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Show CONNECTICUT GONE REPUBLICAN. REPUB-LICAN. The vli;i.-al prophets havo loen Jisapiviiuod iu the t.'onnce::eut cleo-tion. cleo-tion. Makitij: some a'.lo.vanee f r the eo'.oiwl v ;o. a.l !e 1 s.neo t'e.e pr-evieus oKvtion. u was eon-; lore I tha: t'.-.e ro-aeciou ro-aeciou w.is suilieienily strop. to ensure a lViiKvraiic vie: ry. lit the e'on:oo of (.'oiKrvsMueu for the forty tirst Cou-itrvss, Cou-itrvss, the Kepuol'.o.iu oa:i,;...ia:os haj uiaioritios as to .ows : irt oi-:r o:. 5?tron.. To"; sxwaJ j.s'.r'.o-. Ke lo.-c. oo-l; t h : r .i ii;-:no:. S::ir' weather, iit-'.i. In the fourth a:r:ot RaniMii;. IVtuoorat, xX 1.1 ;.) ut ror;:.v ovor Uoarvisloy. 11 .-ptfoito.::'. l?y the returns, re-turns, so far revv.ve.i. u w ,;'. i appear that the of the U.-pttoiiean eat: -dates e '.cot ed hive rod -.teed r.; r 'rit.os. which shows that th; Po..; vratto vote has grown ooti.;.ler.w y, wh.-i t'.t-; oo'.-orod oo'.-orod vote is tvokoncd. which wo.i. i. as a matter of course, lo princ ; ; Uo-rubi'oan. Uo-rubi'oan. re;;.' to.e Oo'ciovra s ex; cc:.: to return throe uiomlvrs to l"on -ross of the four, an 1 o'u itol upon the ro-.'oc-tion of Kiu'.;.-h. as u ovcrr.or. l..c Loirisiaturo is Kopul o.cai!. i i: as a 1". S. SenaUT wtil not be e.eoto i by it. the rosu't t:;oon n.i:t'f.;i p is r.ot so creat. I. 5. oor.aior Orr.v Ferry, whse teriu tut eivp.ois. keeps his scat in the Fe.i-Ta'. Senate untt. March 3. 1-To. having been eieo'.-o.i tor the term cvecine-oiiv ! irch i. "T. There is Ii::ie d:ub: th: :bo i -1''.-cf the .New Uipshtre o'eott'ti ;-'.:: the Republican pirty en its ,i;ot:'o to car-y Conneoticu. A o.ot'ea: ttr.re. w.v-'.i have been dama;iri. a', over to.e cona-try. cona-try. The Pemocruts a.s.i put forth their screncth. detertiirjeJ. i: rossic-.e. to repeat Xew Hampshire; ani they niay conzratu.".ate themse'ves oa the result re-sult should tie Xsw York ir-.r; -f statement prove correct, that the Congressional Con-gressional delegation is eqna.'.y divided, and that the gubernatorial rote is so close it will have to be decided hy an official court. veu if the results of the election on M .t.-Ut ,:. ....1 I. 1'..; tl..; kj ?rit irio i in tl. : -i.i..: f '.-!'. fi as .;...-I .;...-I 'i" I' I'.- "... : i..'. i .-...I in ..- a I.' - :.: .-. 1 , ti.: 1 . , I a.l - . - '. , ... -( i..'.i. V. . . . - -i . t. 1 i.. .r : , , ., . A t:o: Ii '. t:.i'. haj r J ; .1. -i tc i ." .-' .1 ' . . : .. ' : '! i; i. ii : ii..:.... 1 - -- .. !:.' '- |