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Show CHEAP GOODS! " . ...... I If you want GOODS Cheaper than I , ever sold Mora in this City, cull at foe.Sii'ttor the- ; I Cheap-CaIi Siorc ! Opposite Salt Lake Ilouse. i .A Full- Stock of Groo4rioa and .a , Variety of other Goods. , I i WAITED. ft?. Advci-tist'iiK-iiIs uinlor tliid lieai). ocrupviuii n"t more thtui luur lines FIi-'T ' CiM'S eiiL'h iu-eyrtiun. iu-eyrtiun. Wanted Work, by a steady, active act-ive young rnau, accustomed to gardening. garden-ing. Apply at the Herald office. Canvassers Wanted Several 1 energetic canvassers can find employment employ-ment by calling ac the Herald olhcu. I.I SI.NKSS CARDS. FIRST xXAIIO.VAL JJAMC OF UTAH. Salt Lake City, Utah Tor. T. & "W. TAYLOR, Wo.l side of East Temple street, Salt Lake City, Dry Goods, Groceries, And a General Assortment of Merchandise. MARSHALL, & CARTER, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. W. F. Anderson, M. D., Surgeon and Physician. Office at Residence, in the Thirteenth M"arL - -- " ; C. BARRETT, Analytical Chemist, Assayer, etc. Office at J. E. Clawson'e Restaurant and Ice Cream Saloon, 1st South street, a few doors west of Theatre. Z. SNOW. ' " E. D. HOGE. SXO W & IIOGE, ' Attorneys and Counselors at Law, SALT LAKK CITY, UTAH. Office at Snow's corner, 1st East St. E. II. ROSS, lublislici", - . i Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Oval, llustia and Fancy Frames, En- - gravities, Li hosrap'.s, Phot-o-' ; graphs, Oliromos, Albums, Al-bums, Pocket Maps and Charts. -Vo. SIS Locust Sf'td, St. Lou's, Mo. Book and Stationary Dealers. Amenta and Can-aswrs Can-aswrs supplied at the lowest rates. 8nd fjr descriptive circulars. Dr. AY. II. GROYES, SUEGEON AND i MECHANICAL DENTIST. Teeth filled with gold and warranted NOT TO ACHE I For ten or twelr yars. TEETH Inserted on the different precious metals rom a singie tooth to a full et, priies ranging iremi $40 TO $2G0 Ter full set. Satisfaction warranted .1 11 casei OFFICE: On 2d South street, 3 doors xest of Bevere House, Salt Lake City. Wrn. H. Hooper, II. S. E'.dredge, l. s. iiiiis. HOOPER, ELDREDGE&CO., BANKERS. East Temple St. , Salt Lake Crrv, Dealers in Gold Dust, Coin, Exchange, Laud Warrants, Etc. Collections made and promptly remitted' re-mitted' i CORRESPONDENTS: Bicgs & Co , New York, B-mk of California, San Frncisco, First National Bank, Chicago, Exchange Bank, St. Louis, First National Rank, Omaha. J. S. Morgan & Co., London. D. 0. CALDZR, WM. CAt-DEIl, GEORGE CALDER Culdci Krolliers, Salt Lake City, Booksellers, Stationers, And Dealers in Musical Merchandise and Fancy Goods. I Misrellfinfons iVtriki, fir PuMi- Vrivut.- nml Sundiiy S.-hr.y Librun; School Ilookn, M.i., (ilnhe-, ('hurl Hud hII otii-T urti' " iwi in pchonis. A cornp. ! a.-"rtiiif nt !" Hnuik Honk-, Writ. n; l':ij r, Y-t k'-t Cuth-ry, ini'l Siati'Tiuty. AlMim, P'tk"t r. "ik, F'ljjiuvink:- htkI i'rmn. A full Mock of iltiMCitl luftrunifMiift uti'l MumchJ McrrhuiidJMj. Guneral Afnt fnr all of the hit j.inno mid uraii iiittimlm tui'cr.i, tuid for t h- j.ul.li-tier C1 Kill. t Mill I'itl 1,'i.ik-. A Lar(:e AfOrt!n"ijt f I SUNDAY SCHOOL PRIZES OGDEZV HOUSE, I Iain Street, Ogden, Utah, ffHI? larorite IIo,)-. lmvinp tfTi rct-Mly rn( - Tuwj. a d iI.nf.-l tiir'-uijuu t puint Sr-.r.j It-:-, tne j,r;.r. r-r .- '';! n. itM.y ahi to p(ve er.nie witi- .vtH'n to in v h"H'. am:i;a mA tut: ithni.t' & mtnini. y , at k re&-' re&-' if j.n-o. j t;i; ii -tjjiuiici fr"iTi IvotL tl.e aii!"rn.a a-id h tzrm lua.-ket. A hif k .11 run to and IrC'in thy trck u- l::') pu-sM-iigrR to ihe bo- h-oo of cli.wc. Atta'li-J lo u& hUE IB a brie har JOHN MAHON. i A.-XD MENAGERIE. i ! Half a Block AVest of Prest. Young's residence. Antiquities AND NOVELTIES. Interesting collection of I A 1)1 AX KULICS; Silent tes'imonies of n higher civilization civiliza-tion of the red man. TIIE FEWEST COLLECTION IN TUB Itocl&y Mountains. NATIVE BEASTS, UIItDS A1D REPTILES, Wolverines, Bears, Foxes, Mountain Deer, Lynx, Wild Cats, tve., The PORCUPINE Family And the Baly Porcupioo. EAGLES, BUZZARDS, Hawks, &.e., Jtc. Hajipy Family, Niitivc Minerals, Eotsils, Ifome Pro- unction. Panorama! Of tlic jirinoipal cities of the world. Open every day, except .Sunday, from 1) a. in. lo (i . in. AdlltlSSlOM OU t lH. C hildren, lO " Families arid Scliooln lialf (lie nual iii-e on .Saturdays, or hy jirivate arrangement, Feeilinr Time, 3 p. in. Muwum MdiiBir, - Mr. J. L. TUrfoot. h.-.-;-i, - - hip.'.rw G. 0. K. iTaiijri.'vmiil. Artml, - Morn". J. A. I'TroliI. U 0 1 tlftrj4. jon. w.vof(;,pioi. |