-donce Rcm-donce on 3d Ki3t Btreet. oetwoeu South and 11 .South streets. f- S. P. McCurdy. C. 11. MorBan McCL'RDYii MORGAN, Attorneys-at-lAtW, Ofpick lour doora east of IIkrai.d Office, a29 SALT LAKK CITY. 1-' J T (J 11 A; M ANN, Atturuc's-at-L.av, Oiiico. First South St., j Fourth door oast of Lloopcr, Eldrodge Jc Co'u ! Bantt. Suit Liiko City. ai : Warner Karll. F. M. Smith. EAHLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW,' SALT LAKE CITV, I East Temido Street, ono uoor south of: u20 Godhu'.-i Storo ,,.,. ., ATTOUNJS Y AND CUUNSELLUit, Olilce-Exclinngo nml Kcnilliig Kooiiin, Hit-utulrn. ja'H ' SALT LAKE CITY. 3. Ji. liouii'atoad, M. .tvirltj-atrick HEMPSTEAD & K1RKPATRICK, A t torac ys-n t- Law, Main Stroet, opposite Wolla, 1'uruo &, Co., 8ALT LAKE.C1TY, C. H. Ucmpstcad, U.S. Att'r for Utah, fli Z. SNOW. B. D. UOGF. SNOW & UOWK, (Vttornefa and Counselor at Law Suit Laku City, Utah. niw,.i rv-'u ,-nmt.r 1-L VjiSi Stivet. iilQ NOTARIES PUBLIC, A. S. GOULD & SON, CONVEYANCERS, 43 Mining Deeds, Agreements and Bonds for Deeds, Mortgages, Powors of Attorney. Leases. Contracts and other instruments of writing drawn with ucouraoy and dispatch. 43-Alinlug Companies In corpora-ted, corpora-ted, under the Lawn of Utah. A. S. GOULD, and COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS for New York, Massachusetts, Penosylva-nia,01iio, Penosylva-nia,01iio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, "Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, California, and other States and Territories. Ter-ritories. East Temple St., near Wclk, Fargo & Co. , Salt Lake City. mil CONVEYANCER. Deeds, mortgages, Contracts ad all kinds of Legal Instruments Instru-ments drawn.- MIXING AND OTHER COMPANIES COM-PANIES incorporated under the LAWS OF UTAH. OffiV-o, East Tomplo Street, ovor G. W. Davi' store. T KSTI X O NIA L. Ran Francisco, July, 1870. Wo, the undersigned, tako great pleasure in rooommondiiiK Bit. A. W. LALDLlt to nit those who may need the services ot a Bontist, as a thoroughly competent and skillful operator, and om in whom wo have implicit ooufidenoo, both as a Bcntist and a gentleman. . Br. 11. ArsTis, Dentist. ' Drs. Rd iierts & Eiu:i:i.asi). Dentists. K. If. McDonald ic Co., DrugKiats. OFFICE In Seventies Ilnll Uulldlng First East Street, SALT LAKE CITY, ST. MARK SCHOOLS. ST. MARK'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL For Girls and Boys, JA Soutli St., near Krtst Temple St. ST. MARK'S SCHOOL For Girls. St. MAKtt'S CIIUKCII, 1st SoutU St. COLLEGE SCRIP! pREEMPTORS will save $10 on X each qnartor section by buying Agricultural College Scrip. Auply to THE BAN It OF JJESE11ET, b15 Successor to Hooper, Eldrctlgo k Co WILSON & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS is Groceries, Foreign and Domeslic Brandies, Bran-dies, Wines and Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, Boots nml SIioch, Hardware, &c, &c, HAST T E 111 J1 L K STKEBT. Third Store north of Hooper, Eldrccigo Si s,U Co's Bank. EXPLANATION. WE very much rcurct thut wo have been unable to supply the DEMAND SO SUDDENLY ui;i Jo upon iid foi the DfiASON & HAMLIN ORGANS, And think it is duo to ourselves and to our Piitrons to 8iiy that we had Eight OrgniiN stored at