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Show i.s-ecnr'.No ov.Je"L'.tr:. Ibead ' a rich story." receive. I by te".eet ph and to be ibur.d in r. : :"..r oclaaia. Thrit Idaho h'.wyer br- e. k.-a rereevtiot; c: the eittiekest uiccr.s cf disrosinr: cf an ob:ee.ie::.ibie Ju'e, und ricbt cad luatcri.u to ; reetiee oa in thts iem-tory. iem-tory. The d'hh:ui:y uere. u-oueu. wou'.d be to get evea the Executive to believe that any of our Judiciary eotiua be brourrh; to rsihea uudtr arry cire'oa-staaccs, cire'oa-staaccs, with that S-Ju.C.'O matter unsettled. un-settled. If Judrre Leivis hr.s been the victim of such sharp pr.ic:ie3 wen: he becTei; more than inch ior.tly profane Over lerriior'.ul iavrycrs ? |