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Show TELEGRAMS. Reported pi.iilY for th ?ir Laii K&Rald by Vcstern Union Teiesr;'h. LIGHTNING FLASHES. The sennte has refused to reconsider the Texas P. R K. bill. P-d Cloud and tribe have gone on a buffalo hunt. The British troops are to be withdrawn with-drawn from Newfoundland. A new conference committee on the currency bill has been ordered. Alexander, of Russia, will protect the protectants in Ln thina. Clarendon was privately buried on Wednesday. B. Pierrorte, or" California, is con-fi.med con-fi.med consul to Bucharest. The duty on smoking opium is reduced re-duced to six dollars a pound by tne senate. The Indians killed and scalped a Mexican near Fort Fetteruian on Tuesday. Tues-day. The house ha- agreed to the senate bill fir the relief ot the inhabitants of !a!t Lake Cay, U;ah. A new flag of California silk is in Washinton for presentation in the name of the State. Its size and beauty beau-ty attract great attraction. Bierstadt's pictnre of the Wjnd P.ive Mountain was sold on Wednesday Wednes-day by auction, in New York, for $935. E. Porter Dver, jr . Boston, for what the telegraph wire ca ls "the Sta'e street irregularities," is said to be fined in 336,000 and sent to jail six months, which is doubtful. A carpet manufactory at Beuvales, France, was burned on Wednesday. A million ot dollars worth ot property was destroyed, and 800 operatives thrown idle. The Madrid press protests against restoring the Bourbon dynasty iu the person of young A-turus. The vote on infallibility was to be taken on Wednesday and the dogma promulgated yesterday. A tene-i.ent house at Leith, Scotland, Scot-land, containina fourteen families, was burned on 'I uesday night. All the inmates, in-mates, it is believed, escaped. Lord Auiherly says government should supply the means of education, but he is opposed to anything but voluntary vol-untary schools. The land office of California s instructed in-structed to suspend for thirty days the restoration of the W. P. railroad lands, but to admit the claims of actual settlers. set-tlers. There has been a fight near Camp Supply, Indian territory, between the troops and Indians, supposed to be Comanches and Cheyennes. No particular. par-ticular. Several Boston hotel proprietors have been hauled up for vioLtiug the liquor law. The senate adopted an amendment to the tax tariff bill, fillnwing the free importation for two years of machinery for steam towage on canals and for plowing soil. A French mone'ary commission has decided that gold is the only legal standard tender. Seyeral senators seeing a two-thirds' vote cannot be got in favor of the Dominican Do-minican treaty, propose annexing San Doniingo by jomt resolution, as in the case of Texas, which only requires a uiaioritv of each house. J N Wilbur is reinstated Indian agent at Yokamo, Washington, terri tory. An immense audience of both .exes assembled in the University hall, at Charlottesville, Virginia, on Wednes day iiiht, to hear an address from Hon. George H. Pendleton. Lieut. Young and soldiers killed and wounded tw-nty-one Indians in a fiiilit in t he neighboihood of Kawlins this week. Sergeant Ke sner, of the cavalry, cav-alry, was wounded in the hip. The house has agreed to the senate hills protec ing the rights of actual settlers on public lands; regulating the foreign and coasting trade on the northern, uorth-easteru and north western fiontiers; instructing the president to negotiate with the Indians on the Umatilla reservation, Oregon : creating a port of deliveiy at Vallejo, Calfornia, and several others. tnria from Sitka, on account of unfavorable unfa-vorable weather. John Burns, a New Yo'k desperado, got five bullets in him on Wednesday night. Unfortunately they didn't kiii him. There is an increase of 75 per cent, in the mortality report of New York this week over last, in consequence of the great heat. There were 105 deaths in New York from noon Tuesday to noon Wednesday. Wednes-day. A compromise between eastern railroads rail-roads ok the subject of freight is prom ised. The republican congressional com mittee are fully organized for the fall campaign. They will make opposition to coolie importation one feature of tb eir platform. S. nator Wilson still holds to the army reduction report, bur it will be strongly opposed by several senators. m i - t i . j r 1'iaoanie .jarasKia, a granu meet; ui Pulaski, who with her husband was banished to Siberia, at the intercession of President Grant will be permitted to come to the United States instead The Virginia house of delegates on Wednesday struck out the section of the school hill requiting separate schools for the two races, 'j wo whites voted for a'd two colored members against it. Otherwise the vote was one of color. At a large meeting in London, on Wednesday night, the Anglo F enc.h Commercial treaty was severely denounced, de-nounced, as injurious to the cotton manufactures ot Britain. , Specie shipments fiom England to i New York are exp cted to be heavy for the next few days on account of the sales of American bonds. S:r James Bill the celebrated physician physi-cian has died, 82 years old ; and so has Josiah Foster, patrtiarch of the, Quakers The Marine bill is signed by Presi dent Grant. It provides for collecting an impost from foreign and coasting vessels, to provide a fund for sick and disabled seamen. |