the U(ah Ccnlnil Itullroad Ut pol Intviid-cil Intviid-cil lor the oiKiiti of oiir IMow HVlT-xsio Hoouia, But a few ilaya brfbre wo oionod they were ALL SOLD. Wo immediately wrote to Al.ijon .fc liamlin to ship us lilieen of their instruments. On receipt of our order tliey informed us that it was impossiblo lor them to forward any snoner than six weeks, .is, notwilhrtandinit they were turning out nearly 00 OKJAjVS weekly. Thoy wore still s;i It i: II I Sit thrir orders. Wo have increased our order: auii are nnw receiviiiK weekly sup pi ics an.l li . 1 1 eonliime to do so until our fttoi-k is larue enough to furnish all demands. Wo trust that this oxplnnnlion will be nn cvideuco to our patrons and aduiiverr of l lie nnide, thut wo have lakon :iotivt steps to avoid disappointment in the Iniuro. CALDER MOTHERS, HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADIXG HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND, PROPRIETOR. This Uouse is centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for ISO cuosts. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing to build largo additions to his llotol, which when finished, will ron '-ar it tho Most Complete Establishment iu tho ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONE ULOUK EAST OF THEATRE, SAL T LAKE CITY. TeriiinS3.00 iev day. Board ivlth-Oiitiooiua ivlth-Oiitiooiua S1M.UU per wtoh. llatliK free to gucstd. J. C. LITTLE, jun2-l Proprlutor. OQUIRRH HOUSE, Corner Main and Looust streets, TOOELE CITV, UTAH. Qood Accommodation for Families. aS E. S. FOOTK, Proprietor. GRAND RESTAURANT, GODDARD'S BUILDING, EAST TEMPLE STREET. JUST? opejnted. This oitnblishment is elegantly furnished, keeps supplied with tho delicacies of the season and the best tho market .affords, and employs nono but FIRST-CLASS COOKS. Dinners served and dishes cooked'to order in tho best stylo and at tho lowest rates. 1'rcali salmon, cod ami roeklish received daily. Chocolato, ice-cream, cakes, Ac, in tho OVODing, lor ladio?, in prlv.it a rooms. nr- i, 'JC- PHIL. HARGETTS Has opened his now estfiblishinont on FIRST SOUTH ST., Between tho Co-op. Store and the Townsond House, Nearly oiipzsitc the New Meat Market. For tho sale of ENGLISH anil SCOTH ALES A1VU PORTER. OTox-lXo'is Stoiao Ale, GENUINE. WUoleaalc and Kclnll. A splendid assortment of Tobacoi and Cigars. The Old Stand on Second South Street Is still In full ltlast. aug24 CALIFORNIA BREWERY SAiaQOrtf, Cominorcial Mtrcet. Eager Beer and Ale,wholcsale and retai ju-, HENRY WAGENER. BREWER, BEM1S & CO., Ciiicugo nml Omiilia LAGEH BEER, ALE AND POUTER, ' "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Families supplied by the quart, or in quantities quan-tities to suit. Choice Clgnrs always on hand; also, Llm burger and SwIkh Cheese for Lunch, and at wiiuLKSiLK, Goddard's BuildiiiB.bascment. Main strcot, one door south of .First National Rank, juyl BREWER & LAPIIAM. LAGER BEER SALOON I wagener's celebrated Laager Beer, Ale AND PORTER, Under Woodmanace's Building,'; First door north of Wells, Fargo's. nuglO H. TRUNDT &. CO. CITY LIQUOR STORE, Kcop constantly on hand, Wliolcsale and Uetuilj Choice Importod LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowost Rates. GROESBECK'8 