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Show local m:ws. Evanston- Coal. A superior article arti-cle of coal for -ale at the depot, or leave your orders at Kos.s & Barratt s old tand or Pacific Hardware store, adv. Taii-oks Wasted. TWELVE first e!as TAILORS are wanted immediately immediate-ly bv C. Clive. Merchant Tailor, 2nd South St. None but the best need apply. adr. Wa-Vjt.d. A woman as cook. Apply Ap-ply tn Mm. King, third door east of the Hekald office. adv. Excitement. Wanted, nix lir.st-i.dats lir.st-i.dats door and sash makers. Apply to D W. Parkhuret, Truckee Lumber Yard, one block south of the LT. C passenger depot. adv Masons Wanted Immediately By Bishop John Sharp, to work at Evansion. Apply to James Sharp, City. adv The WAa in France progresses, and Carl C. Asmussen continues to sell watches, clocks, jewelry and toys of the most superior description, at his new Jewelry and Toy Storo, East Temple street. . adv Pabis wABVisa, the Prut-siuus nay. Uolightly & Harris, though, keep the Globe well supplied with the finest bread, crackers, cakes, pies and pastry; and manufacture the choicest quality of pnre candies. Try them. ndv Important News. The most suit-Able suit-Able placo in Salt Lake City for ladies to late a lunch or other refreshments, is in George Goddard's Basement There is no strong drink or other offensive offen-sive habit.s allowed. adv. Sol T ! Soit ! ; Soi p ! ! ! Good Soup, rich Soup, Soup that warms and iuvieorates, with Broad 'or Crackers and Butter, only '." cents, in the Basement. Base-ment. Geo. Gnddard. adv. Wanted A girl to do general housework. .Inquire of Mrs. Clias. F, Smith, opposite Townsoud Ifousc. adv. Fink Frksu IIonev in the comb, dlicion and -heap, at H, Wallace'?. ndy One Hundred and Fifty Gallons of genuine English ale on draught at "Phil. Margetts' Kefreshment Rooms," second south street Spaikling lager beer, and choice cigars. Expected in a few days, a supply of I fresh oysters, smoked salmon, Bologna j sausage, lambs' tongues, pigs' feet &c. j Give me a call and you will leave tat-isfiod. tat-isfiod. P. Margetts. adv. Important 1 Don't forget that Joe Si mmons' Saloon and Restaurant, hotel ho-tel basment, 2d South Street, is still well supplied with Oysters, Pigs' Feet, Calves' Tongues, Sardines. Lager Beer, Tennant's XXX Porter, Barclay Bar-clay fc Perkins' London Stout, Shep-ton Shep-ton Mallet Pale Ale, Brewer, Bemas & Co.'s Omaha Ale, J. C. Partridge's Golden Crown Cigars and Fine Cut Tobacco. Great speciality at this Saloon is Fresh Oysters, large, fat and luscious, served up in every style. A supply just received. This is the place to get a substantial Lunch any hour of the day, and at very cheap rates. adv. Proclamation to the Public I do hereby is.ue this, my Proclamation, Proclama-tion, to ihe travel hi!.' public : Parties vi.-iting Salt Lake City and going east on the U.P.K.R., wiil find it to their advantage to leave Salt Lake City on the evening train and remain over at Ogden that night, thereby having hav-ing a good night's rest, ai;d so be fresh for travel at 8 o'clock a.m., when the daily express train leaves this depot. de-pot. At the Ogden House we offer as good accommodations as any house west of Omaha. Free busses at every train to and from the depot, adv John Mahon, Proprietor. AMUSEMENTS, j SALT LAKEJHEATBe! CHANGE OF TI5IK. Doors opn al 7: Performance to contmenc al j BEAUTIFUL COMEDY. Favorite Drama !j Two Splendid Pays! Wednesday Evening, Nov.9th,- Performance to eommeuct with th? laughable laugha-ble two act Comic Drain entitled The MULETEER OF TOLEDO THE K1HG, Q,r?i AND K.AYK. To conclude with the very ? aecesfiil comedy entitled A BIRD IX THE HAND WORTH TWO IN THE EUSH. Will -oun ht produced, the jreat Mutational drama, entitled The Will and the Way; Or, Til Mysteries f Carrow Abbey. OGDEN THEATRE AnnouncementExtraordinary Fine Variety Bill! The Company frwtu the Salt Lake Theatre Will