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Show LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH LAST NIGHT. The Germans will probably Remain in France Two Years. Issy Summoned to Surrender. Efforts of the Freemasons for Conciliation. Banner of Peace--"Lct us Love One Anolher." The French Provinces elect Conservative Republicans. Repub-licans. GENERAL NEWS. Change in the Department of State. Public Debt Statement. Etc. lite. Etc. FOREIGN. London May 1. Generals Sheridan and Forsyth, and the widow and son of President Lincoln, are passengers on the steamship Russia whieh sailed on Saturday for New York. London, 1, 6:30 a.m. It is reported in Paris that a sister of Archbishop Darbeli has been arrested and taken to the prison of St. Lazare. The Daily Telegraph reports that the German troops have reeeived an intimation, in-timation, that it is probable they will remain in France two years. A meeting of the members of there-publican there-publican alliance of the departments, was held in the court-yard of Lo'ivre, at which speeches were made and resolutions reso-lutions adopted denouncing the Versailles Ver-sailles government. Versailles, 1. A flag of truce summoned sum-moned Issy to capitulate yesterday. The garrison required time to deliberate. deliber-ate. Negotiations recommence today. to-day. The republican candidate is elected at Lille. New York, 1. A dispatch dated Paris, last evening, says yeterday witnessed wit-nessed a grand scene at the Champ Klvsses, on the departure of the Free-Masons Free-Masons on their visit to Thiers. A vast crowd collected, when fire was suddenly opened upon them, scattering the people in every direction. The Free-Masons, undeterred, advanced and planted 120 flags, those of every lodge represented, on the ramparts. At six o'clock they reached the Ver-saillists' Ver-saillists' outposts, bearing a banner wiih the inscription "Aimons nous les uns les autres." (Let us love one another an-other ) They were blindfolded and sent back, with the exception of the President and tvo delegates. Their mission was useless, and they returned at ten o'clock this morning. Dotubrowski has warned the Ver-saillists Ver-saillists that hostilities might commence hourly. Forty thousand men are ready for fiehting in the Champs de Mars. The Versaillists routed the Communists at Molineaux, and have driven them through Issy. The Archbishop of Paris is released. Provision trains! have all been stopped. The Prussians have received intimation that it is desirable de-sirable they shquld stay near Paris for two years. The Communists are using petroleum bombs. Versailles, April 30. It is stated Issy is occupied by the government troops. The sale of buildings in Paris is declared illegal. The Molineaux affair was a brilliant one. Three hundred hun-dred Communists were taken prisoner and numbers were bayoneted. Cissev commanded. The work of the government govern-ment is slow. Paris, 1, forenoon. General Cluse-ret Cluse-ret is dismissed from the office of minister min-ister of ivar by the CorjimiiQe, and re-plaoed re-plaoed by M. Kossel. The Cii du Peuple fays Cluserct has been arrested by order of the executive committee, with the approval of the Commune. There was cannonading and musketry mus-ketry fire at Nev.illy all through last night, but it is lvow slackened. The Journal de Paris says the Versaillists Ver-saillists have evacuated Gennevilliers. The firing last night was fearful and and reckless," nothing having been compared com-pared with it since the civil war commenced. com-menced. The city is excited and alarmed, with groups of people everywhere. every-where. General Okolowitz has been wounded wound-ed dangerously. The Masonic delegates returned re-sultlessly. re-sultlessly. Thiers thinks peaceable ar-raneements ar-raneements impossible. Versailles, 1. Fort Issy has displayed dis-played a flag of truce, and a party has gone to convey the government terms. There was a disturbance atj Lyons yesterday, but it was quelled. Versailles, 1. Many troops have gone Parisward to day. The editors of the moderate journals in Paris are ordered to be prosecuted for leaving the city. Private telegraphing with Paris is agrain suspended. Versailles, 1. The principal elections elec-tions everywhere return conservative Republicans. Si ate Department in f-uch a way nn to place- the (act l:ynnd duubt. The Secretary ban already twice tendered his resignation, it being withdrawn in iho laM iiihtitnee at the request, of the President, with the distinet understanding under-standing that nft. t ill'! labors of the joint high coniiiii.v inn shall be finished t here will In: nn further objection urged. As a persona favor tin: Secretary has continued lo oeeiiiy his present posi lion up o ihe r - sent time, but will positively insist on going out by the 1st of June, no matter what action the Senate i ;ik,-s with regard to the treaty submitted by the joint high commission. ProMjit-cl 1 ve A p point ill cut . Edwin M. Stanton, son of the late Secretary of War, will bo appointed by Gov. Drake as Secretary of the Territory of the District of Columbia, vice Gen. Chapman elected to Congress. Con-gress. An Editor Imiirlionetl for Seduction. Chicaeo. 1. Henry Savacolc, editor of the Vuldte, published at .Moravia, Iowa, was sent to jail on Friday in default de-fault of bail, on charge of seduction of a girl of thirteen, an apprentice in his office. o Cine. No clue to the murderer or murderers murder-ers of ex-Secretary of State Tyndall, at Springfield, Illinois. In addition to the reward of a thousand dollars offered by the mayor, the Governor will offer a large reward fur the arrest of the assassins. as-sassins. Monetary and Stocks, New York, 2 p.m. Money easy. Sterling, long, 10J; short, 10. Governments Gov-ernments very strong but dull. Sixes, 81, 171; 5 L'0's, 02, 04 and 05, 1 1 J ; ex-coups., new, 131, 07 and OS, 123; 10-40s, 9i. Currencies, Gold stronrr. Stocks irregular. W. U. T., 593; Pacific Mail, 47; Wells, Fargo, 43. The Public Finances. Washington, 1. The public debt statement shows a reduction during April of'SG, 124, 053. Coin balance,$106,-463,97'J; balance,$106,-463,97'J; currency balance, 812,796,-800. 812,796,-800. Coin certificates, $20,4S3.500. Debt bearing interest in coin, $1,902, -128.550 ; interest, $43,632,046.08. Debt bearing interest in lawful money, $51,023,000.00; interest, 286,166.63. ;Dcbt on which interest has cea'ed since maturity of the principal, $3,-090,012.26; $3,-090,012.26; interest, $509,090.01. Debt bearing no interest, principal, j $417,151,298.00; unclaimed interest, ! $8,202. 13. Total debt: principal, $2,373,398,800.26; interest, $49,435,-522.85. $49,435,-522.85. Total : 2,422,834.3S3.11. Cash in the Treasury, $119,200 839.97. Debtless cash in the Treasurv, May 1st, 1871, $2,303,573,543.14. Debt April 1st, 1871, $2,309,097,596.27. Decrease of debt during the past month, $6,-124,053; $6,-124,053; decrease of debt since March 1st, 1871, $17,135,303.73; decrease ol debt from March 1st, 1869, to March 1st, 1871, $204,754,413.09. Bonds issued is-sued to the Pacific railway companies, principal outstanding, $04,618,832. |