BUILDINGS, dIT Bt Tempi Street. $75,000 OUEEENCY. A GRAND GIFT CONCERT -Will bo given at INDEPENDENCE HALL, SALT LAKH 01TY, U.T., OCTOBER 3, 1871, BY CHURCH & CO. Durlncr the Concert 1,317 Glfl r will be dlairi butcd union;' t lekct holders " amounting to $13, 000 In Currency iiH follows 1 1 Gift of Currency $15.000 00 1 lu.iXK) 00 1 " ft.WK) 00 1 2.1100 00 :i Sl.mn each a. ww to 5 " 2M0 00 5 :m " 1x0 00 ro jihj ...... f).ooo 00 l(Ml 50 " 5.000 00 :sij .'i0 " i.)ioo 00 S..U Ill) " 17.000 00 1.1117 Prizes umomitinK to 75,000 00 The ST.'i.noo will bo depositod in tho First National Bank of Utah previous to tho day of drawing, Tho drawing will take pliuo niid the cifla he nwiinli'U in a umuner pn-cie.'ly eiuiilar to Ih-it ol I ho C'oui-'erl clvcn in t-.iu Krunci.ieo, in aid of tho Mi' rem! lie Library, uuil uuilor t lie Supervision ol II Cuimiiiliou el well known ciltxeus of bait Lake Cny. 00,000 Tickets will Ue gold at $4.00 each. Tho ticket will admit tho bearer to the Concert. Ticket? for Kulit nt nil tho principal business houses of tho Tcmtur;-, All orders Tor tickets anil Uraflu for money to be ailrirFS'cd to CHURCH L CO., 1'. 0. llox 567 Snlt Uko City, U.T- Juvli AND OATS FOR SALE by the CAR LOAD OR RETAIL. I THOS, R. JONES & CO., I Hair-a-olovlc Soiiilinl l'.C. Otpot. (uy8 ORGANS. ORGANS! ORGANS! DAYNES As CO., For Utah Territory. Tor the sale of the celebrated cele-brated SMITH'S AMERICAS CABINET ORGANS Respectfully invito tho members of the Musical Profession nml the 1'ublie nenernlly to call at their Musio Kooius. FIRST SOUTH STREET, Two doora oast of llio Post Ofi'icc, Salt Lake City, and examine their splendid "took ot Ormins. and learn the unpreeedentedly LOW 1'lUCttSat which tbey oiler them lor sale, fho prices beinK from twenty to U.l.-.y iter cent lower than tbey can be bought 111 any other house iu Utah Duynes i Uo. do not oiler tho SMITH OKOaNS at thee low fiKurea because tbey are, aisomo would have it believed, a poorly manulaclurcd and eouKCiiuontly cheap instrument; lor, lor excellence ex-cellence of workmanship they have no superiors, supe-riors, wbilo in strength, purity and sweetness of tone, thoy cliailenye the j.rorehstou to produeo any instrument equal to them. Tho cause of their LOW RATES la easily explained : . Tkey have no local auents whom they PAY TO PUl'l- their wares; and besides this, thoy havo resolved to place tbeso beautiful instrument within Iho reach of all. and will do so by duinv what no othur bouse in Utah pretends to do. namely, snaring with their patrons 1I10 com mission allowoa by tho manulaclurers. Aet-iiik' Aet-iiik' on this principle thoy oiler thoir instruments instru-ments nt twenty per cent, lens than eastern retail inures, beside paying tho IreiKhL to the railway terminus in this city, guarantee-ine guarantee-ine every instrument sold sound mid lroo ot damage. They will sell a Parlor Vrgau.wilh elegant Black W alnut .Case, 1; ivo jtops, TrcmuloaudKuoe-swoll. lor SM0. the eusi-orn eusi-orn retail price being S17d. An instrument tor a school or mecting-housc, with power sufficient for fifty singers, with so von Stop. Sub-Bass. Octave, Coupler, lruuiulo and Kneo-swell, for 180. tho eastern price for the same instrument being 2Jo. . In