appear on ' Thursday Evening, Nov. 10, When will be presenrad the comic two act drama, entitled Th SB', BS I &lg4Ji.4la V. IVlWUW Aflflr whieh th. Haunted Bedroom. To conclude with the J;iughable comedy entitled J OHN "DUO . All the farorites will appear. PROFESSOR B0S00, THR GREAT MAGrlGIAN! Will risit the principal Settlements between this city and Ogden Dm ing the Coming M eek. Specimens of ANIMALS, MINERALS AH3 QTHIR CURIOSITIES J'rom the Deseret Museum will be exhibited by Scnur'Sitngioyanni. The jltice of exhibition will be duly announced. an-nounced. A G RAX O ENTERTAINMENT 111 Ogden on Friday and Saturday. J. L, BARFOOT, Manager. N. B. Tho f'lllowinf week in Settlements North of Ogden. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Half k block wwt of President Youdk'p Residence. JOHN W YOUjV5 Kmi., Prop. Native Beasts, BlrdM mud Reptiles, Wolverine?, Bfarn. Foxes, MeuntatH Deer, Lynx, Wild Cms, io- Imporuint collection of Kutire Miiterale; The 3lMiumoth; Th Happy Fsmllrf trand Panorama; View 8 of Salt Lake City. London, Pnrls, Hrrlin. Nrw York., iMgAl'H, A.C Adiilissioii, 50 cts. Children, lO " Open every day except Sunday, from P a.mt to ." p. mi , Fpoding Time, 3 p. m. .T.L. BARFOOT, Manager. PS AX) RAFFLE. Only SOU Chaur, al One Dollar Each. A Fcven and a half octave Pia", cost $42' K.nmine the instrument and buy your ticket lor the Raffle at MRS. IpLF.BHQOK'S. BATHS! WARM SPRING BATHS ! Prlyate and Pnm. Tb c . fl.-lTBtp Vmt h an tn tb public ml aJl ch'US. Their irpdiooul proprrriM are so widely known tUat it i oiwiJ t enumerate thn. Bi.- Uip rrirp Bi'm tti- In- jv w.d L6d :- p ij unge n athm i'-r l.T,tip and tipittlraieu itrv itow Kjn. II. ARSObD, ColtoiiAvood -lliiics. IV-r'iio who df-in ?ellin.' their Hay up CoitMiiw-rvd Canon, .-huid purchase a lirt cla.s Chicago ma-ie Hay Press, Which I have lor .- '..- CHEAP. j B.K.KOWt,TQ, j ".ne:.ei.;h Wiri, j OrT.. 8. H'U'.LS, ti-ptr. n.irJe. jfi'J H&na". TELEGRAPHIC! U'-rc.if'.er '.fee DESERET TELEGRAPH CO,, Or. -'-r; li I. E ut,i jf e . M'w'di S ALT LAkK ( ITT A M OtDtl A.- --I Iu CE5IS !r nib ' 1 t!t;.fc! w ., 1. A. MILTON MI fctF.Jl, u.l. PEOPLE'S VERDICT Over Half a Million Sold and in Use! 4,000 Made and Sold Per Week. SIN G ER'S ZS'E'NV DIPEOVED SILE2sT Family Sewing Machines, IKE TIIK BEST L THE WOULD, Because all of theui are in constant u-e. while a verv largo proportion ofo'her makes are not used, owing to their being partially or utterly impracticable. THE SINGER NEW FAMILY MACHINE Has been brought to perfection, regardless of time, labor or expense, sr.J i now incomparably the best sewing machine ir existence. It is Simple. Compact, Durable, Beautiful, Owi'ff, Li)ht-Running, and capable of pertorming a range and variety of woi IT never ix-foie attemoted upon a siugle machine: using cither Silk, Twist, Linen or Cotton thread, nd sewing wiih equal 'facility the very finest and coa-sest mau-nals, or anything oetween the two extremes, in the most beautiful and substantial manner. Tho New Improved Attachments for Hemming, (any width) Braiding, Emdroidering. Magic Kuffling. Gathering, Gathering and sewing on at t!ie same, dme). Self-Sewing. Cording, Tucking, Q jiltinir, Felling. Trimming, Binding. etc., are novel and practicable, and have been invented and adjusted especially for tnis machine. Folding- Tops and Cabinet Cases. New designs of the unique, useful and popular Folding Tops and Cabinet Cases, peculiar to the Sinner Machine, iu every variety of wood, such as Black Walnut, Mahogany, Kosewood, Satinwood. and from the plainest to the most elaborate pattern and finish. The M ichines themselves are pla n or highly ornamented with pearl aud gold to correspond with their table or cabinets. In the Singer the work is fed or passed through the Machine in the natural direction, uauiery, from the operator, permitting her to sit in a natural and healthy position, la many other Machines ihe work passes li-.uu right -o