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Show Maltman's Svstem op Saving Gold. The Nevada Transcript, of April 22, says: "Mailman's sulphu-ret sulphu-ret works are doing much to demonstrate demon-strate the value of a process for saving what gold is now lost by mill process. Some rock recently worked from the Banner mine, which had paid by mill process about $f 8, yielded at Malt-man's Malt-man's $80. In the Orleans and Manhattan, Man-hattan, sulohuret rock, which by mill process paid from $14 to $18 per ton, yielded by Maltman's process over $100. The cost of working is of course greater, but the profit, what the miners min-ers want, is proportionately very much larger. Those who are familiar with Maltman's process, assert that he can work rock up to 95 per cent, of the assay. Mr. Maltman understands his business thoroughly, and is constantly increasing his facilities for working ore. ' ' |