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Show NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SUSTAIN HOME MANUFACTURE I Tlie BtMt aud (he Chtaprit ! Have Yon Tried Theiul ANTI-DYSPEPTIC, OB CQMPCU8D B3NESET PILLS. IXine-made and purely Tcvetablt. TrYnty-(iveoente ptr bur Twenty five Pill.". W arranted to give eatulactivn. They rflieTe .TauDdice, Dycpppsia, Indigts-tion. Indigts-tion. Liver Complaint, Ueauache, Lor- of Appetite nad 'oui btorumb, will breH up Coiaa, Fevers, Couj;ha. uad Purify the Blood. Taey will Cleuase ibe atotnacb, Kcuovare the System, and di?pel Disease Are good in all cs:a where PbyaiC ia needed. Try a box. ou will liue theru. yod never waotaayotber bort. They ro ionic, Cathartic ad i'x pretermit. pre-termit. OPTHALMIC BALSAM, Or Kyt Balm. VoIuaMe in moit Disfaie of the ?. Ke-move? Ke-move? Infl;i loniiitien, titrenjfihtn the Sit be, nod Weak or Drooping L...P, and iflKenerally kealins aed trenKtbeniiiff to tie (Hfcbt, but caudes no pain. It i ala good for Tetter, Mint wnrtn and bad Sore. Unly Twenty-live CenU per Box. COINItLIXV WALVU. A valuable remedy for Cut J. Bruise, Wnun-U, rjorea, Jium., Sc.ild., and lor Wejk or Liime Hack," bide or Breapt, nnd lor ninny ether Theae and other heine-aiado family medicine?" medi-cine?" are prepared by J. K. JOH.VSO.V, St. George, t tah, And sold e.t Zion'i Co-operative Storci and by other hents throughout the Territory. Also sold at wholesale r furni-he on cuuV tu ision to responsible agcnti-i. 11 iheee medicines med-icines are not kept at your slorei, aflt your merchant tu order thcrn at onoe. THEODORE LUBBE, Manufacturer of LADIES'! FANCY FURS East Temple Street, At Florence Rewind Machine Snlefreom, Opposite bait Lake House, lias on hand and for nalo a flno a.-fortmont of HOME-MADE LADIES' FURS Such us Utah Kurt Alaakn Mink, Krmlue, Cii InclilJ Iiti, It unxln n Squirrel, Ailrnkan, Pe rwl nit Lmti It, V k ranrr, Krlmner, RtiHuliin and Frtnrh Coney, Utah iwnl J&aHtern M ithkratH, A.t-.,,dtc Which I ofl'cr at exceedingly low price. All gonds warranted a.i rcpiexcnted or money relumed. Ladies' Fura of any dracriplim oiLua to order in a work nmnliko manner. 3 HOTELCOGKIKG STOVES No, 12 Complete, For Hale nt BUhHt'lt & UolTlllUIi'H, OjijtOHUc Halt. Lnkfl Houmc, Main St. CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep t'oii.stuully en baud, Wliohisule and KHnil, Clieiee Imported LIQUORS AND WJNES, At Luwont 1 ii I h . It II II M U K' IC'H H I I I. II , , b.a.l Trmplf ftttrrrt. AMUSEMENTS S1TUATIIEATRE CHANGE OF TIME. Deors oien at 7; Porforinanee te commence at 7:3'V. Grand. Variety I5ill ! Saturday Even'g, Nov. 19th. Performance to commence with the very 6uccedslul comedy in two acts, entitled The WONDERFUL WOMAN Champion C'loa Dance, Mr. M.WIlllflius. After wbtuh the new nejrro "ketch entitled Troubles at the Hotel. Hii'iiH and Hoi-8elc'. IV conclude with, fur the first time in this theatre, the laughable twoact farce eutttlcd FORTUNE'S FROLIC. In pre par i ion, the great Xnutioul Drama, entitled, THE LOST SHIP. SALT LAKE THEATRE. FOR tovn NIGHTS O.MT, CommeM.lnff Tn.stiay. Not-. id. Frank MacEry Manager. MaoEVOY'X GREAT Pictorial, Musical and .National ENTERTAINMENT! THE NEW HIBERNIC0N! Representing a teur in Ireland, or Ireland im America. In eoniection with which, the fellowing talented Artiata will appear: Mr. Reteert Byrnes, the faTorite Irish remic Twalitt, n "Ilarntr the tiuiu." Miss Mary Douglas, an ''The Widow," and "Mn. O'ealliighan." Miss Ida Lester, m 'Korah." W, S. Stewart, Lecturer. Charles Parr, Mnairal Director. Admission t"ual Theatre rateb. Boers epn at T YUck ; rommnrs at half pst 7-PRAIVK 7-PRAIVK C. GARLKK, A-mt. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. JJalf ft block wert of President Yuuiu'm Heiidenco. JOHN W. VOUAG, Ks(,., Prop. Xatlve Beatfttf, Blr.U and Re1iles, Wolrorintf". Bear?, Faxe?. Mountain Deer, Lynx. Wild Cat, ic. iMf.rUnt eullectiun of Natiro Mi.trals: Admission, 5(1 ct. Children, ' IO " MR. CEO. S. 1'. 