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Show NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE PROPOSE! Merchants' aud Mine Owners' EXl'HWGE, CLXB & NEWSROOM. Ttwporary office at Gould k Wsudwurde,) East lempU Street, Salt Lak City. NoTtmberS, 1S70. ) An adjourned mtetinar of gentlomem inter- ! OFtd in the formation of tb bT named 1 institution will bo held j This Tuesday Evening, At p o'clock, in tho Hall ovor FnuH's Lirary ' tiubles. Second South Street. I Objects of Moetinr To receive report ef Committee on Signatures to Prospectus; re-eeiTe re-eeiTe ingestion from those present, and organize a Committee of Management. BKSTH.1M FABIAN, Secretary. PENMANSHIP! REPRESENTATIVES' CHAMBER CITY HALL. Claws Hours for Writing:: Three O'clock, Al'lfinoon, Six Kvenlug. (J. R. CLARK. TELEGRAPHIC! Hereafter the DESERET TELEGRAPH CO,, WLU shares but TWKNTi" CKNT.S On messages of Ten words or loss, between SALT LAKH CITY AND OGDEN And TWO CENTS for each additional wurd. A. MILTON MV8SER, Supt. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Half a block wpdt of President Young's Residence. JOHN' W. YOU AG, Ksq., Prop. Native Bearita, Bird anrf Reptiles, Wolverines, Be. Korec, Mountain Deer. Lynx, "Wild Cat.-, Ao- Important collection of Native Mineral; The Mammoth The Happy Family Grand Panorama Viewi of Salt Lake City, Loudon, Paris, Krrltn. ew York, . Niagara, Ac. Admission, 50 ct. Children, lO " Open every rlny rept Hundty, from 9 a.m. to 6 p m- Feeding Time, 3 p. m. J.L. BARFOOT, Manager. B ATHS! WARM SPRING BATHS ! Prlrate and Plunge, The cllirtM tlh r opn to tlie public at 11 eiuoDi. Their rrcdicinl proprdM ar o wide I j known that It ) uwdleM ( enumerate them. Baida the Prirmtt TUtbi, the Urp mid hundtutae-j hundtutae-j faroUbM 1 JL. IT I i IZ If ATHh For Lndien and Osntlc nen are nw on. II. ARNOLD. BEDIM. BflSTETTER Si Cfl. Importer and Jobbers of KORKIO.V AM) DOMKSTIC DRUGS & CHEMICALS Fln Kentlal OIU, Giimi, Root, Nrrrla. Flowtri, hpougn, ptklns, Pomade, A.r,, And till other Siaplex onuneclrj with the Wholeniileantl Kelfiil Jru JlusinoM. Coiutantly in receint, by direct Importation, of Kuropaa and Aiuntic product. Kxclnaive Agent i'or Qnickilvor. H'mtettcr'i RittflH', Drake' Planlati.in liittriv. . Welf', chei'lin K(h nu pp.', Jewell's i'ulmonnry Syrup, And all the luadinf Proprietary Mrdioinox both Amorioan and Europeun. Orders Promptly nod Carefully Noa. 5U and 031 Market Street, Bstweea Virat and Second, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. H. WALLACE, .MANUK.(TU11K11 OH PURE CANDIES SURPRISE BOXES Jl N Koypfl Rnpplinl with NUTM, l-'ANCV UIKM'KIUKH. UULOUSA HAI.NAUICN, dtu. CONFECTIONERY, PIES, PASTRY, FinoKi iri--H ItroiKl. GRASS CANON COAL CO. at now prepared to furnish letter Coal al (lieaiw Hale Thin onjr olb.r uiinw In tha onuntrT. For al. l (, u. c. R. H. cln,.l. in (1,1, ity, for ounli or Brum. Api'l)- In N. PAVtH. nt lho.1,,,.,,1. .IOUKPII A VOUKu, TRUCK EE AND . SALT LAKE LumberYarc Una Black Sonlli of " U.C. PASSENGER DEPOT. Lumber! Of all widths and lengths. Utah Common $32.50 per M Truckee " rough 40.00 " Truckee 2d clear, " 50.00 " Truckee 1st " " 60.00 " TRUCKEE SHINGLES i I 4.50 jiur M. Li a t ii s, A No. 1, clear Eujrar pino (jxlj inch) Fourftet lengths, $7.00 per M. sii:kra valley Sugar 1'ine, Clear Sexsoned MOULDINGS Tongtifl A. (roovrd FLOORING, CEILING, SIDING, count: ii rovs EXTRA WIDK, Rustic and Moulded Battens, A-t, iV.c, A.C., DOORS, DOORS, it., r, v si. a WitU Hiid without Koiiwuod l'unvls. Sasli Doors, (Single and Double) PRIME J, GLAZED