proof that tho American Organ is all thoy represent, thoy rcter purchasers to tlio following well-known geiitlomon:-: Han-some Han-some u. L. Davis, A. Miner, John faharp, b. W Soars and W. S. Oodbe. also Jlrs., b. Kimball, all of this city; O. llcnroid, ot ball Creek. Juab county; T. btaynor, Ogden; the Fisbbum Cboir, Brigham City. Dnynes Jt Co. will also sell every other description of first-class Musical Merchandise, Merchan-dise, Irom a Pianolorto to a V lolm airing, at tho same ratio; and to prove that the pro-ceding pro-ceding statements contain not a particle o exaggeration, thoy invite all musicians laiul the public to cull and prove their truth by personal examination and investigation. Bemcmborl J. DAYNES & CO., Dealers in Musical Instruments, Two Doors East of the Post Ollicc, SALT LAKE CITY. Agents for the Celebrated Graver & Baker Sewing Machine ItaIiand LUMBER COMP'Y, Incorporated July 17, 1811. CAPITAL STOCK, - - 75,000. Dealers in all kinds of BuildingMaterial LUMBER, DOORS, WINDOWS, VENETIAN BLINDS, ALL KINDS MOULDINGS, CI1ICO SUGAR PINK, CEILING, SIDING, FLOORING. CALIFORNIA REDWOOD, RUSTIC SIDING, FLOORING, ETC., ETC., ETC. Orders for Mill Timbers promptly filled. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS. Main St., five doors south. o? Walker's All businoss dono through tho President of tho Company. Offices Lumber Yard,- one block south of Railroad Depot. B. II. BARRON, President. D. W. PARKHURST, Secretary. CHARLES DAHLKK, juy21 Troasuror. LUMBERYARD. .DOORS, WINDOWS, ;BLIND5, MOULDINGS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. T. It. J0SES & CO., HalF-a-blockaouth of U. C. Depot. mv3 i:di)ingto,'s i i I Two Blocks Houth of li U.C.R.R, 1 Depot, and next to Wm. Jennings' Jen-nings' Tannery. The yard is kept constantly supplied by , several saw-mills with ; A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. W. E. solicits tho patronngo of his old I friends, and by punctuality and diligence in J business hopes to merit a sharo of public support. FOR SALE in tlio 1'th Ward, ono ! Mock and a half wc-t of tho U. C. R. R., a small house and half lot, with fine orchard. . For particulars enquire of ug2o ' WM.EDDINQTON, " STAS BAKERY. Wo have ju?t received a large supply of Choice Flour, and Kunrantco A GOOD, SWEET LOAF. FRESH BUTTER AND EGGS, CORN MEAL, SHORTS, BRAN, GRAIN, Groceries and Provisions, 3Fiosli Bi-eaci Evory dny, wholesale and retail. Families supplioi. Buns, (Jukes, Oiiigcr Snaps, ,o, alwnyu on hand. Five Dooih Enat of Post Ollicc. s2 WOODS .t KTATON. COAL! COAL! Having purchased the Spriggs Coal Mine Wc arc preprtrcd to supply tills jnatly colcUrnicd WEBEK COAL ly enr load or re Kill. Depot nt U. C. R. It. Vnnl. Olllce; Kxuhango and Reading Rooms. BATE MAN Sl EUEL. aUh'S W. II. HUD, Afjcnt, The Cheapest ami liest STOVES in Hie CKj-, ut W. HARRISON'S, vl-'i' M;iirj-st., opposite Bp. Iluntcr'c. WATCHES & JEWELRY ! O. L. EL1ASON, 1)EUS to inform tho residents of Salt Lake ' City and vicinity, that ho not only ffuarantocs to properly Rcpair,Clean mid I Adjust Watches and Chronometers, but he villi make tticui ur any part of them, to order, and warrant the work. A sew supply of ELGIN and SWIbS "WATCHES just received, which ho will guarantee us reliable Li mo-keepers. Prices to defy competition Remcnihor tho si'Mrc's, Two doors east of the Deseret Liaitk. im TAYS.CS & BliQ., Merchant Tailors, COMMERCIAL STREET, KEEP con?!.mi!v on Irnl a rV.irr. diriment diri-ment nt l,,(t KNt'H, l-(;i,lsll nml A?I ERICAN ; Cloths, Cassirocres, ! Vcstings, Etc., j Of ihc finest niulitie.