1'KICE, THE LIVING SKELETON, Cm ft!o be fees, on payment of -5 cent?. ! i 3J rtu ri of are, fire ffet hre ineheri high, and neih" only Korty-eiglit Bound Open erery day except Sunday, from 9 a.m. to j p.ni Feeding Time, 3 p. in. J.L. BARFOOT, Manager. PI A IS O IIAFJFJLK. Unly 800 C uanrrp. at One Dollar Each. A teven and a half ocUvo Pian et WW, FWnmina the inMruuicnt nnd buy vonr t if-lieu tor the Kuffle at MRS. COI.KBKOOK'M. ARCTIC MINK, AMI ROCKY MOUNTAIN FURS. Wi. C. M. fl. HuTinn reoeired h clmito conjMKiinu'nt, in addition to our HOME-MADE FURS ! W oll.w llniMiml nir-:nin in llio fiiUuwiiiK lino uf lull ettfc : HIEJICII CO.VKV, HKI.UIAN t'ONKl , KITt'll, AT. .11 1'SK., HI. I K. t'ONK.t, TIFI'Kl) MIDKIIAT, 1MT. 1V.11MIJC, ALASKA HAKI.K, S1IIKK1AN hUl IIIUK 1,, ALASKA ail.Mi, A I.AM K A IMIMC, Angi.ln Til AHTHAKAN. CI HUH! ION'S ,KKJTS '1' iilinvt' Hi. Iiow Figures. II. It. I.AWSOS, S.M.I, SOUTHERN MAIL AND EXPRESS LINE, Carrying (lie T. S. Mall, Au4 Wells, Fargo . Co. Express. The mndersifned in now running a Daily line of Stage? to PROVO & FILLMORE. On and ifier Not. loth, 1870, singes will run on alternate day for Meadow Valley, Star District and St. Ceorge. Connections made with stages for Tlntio auii Sevier Mines, Saupete and Arizona. i Good Meuls and aocommodations all alone the line. Time to .St. Georce and Meadow Valley Mine?, Sdnya, 10 hours. HUGH WHITE, Prop, u&iceat Wells, Farro k C. C. Y. BMITH, (teueral Ageat. A NEW SUPPLY uf liie c-eltfeifued STUD EBAK EE WAGONS ARBIVED. Embrn:inj htHTy and light FARM AND KAftYOft WAGONS Hie fuTorit X3 X A. 3VX O N 13 and othtr LIGHT SPRING WAGONS, Tery desirable for Family itHe. Th, St,d.bakr Wngrtns are Ruun factnred .at f Hi. very beH rauterials by the meat competent mechanic' in the country, and are "WARRANTED FIRST CLASS. VOR SALE AT CHEAP RATHS. JOH.V T. CAIJVE, Asent, Salt Lake Herald Office. 1ST O T I a U ! Telegraph Olliees ARE NOW OPEN AT DRY CREEK, Salt Lake County, LEIII and PLEASANT GROVE, Utah County. A. SI. ML83ER. Sut. Z. C M. I. Clothing Departm't FRESH ARRIVALS OI Mew Goods in Fall and WINTER SUITS! OVEKCOATi, J i i CAPES, TALMAS Military Clothing, &v. Alert a Full Varioiy nf GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS Gents', Litdies' and !o.vs' BOOTS & SHOES Gcuts' Youllis' and HATS and CAPS. TKKNKS in nil jtyle ami qualities. Valines hihI Cahvkt 5ack. Carpets.Matting, Floor Cloths M all Taprr ami Decorations. Alirnyunn hand unci lur milo by tho nl. A lurtto t tuck of VCMeli mid FiiigllRh CnwMluirt', Oocaklim. tlcnvrrN, Military MntliN, Homo ?Iiidr TwcrA. A.e. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! Oi'ntleiumi's i'liitlnnir, or Militurv Nviitfl. in it ill) lo nnlrr in tho tvr t Slylt ! Viifliion on thn plmrt-l notiro. K i re t-ol n-- Fit imil W oi Um(iniLi iJimriihtm'-L MILITARY TRIMMINGS IN HHI-'.AT YAMI-.ir. 11, 15. C'LiWVKON, .iri PEOPLE'S VERDICT! Over Half a Million Sold and inTJsei 4,000 Made and Sold Per Week. S'l 1ST Q .ER'S IMPEOVED SiJLTCT Family Sewing1 Machines, ARE Til Si IS 13 ST L Till: WO mil), Because all of theui are in constant use, while a very large proportion of other makes re not u.ed, owing tOtheir being partially or utterly impracticable THE SINGER NEW FAMILY MACHINE Ha been brought to perfection, rcjardlei-s of time, labor or expense, aud i now incomparably the best sewing machine in existence. It is Simple, Compact, Durable, Beautiful, Quiet, Light -Running, aj capable of performing a range and variety of work never before attea'ptej upon a single machine ; using either Silk, Twist, Linen or Cotton thread, nod sewing with equal facility the very finest and coarsest materials, or anjthinj between the two extremes, in the,most beautiful and substantial manner. The New Improved Attachments for Hemmin-c, (any width) Braidin Emdroidering, JIagic Ruffling, Gathering, Gathering and sewing on (at the saa, time), Self-Sewing, Cording, Tucking, Qailtinar, Felling, Trimming,Binding.et, are novel and practicable, and have been invented and adjusted especially I'dr' tnis machine. Folding- Tops nnd Cabinet Cases. New designs of the unique, useful and popular Folding Tops and Cabinet Cases, peculiar to the Sin?er Machine, in every variety of wood, such u Black Walnut, Mahogany, Rosewood, Satinwood, and from the plainest to the most elaborate pattern and finish. The Machines themselves are plain or highly