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Show LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH LAST NIGHT. The Free-Masons Agitating in the Provinces tor the Commune. i: It S A 1 L L K S i II O V I N li UNEASY. More Fighting and Wore Slaughter. Yellow Fever Plague al liiienos Ayres. GENERAL NEWS. The Pennsylvania Coal Miners Itesuniing Work. Preparing for the Senate Special Session, May Snow Stop Maine Trains. FOREIGjV. London, 5. Tho Times' special says all hopes of peace are abandoned. The Kree-ilasons have gone to the provinces prov-inces to agitate in favor of the Commune. Com-mune. There was a constant and heavy fire between the forts to-day. Favre, Pouyer and Quertier have gone to Frankfort to meet Bismarck. The Daily jre;s says the Versail-lists Versail-lists are shelling Anteuil from the battery bat-tery at ilontretroul. The Prussians allow provisions to enter Paris. Ver sailles is uneasy. The castle of Issy is burnt. The Telegraph has a letter which says Rosccl defends the conduct ol (Jluseret. The Republican union league demands a tweuiy days' truce. The railway station at Anteuil is damaged, dam-aged, and the inhabitants are flying. Since Friday the insurgents lost 2.UUU men. London, 5. The Communists hold Lsy, having intrenched, issy tire slowly and it-teives a hail of projectile.-; Vanvres the same. The Ver sailhsts have unmarked a formidable battery at Moniretoul, menanciug Anteuil, An-teuil, Pout Jour and Passy. The Ver-saillisis Ver-saillisis have taken St. Germaine and esiab.ished a battery to shell the gun boals. A uaval combat is expected. There is a continuous but reoultless bombardment of jUontrogue and Haute Broyere. The Communists occupy trenches at Ville Juif; Ivery replies sharply. A great movement is expected ex-pected at Neuiliy and Lavalois. Vienna, 5. Maria Annuizita L? dead. London, 5. It ia said Prince Napoleon Napo-leon is dere. Paris, 5. The Commune abolishes all political and prolessional oaths. The Official Journal says Moulin Saquut was surprised by the treachery of the garrison selling the password to the VersaillUts. The place is recaptured, recap-tured, also Clamart station. The Chateau Issy has been burnt by the Federal shells. The Official admitb serious losses of prisoners and cannon, and admits that the Versaiilists have advanced and constructed barricades at Neuilly, and that the fire of Valerien has ignited Le Valois and Neuilly. General Rosel is wounded in the shoulder. Versailles, 5 The statement that the federals occupy Clamart is false. The journey of Favre and Pouyer is to arrange the difficulties in the Brussels Brus-sels negotiations and hasten the signatures signa-tures to the treaty of peace. The firing continues; the belligerents are statu quo. Buenos Apres, April 12. The yellow yel-low fever is dreadful ; seven hundred die daily. Havre, 5. The Havre and Fecamp Masons have jointly implored the combatants com-batants to negotiate. speech in opposition to tho treaty, and 1 1 in t ho will take occassion in it to explain ex-plain his uiili ien lly relations with Sec-1 iclary Pish is unfounded. Sunnier has not wen the treaty, and ho will not op j pose it unless it shall appear lo his I mind, after an examination, that it is unwise mid defective. Morton will probably havo charge of the treaty in tho Senato. Mrlke Kmled. Rochester, N. Y., 5. The strikers at ,ho great canal break havo surrendered, surren-dered, and resumed work this morning. morn-ing. The military sent out last night from tho city aro still on the ground. WaMlkliifftoii IVewi. Washington, 5. Secretary Boutwell having returned to Washington resumed resum-ed bu-iness at the Treasury Department Depart-ment this morning. Although about four hundred employes em-ployes havo been removed from the Bureau of engraving and printing, lince last winter, theio aro now seven hundred men, women and boys cm-oloyed cm-oloyed in that branch of the Treasury Department, engaged in printing legal ender nolos, revenuo stamps, and faces and 6oaln of the new oouds, the 'ast named will not be ready for delivery de-livery before the 1 5th or 20th of the present month, when there will be a small supply of all denominations. Snow Storm in niitlne. Brunswick, Me., 5. About five inches of snow fell last night in Farui-ington, Farui-ington, Maine, and the cars were stopped. stop-ped. The roads are heavily loaded with snow this morning. . ! Jim Flulr. vi. the C. P. 11. R. New York. 5. The bill of complaint in the suit of James Fisk, Jr. against the Union Pfieific R. R. ani the Credit Mobilier, which was originally begun in the Supreme Court, was filed this' morning in the clerk's office of the United States Circuit Court under the recent order of removal. This is the ease in which Fisk accuses the Union Pacific Company, the Credit Mobilier and other defendants, of forming a conspiracy to forward the interests of certain stockholders. Some Rain. San Francisco, 5. There has been a little rain in the central and southern parts of the State, but not sufficient to improve the crops. The Medical Association. The Medical Association go on an excursion around the bay to-morrow. Many of the delegates start home on ! Monday. Monetary and Stocks. New York, 5. Gold steady. Sterling Sterl-ing steady and unchanged. Govts, quiet and steady. Sixes, 81, 16; 5 20's, 02, C-t and 65, 11; new, 67 and OS, 1 ol; 10 40 s 9J. Currency, sixes, 15i. Stocks steady. W. U. T., 59f; Pac Mail, 4S; Wells Fargo, 44. Mining Stocks. Point, 105 ; Kentuck, 69 ; Alpha, 10; Belcher, 7G; Imperial, 53; Overman, Over-man, 4; Jacket, 72; Chariot, 45; Nevada, Ne-vada, 15; Sivage, 4SJ; Ophir, 6; Choliar, 79i; Norcross, 54. |