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Show LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH LAST NIGHT ; Popular Indignation in England Eng-land against Russia. i Mezieres again Surrounded by the Germans. AUSTRIA READY TO TAKE THE FIELD LF ENGLAND ENG-LAND CONSENTS. AostaElectedandProclaimed King of Spain. The European Powers willing: wil-ling: to Reconsider the Treaty of Paris. England will Stand Alone njainst Russia If recesarj'! Gihralter being: Reprovis-ioued. Reprovis-ioued. Egypt, Servia and liouma-nia liouma-nia will Join Russia. General Xeivs. Scheme to Sell the Western I nieii Telegraph Line to Government. FOREIGN. Herald's cable, London, 111 At a cabinet council to-day it was agreed, in regard to the Russian complication, that war is imminent. Greict popular indignation is expressed against J!us-sia. J!us-sia. World's cable, London, ).". The Colornr Ga::iU of the I'jth says Baron Beust, after an interview with the Russian ambassador at Vienna, stated to Lord Bloonifield that Russia had a hundred thousand troops near the Turkish frontier, and Austria was prepared to take the field if England wou'd give her consent. Tours, 16. Mezieres is surrounded again by the Germans, and an artillery fire is kept up between the town and the besiegers. The morale of the French troops is improved since the late stccesscs. The eastern question is eagerly watched here. Madrid, 17. The Cortes have elect ed the Duke of Aosta King of Spain, by a Tote of 191 against 12U. Madrid is animated, but there is no disorder. London, 17. There is intense excitement ex-citement in government circles here, ihe general conviction is that English statesmanship is at fault. With all its traditional arms the country is imperilled imper-illed and wholly unprepared for war. Cardwell hastens the armament. The treaty admitting Hesse Darmstadt Darm-stadt into the North German Confederation Confede-ration is already figned. The negotiations negotia-tions with Bavaria are in a satisfactory shape. The election returns thus far show that the Diet will stand as follows : Conservatives, one hundred and eighty ; old liberals twenty ; national na-tional liberal one hundred and ten ; progiessives forty; catholics forty; various thirty. Madrid, 17. The opposition voted as follows : for a Republic, sixty-four ; for Mont pension twenty-two; for Es-partero, Es-partero, eijjht ; for Allonzo, two ; for Montpensicr's daughter, one : declined to vote, eighteen. Vienna, 17. Von Beust was in conference con-ference on Tuesday evening with the British and Turkish ministers upon the question raised by Russia. London, 17. The Paris Te.mpt says an offensive movement can aluue save the city. All the powers are willing to reconsider recon-sider the l'aris treaty. Granville p reply to Gortschakoft 's circular denounces de-nounces .R ussia's right to recogni.e circumstances as releasing it from the obligations of a solemn treaty ; it also denies, assuming as true that some power considers itself released from the treaty, that others are at liberty to disregard it. The Times says if the Russians put a fleet in the uxine, Turkey i ait to sweep it off ; if not, England and the other powers are bound to do so. London, 17. The continental pa pers take no pains to di.-.guise their satisfaction sat-isfaction that England with her colonies colo-nies should suffer more severelr than France has from a war. The last sortie from Belfurt was repulsed re-pulsed yesterday. The Fien h lot 2i" killed and wounded, and fif y-eikrht prisoners. All the papers hfre speak of the Russian demand as insolent. En'.aq 1 will stand firm to the treaty encasements, encase-ments, and will stand alone. Thn.ugli-out Thn.ugli-out England the preparations for defense de-fense are extensive. Gibraltar is !-ing !-ing reprovisioned. and the government is producing powder in large quar.ti-tie. quar.ti-tie. In the event of a depuration ol wer Egvpt. Servia and R.iun.an:a wi.l unite a3iBt Turkey f-.r independ-1 ; encc. I London, 17. The Prussian lark Hermann 1U thma" was bl'wri up by j a French frijare off the coast of Ire-l Ire-l land yesterday. i Ma'drid. 1 7'. Several el" the Jopu- ties who Vetel aiinst Dute A-'ia 1 yesterday, having changed tl.'ir v..ie-to v..ie-to aSrmativ. the Iroke has I'.t-n proclaimed King by the Prfsid'i.t ! ihe Cones. Saivo of snhierr u.l 1 lowed tha prvlamaiion |