aiUNSlAZED. All sizes cunstiinlly on hand. Kxtni sue made promptly to order. D. W. PARKHURST, I'roprUtor. wanted: Barley, Flour, Buttor& Eggs, In laii qnanlitii'v. Truth is Mighty and will Prevail! THE FLORENCE XOIHELPJBH ur nil ins Are the Best in the World. Read the Figures ! From the mental pabulum furnished by rival agents. First Sum is Simple Multiplication Four thousand a week for twenty-five years makes half a million (?) Second Exampi.k Number on the plate, 480,000. Everybody know. 4S0.000 is over hall' a million (J) Extract front C'lrcnlara lent out by Rival Agent f "Total sales of Florence up to close of 1SC7, 10,000." The number on which we have paid a royalty up lo Oct. 1st, is "9 000 which leaves 00,000 as the number sold from the clote of 1867 up to that'date 33 months being about 2,090 per month. There being 300 mouthi in 25 years, vtfirjvrr, even if half-a-million have been sold, it would be but 1670 per month, thus showing that the FLORKNCF. is the ' leadjm; sewimj machine of the world, Vi e do not claim rcli'iiiliti for the above figure, the art the tiwplt mathematical drditction from the source indica ted. If tli-re Ua Florence Family Sewing Machine M-itliln a thousand mile. ofalt Lake City, tlint in not giving entire satisfaction, we will. If l. formed of it, attend to it, free of any cliarge. Langdon, the Inventor of the Florence, had on the table before him model of the Singer, trover fc Baker, Wheeler . W ilson, and Howe, sad availed himself of all that was good in them. For t he nse of t he akave "C ombination Patent." we pay a royalty on every Machine made hr the 1 lorence Sewing Machine Company. Discarding the Straiuht Xzeule because it punches sort or fine work into the feed, and adopting the Cl-rved "kkdlb on account of the peculiar vertical motion, enabling it to enter the cloth at an acute angle, which enables us to tew the soltest woolens and finest gauze without damaging the feed. Discarding a "take up" which requires Extra Spiral Sprums to be sent ont with every machino, we have adopted a Positive Motion not subject to anvfuch irregular action. Discarding even the complicated folding cover which gives way in the hinges after a few months use, and becomes an intolerable nuisance, we have adopted the new, unique and beautiful design which renders our family favorites u ornamental orna-mental as they arc useful. Although oilier companies had fiaeen years the start inlaying their Michinas before the public, THE FLORENCE Sprang to the front rank, and became universally acknowledged as Thh Best rou Family L'.'-e, principally through iu long series of triumph, beginning "ai the l'cnn-ylvaniu .State 1'air in leo. aud continuing up to the Kentucky tj;e Fair of 1o9, and tho Kxhibition of the Ayrshire Agricultural Society at Ayr, Scotland, the same year, during which time the i'LuKE'CE was awarded the Firit Premium over all competitors al svkr foktt C'ountv. District, Stats, National and International Exhibitions;, among thessi the SEVEKEST TEoIS to which Sewing Machines were ever subjected in this country were at the American Amer-ican lustituw Pairs, held in New York. October lsV5, and September, 157, and at tho Middlesex Mechanics' Association, Lowell, Mass., and the Maryland Institute, iu IS-jT. At each of these pairs machines were te;ted for from three to live weeks, by the best judges in tbn couoirv. and bv them the first premium tiold Medals were awarded tne PLOKENCE Machines" AVhcn wc consider the rapidly icjuirei popularity of the FLORENCE, as originally made, it is