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Show T.& W.TAYLOR Have opened tlicir new and commodious store, OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOUSE, Where tiiey invite their friends and the public generally to call and see their splendid stock of NEW GOO DS! As they arc determined to sell very low for cash. They consist of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, ROOTS, SIIOKS, HATS. CROCKERY, CLOCKS, STOVES, HARDWARE, ETC THKY ALSO BCY AND SELL Flour, Cain, Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Cheese, &c. 2ion5sGooperative Mercantile Institution TO CITY AND COUNTRY GO-OPERATIVE SHIS And the -Trade generally. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM, (Up Stairs.) WiftSTER GOODS! Long Shawls, Nubias, Hosiery, Single Shawls, Hoods, cloves, Children's Shawls, Scarfs, Flannels, Rlanke'ts, Counterpanes, Jeans, Cassiineres, Linscys, DOMESTIC GJ0D3 IN FULL SUPPLY AS USUAL. Boots &, Shoes, Rubbers & Arctics, Men's, Boys and Children's Hats. It E T AIL Dry Goods Department. This Department is in-regular receipt of HEW STYLES DPiESS GOODS, Notions, Fancy Trimmings, &c. A large invoice of WINTER SHAWLS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, SCARFS, ARABS, &c. New and Fashionable Styles now on exhibition. Repellants, for Ladies Winter Suits, -CLOAKS; FURS, Single, in Setts, or made to order at low prices. Full stock of CARPETS, DAMASKS, RUGS, TABLE CLOTHS, &C, &C. In great variety. H. B. Clawson, Supt. THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS, Embracing over A HUNDRED DIFFERENT SHADES, prepared for immediate application and requiring no mixing, just received and for Bale at the DRUG DEPARTM'NT Z. C. PJi. I. The ingredients of these Paints are simple and indestructible. The qualities quali-ties with which they recommend themselves are: Cheapness, durability, supe-rionty supe-rionty of color, an unusually smooth and glossy appearance, less labor required in laying, no trouble of mixing, will stand fire or rain, and does not crack or peel ott with atmospheric chances, Dor chalk off by friction. They are the best, cheapest, most durable and mot popular Paints in ue The AVERILL WHITE PAINT is a ZINC PAINT, containing no ead, and is ot equal superiority and popularity. BRING ALONG YOUR PAINT CANS OPEN AND PURCHASE BY THE GALLON. A full line of Foreign, Domestic and Case Liquors. At the Drug Department, Z. C. M. I. If. 15. CLAWSON, Supt. DUNFORD 1- SOWS IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN ' Boots, Shoesi Hats At (he sign of I ho MAMMOTH SHOE AND HAT STORE I'lAsT TKM'm ;i: stukkt. GRAIN WANTED! CALIFORNIA TRADE, J.LVEKDIXG fc CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 48 Clay St., San Francisco, DEALERS IX OREGON PRODUCE. Are constantly in receipt of Oregon Hm. Bacon, Lard, Salmon, Ac. Starch, of our wn and Eastern niaimfarnit nliv.iy.4 on hnnri. A. J. GRIFFITH, Beler in X3E5 aI1 kimU of PICKIiKD SMOKED SALMON AND HERRINGS. 133 Washington Street, BolowDaviv SAN FRANCISCO. All kinds of Dried, Smoked and Pickled Finh constantlyon hand. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO,, Importers and Jolibers of eyery Tnriety of Foreign WINES AND LIQUORS, 311 Clay Street, San Francisco, - - California. WiLMERDINO & KELLOGG, Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 214 & 216 FJRONT STKEET, SAN FRANCISCO. Jauies Sprnituo, John SpruuDt,. C. C. Chapnmn. J. & J. SPfiUANCE, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WINES AND LIQUORS, 415 Front Street, SAN I'KANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. TOBIM, DIXON & DAVISSON, Importers f ENGLISH, FRENCH fc GERMAN Fancy Good, Jlillinery Goods, Yankee Notions, White Goods, Pocket Cutlery, Hosiery, Perfumery, Linen Il'dhchfs. Haying resident Partners in Earope, and being in direct communication with the manufacturers, wo are enabled to execute all orders, and Sell at as Low Rates as New York Importers. We inTite the attention of BUYERS FOR UTAH TERRITORY To onr Stock, which is the large! and mM Timed on the Pacific Coant. TOBIN, DIXON k DAVISSON, Pan Franrisco.Cal. EINSTEIN BROS, & CO,, Importer? anil Manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES 113, 115, and 117 Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. We would especially cull the attention f the Trade to our CALIFORNIA MADE GOODS I Which in point of style, (it and durability I are equal to the be.t cuftona made jroorfi. j Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 216 BATTERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, Offer to the trade of Salt Luke and vicinity LEATHER, or all kinds, HAH Miss, CALIFORNIA SADDLES, COLLARS, WHIPS, And a general assortment of SADDLERY GIIOD AT NEW YORK PRICES. Send for Catalogues and Prires. WEIL & CO. IMPORTERS OK Cigars and Tobacco Proprietor of the HAVANA CIGAR MANUFACTORY, 241, 23 and Ji5 Front St., Southwest corner Front Jt Sacramento SU P A IV jp I-C A. IV CISC O. BRITTAN, H0LBR00K & CO Importers and Deal ere in Stoves fc Ranges, SHEET IRON &.T1N PLATE, Copper, Zinc, Sheet Lead, Wire, PUMPS, TIIiKIt' aois, Tools and Machinory and General HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE, Embracing Plain, Jnpunncd, Planished and Stamped Waro, Hon. Ill tb. 113 California and Ni. 17 - Itf Dnvli Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. C. ADOLPHE LOW & CO,, SAN FRANCISCO, OA,',., Iirip'rtrr r TEAS, COFFEES NiOK, nix! all EAST INDIA L'KOIMJUK "I II lli.lt I I.O.V kn , ril'.ol, , i'in;in I ly han.l fur pjtle to Die .loimiivrv 'i' t. w i i i'i . Al.SII AdHNTH I'OR La liidiitle V IlHrmoiiy'N, nfi'nui., N II K K K I V. S , IU.ll.CI WIMTK I.KAIK OMI'A , of New Yni-lt, . ..HI. P II A T T'K , IV . ,; - , N v ,: I A M T II AL OIL, Tina ST V I) K UAK EU WAGONS HAVK ARRIVED. The following liie are now nn. ialp : FARM A A(;, 31, with Top Box, Bows aud Brake. Light Spring Wagons, Very Desirable. '2',, 7 feet Box, Brake, Top Box, Two Spring Seats, Shafts and 1'ole. 2i, 9 feet Box, Brake, Top Box, Trro Spring Seats and I'ole, nt ciii:ap IIATKS. JOHN T. CATNK, Anenf, Salt Lake Herald Office. Produce Departm't, z. o. M. i. ,M!iT,"f?.':" n'KST KN'U KM POM I'M BL ILUKVl.s, oppo.ntc 41 oat Market. We arc eoiialantljr Burin and ScIHiik Hides, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Onions, Potatoes, Butter, EggS( AND ALL KINDS OfPIlODl'CK, For which tho Highest .Market I'ricc will bo paid. II. II. CI. A ), Kllp'l. 