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Show Exclusion Pakties. Too hearty a c-omuiciidation caiiiiot be given to the Kan.-as and Denver I'aeitic r always iu uiaking exeitr.-ion fares for the season : Wo are convinced that the policy will, pay, and thai it will be a pleasure and ; a convenience to the public, as well as , rentable to the compauies concerned. In commenting on this lact the iialt Lake II ukalu sugne-ts that the same policy be a,lopteii by the Union and Central Facile companies, and in connection con-nection notes ihe various attractions of the " Queen C'i'y'' of the mountains' for the leuri-ts. We are convinced that li e I'acittj railway companies cannot can-not adopt too liberal a policy in their efforts to turn the tide ot pleasure (ravel towards the luvKy Mountains, and to make such an angeiiients where by Milliliter tourists will each vear be induced to visit the Rocky Mountain country, and spend the warm months amid the cool and attractive retreats which are otTered by so many locdities. and in so many sections of the country. :ietr eiis. |