not surprising that the no,-; of wlrm tnends of the' Machine as it iro should be loud ill their praisa of the improvements incorporated into their favorite as it ow is. The encomiums of our pa:rons are eratifving in the extreme, and their judgment must be accepted aa faithful and honest," aJordmi tho proposing to purchase a sufficient reason for investigating tho merits of the 1 LOKENCh before buying a machine of any other make. The mechanical construction of the FLORENCE, devised as it ii on the simplest sim-plest and most positive scicntiac principles, dispensing wi;h cogs, cams, 4c, and proved by the severest tests f.,r yearsi. enables us to guarantee tho purchaser that it will VEAK TWICE AS LONG as anv other Shuttle Machine ia the market, without requiring a duplication of parts. AS'e guarantee the FLOI'.ENCE will sew everything needed in a family, trom the heaviest to the lighie-t fabric It does more w ork, and more kind" of work, than auy other machine. Its motions are all po-hivo; there are no springs to get out of order, and hs simplicity enables the most inexperienced to operate it with the ease of an expert. It docs not require finer threadj-n the under than on the upper side, and will sew across the heavie-t scams, or from one to more thicknees of cloth, without change ol needle, ten-ion, or stitch, or breaking thread. It u-ws less thread than any other machine. The needle is easily adjusted. It runs light and quietly. THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE IS TIIK ONLY .MAI'HINK THAT CAN i?KYV IN MOKK THAN" ONE mnKCTlON, HAVING A 15 KVF.HSLI5LK KKF.P. " M"r.MlUr " make. f.,r kind, of .1 Itch, three of kick are other. Machine. ,l .re stronger and more el. .tic tha. aaf U h"",,'"'l'rnvr,I,,,,',"",er. m.klng ...y widil. of hem. and easily ma. ai.cd.o..cd,l,l,lvely by , l Florence Con.p. y. It 111 hem anything and make perfect comer.. 11 V,mg?""' r"rri' braids tnck.. qnllt., bind., gather.. Ac. wltk.at 11 ,quaelnlh.v,,', ' ,o" ,,"u', mt n' i'"" nxur " 'r...,.",y M"r'""' "'avlng a sel f-..lj., ig shuttle ten.l.n-a .rest fabric. "ver.ll other., rendering li ,do good work a any It fasten, (lie end ol a seam better mid quicker than a -cm-Ire., tun. FLORENCE BlfflCTllG BE ml'!,!'? MI' K',r0'K'.,tV'","",,-V .baviug bought M A, u i.ll's 1'u im, are new ,, I r f , Ul:'1 Hr' ll'"ed t" supersede all others lor all kinds of heavy riiiiiiii, lna,ul'acturnig in cloth and leather; simple, compact, durable, li.hl running and not liable to derangement. liavi!llV,,SC"t A'"1 l'f 0,0 renc Company is a drM bv profesiea. U. , , V C"r f "Pencnco on the M tolunesoriginallv commenced s.Umf .M hines alter two hours' instruction, and the public aro Vurrd that ..''. yt'iii Lipmrncoiro not essential to the management of the FLOKKSCK. .on''0"1'' 'I'" Vy v1 "To v,n,r "n,l'' I-r""' !" ''v-'r :in be founded, and tin k. llenian who ha, expended hall',, lifetime, learning to "lune his machine-' up a pei leet adjustment t,i b. found among tho camp followers of Zion, ineso " o people who possess a machine, whose mediant. o, does not rciiurv such a triumph tri-umph ol engineering skill to manage them, will be imleed lorlunale. !, I,','0'' U'" 'ho bavn leisure time aller alleilding l tlioir own ..Mhorm'tr" ,7 , ,":"V during the absence ol' Cl.ac S. Ha"' m". I r I i 'i the settlements or elsewhere, our o.tal.,sh-t will be in charge ot I renlue, who is lolly competent to K,, ins, ruction, in the u.o of Hie Florence. CHAS. S. HAMMER, Gen'l Agent, I'.n.t Temple Slieel. oppo-ilo Sail l.ke II, AIr LAKH ( l i v. I T.AII. |