'I'lie llotiite e 1.1,, Tlio uiin.l i, tho tnnant ot'tlio body nn.l onlivi tlie trnemonl is kepi in rood repair 1'ie ioiiiiorlal ot'copant is dopr,'.ed dis-truiUhl. dis-truiUhl. miaeralile. and iff linn,., " , thro,,l,n ,, 4i ,rklv.- not a. , hoy'Vonllv are. ,,, (,,., , n.V(,, , ton-id. II,,. l.ow,,di..,rde,,.1.andll,eMerT". mviRornle. ritali;. roiiuUi,. n,l i "oo them with TamuHT'x Ki-r kvmi'ot V , ', i " A"niNT. Ilsoperalion i oerloin. I'l'T le., ,Mry. l, brinaa Hi., aoiloil win'?;" ''"I'orlu.it orenii" inlo eonlorinitr "H i Hie laws ,,l h,..illli; Die .pirila ri-o tho brain eler , ,,,,. v ;, , , ' roamrod lo d,.,u,n, Invah.l.. fc.u uv nt uKUfluiaivs. CALIFORNIA TRADE. CASTLE I.IlOTIEIti, IMPORTERS, WHLLESALE BRQCEES 313 mud 315 Front Street, San Francisco, - - California. :SX. KELLER, PropritoroftheRilng Sun and Lob AageUn Vine-yarda. Vine-yarda. Ucjiot fur thoPtile of hi NATIVE BRANDIES M. KELLER (V CO.,1 Corner of Battery and Wrwhiugtoo Streets, San Francisco, - - - California. Angelica "Wine, Eldorado Wine, Wlilte ' Madeira Port Wine Bitter, Slicrry Grape Brandy. All our Win its un I Hnimly guaranteed Btnctly puro, ami urer tlin t- yeur old. bT8U Lake City Corporation, Zioti's Co-operativo Mercantile Institution, (it.dl.e i Co., SaltLakeCity, D. II. PoerT, and tiodtie & Co., Ogilen, k.f-p our wiu foriMlt. KICHAKD GOODHIND, Ageut, Salt Laktt City. WHITTIER, FULLER & CO. St-CCESSORS TO Cauioron.'Whittier ACo.QndFulloritlloatber IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IK PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW CLASS. SOLE AGENTS I'OR FRtNCH AND BELGIAN PLATE CLASS CO'S 21 & 23 JFKONT STKEET. Cor. Pine Streot, SAS FRANCISCO. James Otis. W. A. Macondray. F. W. Macondray. MACONDRAY & Co., SIIPPISG Si COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS OF CHINA AND JAPAN TEAS And all descriptions of EAST INDIA PRODUCE, SAN FRANCISCO, - - CAL. MURPHY.GRANT&CO. wan Fit A.rsci.-it;o CALIFORNIA, Call attention to their largo aDd well aborted stock of Dress Goods Cuuimius FRENCH PLAID POPLINS, Emprexs Cloths, Tamisc Cloths, la All Colora, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MER1N0ES, ETC UTO- ETC. AUo, full linos of 110 S IERY, White (iools, Linens, TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKINS, Tovelin?, .c, All of wbi.'B tky ofTrrat tlie rt noirki't ra'.ea. 3. P. Holdon. Jos. Moorhcad. S. P. HOLDEN & CO., Importers of FOREIGN DRY GOODS, Linens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Ac. 'J? & oO SAXSOMK ST., KAN Kll AM 1SJCO. London : 27 Lradrnhal St.. K.C. z. c. rci. i. HOME MANUFACTURE ! We haro boiiRlit out thiuck nnl inncUincry of tho "BIGr BOOT" KSTAIILISIIMKN r. And can now 'jpply a lirat cla.. article, of no?n: ?tvii: BOOTS AfJD SHOES Warranted Muporlor to ImportrdJ Till. N Vl.!EHHH la arninirotl lor (lio Hponiiil onnil'.-rt itml ooh-Tuniptiro ooh-Tuniptiro of hinlio- nt ivih Purelmir or br Killed fn drr. .shoe Firjuirjcs In lull al,.R ',,r n0 ,, Mmk Xj 33 V. 