left, or the reverse, compelling the operator to sit in a l,nt and unhuthi joairion, and thtis causing weakness of the l tck, t tc. The Singer uses a SHOUT STRAIGHT NEEDLE, which is not liable to break or miss tho stiteli. Many ottur m ichines use a long crooked needle, which is liable to break and to miss the stiicli. Iu the Siuger Machine the Shuttle isr.vKKiEP, thu avoiding nearly all wear. It requires no on., and docs not sou the thread or goods. Other machines drive their shuttles, iu a raoe, thus causing great wear, and n quiring oil, soiling the thread and goods. Ou the Singer, the Tensiou on both the upper aud lower threads is absolutely abso-lutely under the ready control of the operator, thus rendering the machine; always available for good sewing, which is not the ease with any other. .Many so-cailcd cheap machiucs are really worthless, and so are many of their new peculiarities and supposed advantages. The SINGKK is the OLDEST PRACTICAL SEWINC MACHINE, Being about twenty years in the market. Having been constantly improved by the employment of tho most skilled ingenuity of the age and unlimited un-limited capital, it is now divested of all unnecessary parts and possess All the A cry Latest Inventions and Improvements. It is the on y M icliiim sold on Honest Claims, as all its parts aro Practical an 1 will do all tli.it is claimed for them. Some other Machines are Greatly Complicated, lo dc Useless and Silly things, and thus are rendered Liaolo lo Constant Derangement. Derange-ment. The Singer Seldom or Never gives trouble, but is readily and easily managed by those who utterly fail on other Machines. SINGER'S NEW MANUFACTURING MACHINES Claim the same advantages over others of their class as the new Family M i chinos. These old and well-tried S, wnig M.icliim-s are applicalilt to a I ;.i, ,,.-. oj heavy and light manufacturing m L'lotlts, Jjiaiher, .le., and run in inn most perfect and reliable manner without trouolo lo the operator. Without anj- previous advertisement, the Demand 'or tieSlNljllK MACHINE is so Great that we have uttn'f, to )'ffnn vccti urn' Machine to ,.elulit. ALL SOLD, bin, A LAUGH NUMBER AKhi NU.V ON THE WAV from Am I'oi, and WILL AKRIViS IN A FEW DAYS ! They wiil consist of the Difiereut Varieties made by the Singer M.iiiiil'kmu ring company, and wu tliall sell at Eastern IYkvs, wiiii adh.iou m I,i.;i,;iii, only. To Roeommoduie parties who c.iuuot pay all down, we will sell on EASY MONTHLY INSTALMENTS So that all may ,osc.v one of these Jiltniitg. For the convenience of our Patrons we have engaged the s' rvid" of a (,1-nt lij - man who has had iwcuty years experience aud is one nf the i Kkililui i xpei in in the world iu repairing and adjusting Sowing M-ichin- s. He wi.l poi rac'i Machine in complete and practical running order before it le.iv. s tl.e 1 n.-iii u-lion u-lion and will also imparl to purcha-ci s all tu oJl'ul in .ti notion, so ili.it lia.-y 11.111 at once commence work, YVe reson to no irii-kery whatever to "ll S:wing M.i''hiu'-.-, but alloin their Great Merits to recommend thnn. W'e can do tins, as ihe ilem 111 1 for them is so great that although the Singer Company make inoi'! 1 11-111 all other fir-t clas companies combined, tln-y cannot nearly fill their ordi-rii, and are compelled to still extend their Gigantic Wurki. Having lieen so fortunate aM to secure ihe ;i:Ns:uAii c i;ntral a;e:vcy For this Tv-mton, we cxten4 a cordial invitation to all lo come and s. 1, ti;(.,j M. ichines, whether they wi h to buy or nol. S' all oih'm. Out. an not hin r,thftiit yn i.r'iutnif Sut'er ! W e u;ti ;uil( c Evcrj llarliim; Yi S II To give Ent rc Satisfaction. THE SINGER BUTTON-HOLE IMCHINE Is the only i'ra'-iifAl one in th? Vorld. Other fj(wir.g J'acLines Repaired en Re af;cn Mn 'lo nis. MACHINES FOR SALE AT Tin; I RETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT ZI3NS CO-OPERATIVE MERCANTILE NSTITUTP.N. II. 1. GlaAWkO-N. Suiit. |