ornamented with pearl and gold to correspond with their tables or cabinets. In the Singer the work is fed or passed through the Machine in the natural direction, namely, from the operator, permitting her to sit in a natural and healthy position. In many other Machines the work passes irom right to left, or the reverse, compelling the operator to sit in a bent and unhealthy position, and thus causing icmknexs of the buck, etc The Singer uses a SHORT STRAIGHT NEEDLE, which is not liable to break or miss tho stitch. Many other machines use a long crooked aeedle, which is liable to break and to miss the stitch. In the Singer Machine the Shuttle is CAliRltD, thus avoiding nearly ail wear. It requires NO OIL, and does not soil the thread or goods. Other machines drive their shuttle--, in a race, thus causing great wear, and requiring oil, soiling the thread and good.-!. On the Singer, the Tension on both the upper and lower threads is absolutely abso-lutely under the ready control of the operator, thutt rendering the machiae always available for good sewing, which is not the case with any other. Many so-called cheap machines are really worthless, and so are many of their ne peculiarities and supposed advantages. The SI.NGEll is the OLDEST PRACTICAL SEWING MACHINE, Being about twenty years in the market. Having been constantly improved by the employment of the mo.-t fkil.ed ingeiuity of the age and Unlimited Un-limited capital, it is now divested of all unnecessary parts and posseevri All the Very Latest Inventions aud Improvements. Itistheony Machine sold on Honest Claims, as all its parts are Practical and will do'aU that it claimed for them. Some other Machines are Greatly Complicated, to do Useless and Silly things, and thus are rendered Liable to Constant Derangement Derange-ment The Singer Seldom or Never gives trouble, but is readily and easily managed by those tcAo utterly fail on other JJucliines. SINGER'S NEW MANUFACTURING MACHINES Claim the same advantage? over others of their class as the new Family Mi-chines. Mi-chines. These old and well-tried Sewing Machines are applicable to all kimh of heavy and light manufacturing in Clotlis, Leather, tic, aud run in the most perfect and reliable manner without troub.e to the operator. Without any previous advertisement, the Demand for tbe SIXGKB MACHINK is so Great that we hat Ifen vnahie to retain even ok Machine to e.rhdit. ALL SOLD, but A LARGK NUMBF.R ARE NOW ON THK WA1' from New York, and WILL ARRIVE IN A EEW DAYS! They will consist of the Difl'ereut Varieties mads by the Singer Mauufactn- ring Company, and we shall sell at Eastern Prices, with addition of Freight only. To accommodate parties who cannot pay all down, we will sell on EASY MONTHLY INSTALMENTS So that all may possess one of these Blessings. For the convenience of our Patrons we have engaged the servieesof a jeutiif man who has had twenty years experience and is one of the most skillful experts in the world iu repairing aud adjusting Sewing Machines. He will put each Machine in complete and practical running order before it leaves the Insulation Insula-tion and will also impart to purchasers all needful instruction, so that they tan at once commence work. We resort to no trickery whatever to soil Sewing Machines, kit ailuc their Great Merits to recommend them. We can do this, as the demsnJ for thorn is so great that although the Singer Company make more linn all other first-class companies combined, they cannot nearly till their orders and aro compelled to still cxteud their Gigantic Woiks. Having beeu fo fortunate as to secure the (;i:nki:al central, acskncv For this Territory, we extend a cordial invitation to all to come and see these Machines, whether llicy wish to buy or not. ,6Ye i others, but do n't buy without yon r.ramine the Siiuirr ! We ii:ir;iiiii'c liver.v l:i-liiuc Vo Sell To give Kntiro Satisfaction. THE SINGER BUTTON-HOLE MACHINE Is tho only Practical one in the World. Othor Sowing Maohiues Repaired cn Reasonable Terms. MACHINES FOR SALE AT Tills RETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT ZION'S CO-OPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITUTION. II. It. CLAWSON. Sup. |