-- :ir..I l.it-t -Mr!. vh'wh wc make up 'mlur in tliu mm l.iihionalile and approved manner. JLJ-PaTRONAGE .SOLICITKD-sv GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, no: von CONFERENCE! TAYLOR & CUTLER Havo jutt received a new T Choice -MJ .powder j Cheaper than ever sold in this Territory. Coffee, Sugar, Lye, Etc. DRESS GOODS, DRESS FLANNELS, SHAWLS, MERINOS, DELAINES, Etc., ! . DATS, ; CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. A Inrge variety ol" i C Hi O G S To be sold cheaper than the cheapest. Store Opposite Sail Lake Uouse. auc2U AVIS' j NEW STORE Is Now Open. Just Received, a large arrival of choice "J? E3 S Direct from the Importers Also a full j stock of Staple and Fancy ' GROCERI ES. We havo REDUCED our best OUN-! powder to per pound. It cannot be equalled. TRY IT ! TRY IT I G. W. DAVIS, Two Doorsfrom Kimball & Lawrence's DAY & CULMER, I1IPGHTERS AND DK ALE 119 IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ' CONSISTING OP DRY GOODS, UROC K K I ES, HARDWARE. BOOTS, SHOES, H ATS, CROCKKKV, L AMI'S, GLASSWARE, dtC. CORDAGE A. TWINES, WOOD K X W A R K , CRACKERS Sl UISCUITS, TOBACCO, AlU., rtC, A.C. Which they offer at prices that guarantee satisfaction and defy competition. i Tho ohoicost j i? us a. st; constantly on hand of tho following kinds Gunpowder - - SI. 75 to SZ.Zr, ' VoniiK Hyson - 1.00 to 1.50 i Tycoon - 1.3!i to 1.G3 Fonplng - - - 1.13 to 1.3,1 Pekoe - I.WQ to 1.10 . Souchong . OO to l.(IQ Diamond Li. - - ' 1.00 Natural Lvof - OO to 1.00 And tho famous English Mixed Tea - - - 1.75 Dealers in Toas will Gnd it to thoir advan ad-van tap to give us a call, before purchasing purchas-ing thoir Toas. as our facilities in this branch of our business cannot bo excelled In tho oity.M " 'I'" DANIEL GRENIG'S BAKERY AND GROCERY STORE, WEST SIDE COMMERCIAL STREET, Near Second South Street, IS NOW IN FULL OPERATION Whoro ho -will bo iileosod to wnit upon his friundB nnd patrons with Everything the above Line CHEAPER THAN EVER. GIVE MM A CALL JN Ilis NEW RETREAT. n I GLOBE BAKERY, East Temple Street, first door north of Co-operative Grocery Department, GOLIGHTLY& HARRIS Keep constantly on hand GOOD FHESH BREAD j limn, Cakes, Pies, j Crackers, Etc. : Fine variety of CONFECTIONERY, I Wholtinl and Retail. Groceries, Flour, j ui.i Feed, &c.' TRAVEL UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. MIXED TRAINS ZEtTXILXr DAILY. Leaving the Utah Central Depot, j Salt Lake City, at 7.10 a.m., and Sandy Station, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Oanoo,) at G p.m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Utah Central Depot at 7:16 n.m, and 4:30 p.in , and Sandy Station at 8 31 a m. nnd 0 p.m. Salt Litko to Big Cottonwood Station, SOeta Little ' " Wets Sandy " 81.UO Twenty-five cents additional will bo charged when the fare is collected on tho train. FERAMORZ LITTLE, SUPERINTENDENT. D. O. CALDER, s5 0 en. Freight and Ticket Agent. GILP1ER & SALISBURY'S DAILY- STAGE LINES THROUGH Utah, South. - east Nevada & Montana, Mon-tana, LeavingSn.lt Lnke City Dally, ran lug sooth to Tiotic, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Sevier, St. George, Utah ; and Piocha, Nevada ; Pas sl ii throuKh Provo, Sprinpville, c',i:v ;.