'X XI Xti X I LI.: ATII t'.lc, I.KATIIKII. "I nil Kin. I. ,., ,,. siirr an. I r, , ,,. slK ,lr I " itij iino'r.' I U. b. ULAWKON .Sunt.. ' L;:k Cut for fa Ihv SsvLng Msshb! SAMPLES ARRIVED AND CAN BE FOUND AT WHO ARE AGKNTS I'OR THE CELEBRATED BLEES MACHINE Link Jilotion, Lock Stitch, Straight Needle, and will perform with accuracy the Heaviest nd Lightest Work. MOIti: MAUIIXES TO ARRIVE IV A FEW DAYS, Our Dry Goods, Grocery, Boot, Shoe, Hardware and Crockery Departments Are being duily replenished with a full Tiirioty and at price, to atify &i Rocky Mountain Furs! z. c. m. i. RETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Having just finished tlie manufacture of our CELEBRATED MINK FURS! We now offer sets of MINK at euch prices as were never before known in this city, RAINX.!; FR03I $20.00 TO $30.00, II. B.CLAWSOA', Supt. Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE PARTrV.NT, ELDKEDGE CLAWSON UUILIMNGS. You can nuj at this IV'partment of Z. C. M. I. a better stock of LAMPS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, ST0YEc, MINING TOOLS, BLASTING 1WDER, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Etc.j Aud can Get More for your Money and Orders than you can ?.t any other House in Utah. II. 15. I.AWSON. SniH. PIONEER STEAM WOOD WORKING COMPANY. W. H. KOLSOM, " XlIOS. I.AT1MFR. Gko. Komnky, H. Taylor- FOLSOIiI, ROMNEY & CO., (South Tomplo street, one block wc?t of tho Tabernacle,) Ilayinij added to tlicir already extensive fdvk of Machinery, are mur prepared to furnish all articles in their line, a lirst class article, at grc"it!y rvducod nicf, Iroin the best lumber produced in our own mountain home. We have a complcto set of ash and Door Machinerv. bv which we a' till large or small orders with great dispatch. We publish a list of sires of Poors and Windows which are always kor1 hand. Lip or cheek rail sash and all kinds and siies of doors nude to order: Sash Sires. p,,or Sites. 5x1 0 windows, 2 ft 4 in'x 3 ft 9J in J t 6 in bv 6 ft'1 lOsl'.' " 2 10 1 s 4 6 2 S "' 6 ? 10x11 " 2 10 x 5 2 2 10 " 1() H'xlti " 2 10 x5 10 :?)eet " f'vt JUiiKln, FrauH :iim1 .llonIliii' Kollini; and Stationary Slat Winds made to order to fill all kinds of ejvn-in.k's. ejvn-in.k's. Poor and Window Fi iiiues, plain and patmcled. lla inc one ot ' S ! splendid No 1 mouldini; machines we can furnish evcrv variety of MonMi:' WOOD TlT.HJs IXC?. ' Wo have a Xo. 1 Turnini; l.athe, anil have oiicim d I-'ivd riuter. the brat turner in the Territory, and wul furnish turninc ot all descriptions, i""'u" dins wheel beads, chairs, bedsteads, and all kinds of wood tui ninc t low rt i...'1'Esr I.MIMiOVF.O MAI MUM'ltV Our machinery is tho verv best that could be purchased in the Kat. o'"j MsliiiRof a No. 1 l'lanerand latchcr, for sin laeini; lumber and toncuinf " prooviii)! Iloorini;; a l'aniel.s Tlancr, for planing ImiiUr out ol' wind; inn Machine a heavy power iMoilisini; Machine; machines lor niW"11,:' plowini;, uiukui.c sash, doors, blinds and monldin.es. As a great variety of work can be done on thcc machines, il .si1' u givat advantage contracting and building. W. II. FOI.SOI atlends to the building depainnenl,,h',ull-,;i, experienced architect, and having on band all tlie latest aieluleetuial wet Is- ,. prepared to make plans, specifications, details, and eonttact for building--' ' kinds. The old linn of I, A 77.17.7." .1 '.I 17.0.V Iunc ,l.ai.:c of t n" department and in connection with the above maeliineiy tun a sol el e"v"'". saws, and nro ucpaivd to rip boards, plank, picket--. I. u.v i.nK. strip j All who intend to beautify, improve and build up and waul d'l' ':' g 'J work, call on i'. o. Ho .nt. Folsom, Roiuuoy fc Co |