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Show Mot'NT Nkiu. Thin nionareh ol ilia Wuiati'h range reoeut explonv ions and prospeoting lnivo idiovvn to Miilain iv vatt amount ofoio. Instead if being a oiiiiipai'.uivt'ly worthlesi mid lingo exoreseneo on the fuoo of nature, it seems to Ini an inexhaustible deposi-ory deposi-ory of natuio'a wealth. Wo have low Inside ui a beautiful specimen ol .ileu 1 ore, from the Saxon mine, landed us by W. IT. Howlaud, K-i., vbo returned tliU week from a trip lirough Tiutio and on to Mount Nebo . lo found oro in tho mountain almost :'ioin iho valley as far up as tho snow uvd disappeared, and the higher the he altitude tho better was the piality. lie. had never seen anything iko it before, so inexhaustible seoiu-ngly seoiu-ngly was tho quantity of metal thero .Tailing for mining. IIo showed us 11 ;arge boulder that ho had knocked ofl vherj it was standing up out of tin-arth tin-arth six feet abovo the ground, and vhich ho had brought in with a ton if other speeimens.all low grade Ore, but ividenees of tho richness of tho mountain. moun-tain. The Great Western niino shows v vein six inches in thickness of solid irgentiferouj ga'ona; and another vein -i double the width, of tho samo quali-y quali-y of mineral. The snow had disappeared for proba-1I7 proba-1I7 fifteen hundred feet abovo the 'alley wheu Mr. Ilowland left, and here were experienced men waitiug md watching its melting, to prospect ho mountain thoroughly to tho sum uit. |