-!; J; or k, Pay-son. Pay-son. Salt Creek, C' H-"- Creole, Round Vallby. Fillmore. Com Creek, Beaver, inura- i ville, a od I All the principal itsvu;, and mining camps in southern Ut'ih nnd south-east Nevada. Alio leave Cnrlnne, Utah, dally, running north lo Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Deer Lodge, Cedar Creek minea, and passing through all tho principal towns and mining min-ing oamps in Montana, Mon-tana, PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building, junl Salt Lake Cily. Lon Wincn. LT. E. Kimball. SALT LAKE, Finn MA Tintic Stage and Express RUNNING DAI Li Y FROM SALT LAKK CITY, via LAKE TOWN, TOOELE CITV, STOCKTON AND OPH1R TO TINTIG. The route has been rc-stookod with splendid splen-did Concord Coaches, fine Stock, caioful and attentive Drivers, and ovcry attention is paid to tho ooml'or" " 1 convenience of passon-gors. passon-gors. Good accommodations on the road. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Ofllcc at Wella, Fargo , Co.'., Salt Lake City. WINKS & KIMBALL, nl.1 PrfinrlMnr. JF O X LIVERPOOL Sl QUEENSTOWN IN MAN L INE Or Royal Mall Steamers, Balling from New York, Every Saturday1 AND Alternate Tuesday. Cnbln Pamage, to Liverpool. (XAA) 7S.00 Steerage " " " (Ulr.) 3U.00 P&Btage from Liverpool to New York Cahln, . (Gold) T5.00 Steerage, . . (Currency) 3-1.00 Round Trip Tioketa iseuod at very low rate JOHN O.DALK, Ajrorit, lf Broadway, Now York, Or WILLIAM CALDKH, Airont, Salt Lake City. Utah. HEATH & )ULLI(il., MANUFACTCRKRS OV WHITE LEAD, Zinc and Colors, 170 & 172 Randolph street, CHICAGO. an 5! HAKUWAnc. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR STOVES ! NOW IS YOVK dIAMX vnn S T O "V IE S Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles to Select from. Including tl.a Old FAvorltea, Charter Oak, New Era, -. Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, - ., Etc., These as well as other varieties will be SOhD fllKAl'IR AT 1 II !. Hardware Dep'nt OF Z. C. JL. I. THAN IN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THIS TE1UUTOKY. H. U.CLA WSON, SiipcrintnulcLt. IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL., M.illfni'tnrrr PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, I5LOVi;!S, (itisiii:K!s And M'icJiiiiery for Smelting Furnaces Contracts made for building Furnaces Furna-ces of Utah Fire Stone. j Including Machinery, kc, pet u iu j complete running order. I Refcreuoea Knreka mining Company, Com-pany, Sail Laku Hj'( Umh Smelting Smelt-ing Company, Tlntlc. ! I Address J. G Richards, Chicago. ALL KINDS MiningTools Wright's lcliN, Sliovclx, Iron Hari'ovs, Lie, VAv. POWDER AND FUSE, IBON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS, Brass Goods, AT SCOTT, BUMM & CO S, Slnln Street. Weat .lilc, Next door to White House, LOW FOR CASH. mvis 2n nnn Ec:TT:iNr"Ds3 U.UuUiRON AND STEEL At C. II. SSassetl's. Opposite Salt Lake tlouid nib |