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Show TI111EH VD mLKUllllllUl. 'I it 1:1 U-. 1: K-. .k .k i- c .-f .-f 1- Prai. .-i'; Las 'a::; I .. o-t. - ''I '-.0' 'V I i... 1 I:..'..' -. t- 4 0 i. A I -. ... I. til.. ' a.".- '. .k. i i- 1 ' - ; .a a . it--, i i l.-: : pi.u i: '.!. J ... 1 ... -1 i' ' ' w :' t .. i i.i p .-a --i-: - - - '. ,n ri. 1 i'l. . i 1 - ' - . ;.' tj ioi i .., Ai i." : "i'' Lis t- -U L . 1 f. 0 ati i -.:.! '.li j. ir ij t:.-.- 1 ..i. i.t.r.. -a 1 ' t 0 . ij a.-a v i a. . 1 . i.a- oL.-'s t. at tac t..e I..'1U et '' m.-Ii. .-Ii .'-2-s i.z i i,-i c.ca'- an.- rs ani 1 a;. tr 1-: e if -'.e la.. ;.'. a. 1 l i.-i--i -'r.-.t-. i.ni. 1. w . :,. .r::.l .x-t I'r.ii.' t . ... N j i.vi- .'.-t. l.-.l.a t.-'-re ..'e ? ; Lar-.' Lar-.' - t - i . : -. vi the m Ca.ii'.'.'t-la ra..:..id w..i L ... c- iLUi-.-t. -fi in a si.j.'t t.n.e, a:. 1 it 1. tLe lu'e'.l. ..u to c- 111-p.cte 111-p.cte -ix'y mi...-- in.. re -ol ti..s r.aa uar-.ijg uar-.ijg ti.e c.iii.i.g 3'iiiiii.i.r. Canon B.-jttj a vl.-itcj la-t 1 ri-iay ri-iay GV'.r a f 1 rt ti.at s..ver ore 1 1. i ictu l.vj'.iicl in oi.e of the 't.i.':. a'...ula m..e tli! ef G.el.ile. ILe i tin- 1 d'--'in.-S the cxoiteni-.-ut a.-"w..d." a.-"w..d." Piutao.y th-.-re n.ay L-e some "Wi.i eat'' in the matter. lte Nev a la .V.t.v li' -j 'ic'.rr .-ays: The lnd.au- abvut Aurora are iuorcas-llig iuorcas-llig at a I'.artal rate, anl l:ou!;-e may aiiti'iij att 1 in that . otion uule?s the tiling li -topped. U11 Tu .-d-y ki.-t a.-qiaw gave buth to tour boys aa of him were hving and doing well at 1 a -t a. vo'int . By the Uuiatii 11-r-i-l we Karuthat i lat lilday atUruis.,11, Peter Ca-ey, a' switchman iu the employ of the L . P. 11. R. Co , at ( luiaha, while engaged ' near th freight depot making a ' tiyti g a. tch, was atrucit on the head by the end of a ear, thrown under the cars and mangled iu a horrible manner. U11 'liirwlay last, in Potter alley, Sonoma Co., Cila., J. G. Grirhtsshot J. Lefevre with a double-barreled1 idiot-gun, lor alleged defamatory remarks re-marks against his family. Lefevre's left arm aud tore arm were badly mangled; several small shot lodged in his breast. Grithts was committed! for trial. A lire on Friday morning, commencing commen-cing in tlie rear of the Masonic Hall,! r-onora, destroyed seven buildings, in- j eluding the Kittle saloon, va.ued at thirteen thousand dollars, owned by J. C. Smith; insured for five thousand dollars iu the Manhattan. The Ma-1 sonic hall building and contents, valued val-ued at twenty two thousaud ooliars, were insured lor eight thousaud dollars in different companies. Five thousand I dollars will probably cover the balance , of the loss. Ail of the frame buildings in the Riible block were destroyed. It) is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. ' The Denver JTtirs of Sunday says; A shocking murder occurred at Fort Lyon, one week ago last Sunday. A citizen named Louis Peiiee, a Frenchman, French-man, who was wiih the quartermaster! of the post, as blacksmith, was attacked ! and finally killed by a soldier of the 3rd infantry, named Clark. No motive for the murder has been assigned, except that of plunder. Felice is represented to have been a man of good character, as a general rule, but given to drinking drink-ing on occasions. He was a man of quiet habits and great good nature, and was not supposed to have an enemy in the world, which makes the affair look still more like a cold-blooded murder. Clark is now in the Pueblo county jail. |