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Show MEDICAL : Rosnell libbiti, M.D. F.H; Simmon?, M.D DRS. TIBBITS & SIMMONS, Physicians and Surgeons Office Corner of Main and Second South Street, over BuUerlield's Store. Surgery in all Ita branches solicited W. f. ANDERSON, M.D, H.J. RICHARDS, M.D, Surgeons and Physicians, Offices, for the present, at tWr respective residences in the 13th andlTth Wards. DR. GROVES, Office tfnd South St., Salt Lake City. Three doors West of Kovcre House, half, a block East ol the Elephant Store. OFFICE HOURS FHOM 9 A.M. TO 5p.M. ml F. D. BENEDICT, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Office at Residence, rear of Seventies Hall. 0. C. ORMSBY, M.D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND DRUGGIST, U BIUGHAJl CITY. UTAH. LEGAL. !. V. MoCurJy. C. 11. Morgan Jlil'l KI)V iMOKCAN, Att.'riiais-at- Law, Orv'K'K Four dviors enst of Hkr.u.o Olllco, SALT I.AKK CITY. W.KXOX 11. V.VKillAX, ATTOUNKY AT LAW, Oltlcc For tho lM-osont. t rcltU-nce, Jn.l Sonlli Street. a27 THOMAS FITCH, A T T 0 U N E Y A T L A W , Oltlcc Flint South Street, Fourth door o:st of Hooper, KKlrodco .t Co's Balis, S;tlt LakoCity. n-ti Warner tarll. M. Smith. KAKLL .V. S3UT1I, ATTOUNKY S AT LAW, Salt Lake C Ity. Kast Temple Street, one door south of o'0 Uodbe's Store. J AS. G . SI' 11 A T T, Attorney -a t-Law, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAU. Office Four doors south of Salt Lake House. Attorney -at-La av, Office First South St., Fourth door east of Hooper, Eldredge A oli Co. 'a Bank. 2, H. Hempstead, M. Kirkpatrick HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorueys-at-Law, Main Street, opposito Wolls, Fargo & Co., SALT LAKE CITY. C. n. Hempstead, U. S Att'y for Utah. Z. SNOW. K. D. HOGE. SNOW & HOGE, attorneys and Counselors at Law Salt Lake City, Utah. Office at Snow's corner, 1st East St, HOTELS. " TOWNSBND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND, PROPRIETOR. This House is centrally and pleasant! located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 130 guests. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing to build large additions to his Hotel, whlh, when finished, will render it the Alos t Co mp lete Estah lish ment in the ROCRY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil KEYEKE HOUSE, European Plan. PEICE5 GKA.DED TO SUIT ALL. OUR RED COACH Free at the Depot for patrons. WHIITEMORE fc DOUGHERTY. a4 OQUIRRH HOUSE, Corner Main and Locust streets, TOOELE CITY, UTAH. I Good Accommodation for Families. a28 E. S. FOOTE, Proprietor. BANKERS. WELLS, FARGO & GO,, Express Forwarders, Bankers, and DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Europe, and all (lie principal prin-cipal cities of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. East Temple St., Salt Lake City. THE0. E. TRACY, Agent. mil FIRST MTI01AL BASK OF UTAH, (Successors to Hussey Dahler & Co.) Waeeen Hdssey, C. L. Dahlek, President. Vice Prest. Anthony Godbe, Cashier. Salt Lake City, Utah ; Also connecting offices at Ogden andCorinne, Utah, and Virginia and Helena, Montana. Dealers in Gold Eu$ts Coin and Currency, Draw Exchange on New York, Chicago, tit- Louis, Omaha, Denver, Kan ifrancisco, and all parts of Europe. Collections Promptly Attended To. mil W. H. Hoooper, H. S. Eldredge, L. S. Hilla Hooper, Eldredge Co., BANKERS. East Temple St., Salt Lake City, Dealers in Gold Dust, Coin, Exchange, Land Warrants, Etc Collections made and promptly remitted. CORRESPONDENTS t Riecs k Co., New York ; B.mk of California, San IFraucirjco ; First National Bunk, Chicago ; Ex-chunge Ex-chunge Bank, St. Louii ; First National Bank, Onialm ; J. 8. Morgnn h, Co., London. jn6 Thos. R. Jones, a. W. White BANKING HOUSE A. W. WHITE & CO., EAST TEMPLE STREET, 030 Salt Lake City. NOTARIES FUBLIC, A. S. GOULDsT J NOTARY FUiaXjlC and COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS for New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Pennsylva-nia, Ohio, Illinois, Nebraska, Wyoming, Wy-oming, Montana, Nevada, California, and other States and Territories. Ter-ritories. 4y Mining Deeds, Agreements and Bonds for Deeds, Mortgages, Powors of Attorney. Leases. Contracts and other instruments of writing drawn with accuracy and dispatch. ailnliig Companies Incorporated Incorpora-ted under tlie Laws ofUtati. East Temple St., near Wells, Fargo & Co., Salt Lalce City. mil SEWING MACHINES. reTdThTs! t ii : SINGER SEWING MACHINE In all tho beautiful varieties 1! BE M 11 EVERYBODY Contemplating tho purchase of a Machine for family or other use. At our newly-ntted up Salesroom. Second Door South of the Eagle Emporium, Em-porium, between the Drug and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. C. M. I., will Jxt found a Full Assortment of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGEK SEWING MACHINE NEEDS NO PUFFING to commend It to the public, as the following JET tk rH." how: . In 1850 these now celebrated Machines were first offered to the publio and in the four years succeeding 4,0ud were sold. Today To-day over that number are weekly turned out from the factory, and yet this immense supply sup-ply is not equal to the demand. At the end oi the year ISoT. upward of 2t.J.OOO Machines were sold, and in the then following years, from '68 to '"i the number had been increased to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third of which were disposed of wit hln the preceding twelve months. From the foregoing itwill be seen that during dur-ing the last three years, the sales have been upward of fifty per ct-nt more than during the whole of the seventeen previous years, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of years thorough trial is that the SEWino nmmut is adapted to all kinds of work, sewing as readily the thickest and most stubborn material ma-terial as the finest and most delicate fabrics; with a stitch, that for eveness, perfection and durability is unequalled. Accompanying each Machine are printed instructions, so plain and easy of comprehension comprehen-sion that, although we recommend customers custom-ers to take at least one lesson from the Op erator, it is seldom done purchasers seeing at a glance the simplicity of the Machine and completeness of the construction. Some of the ADVANTAGE S CP THE SINGER MACHINES ARE Simplicity of construction therefore less liability to get out of repair. Short, straight needle less liable to bend, break or skip the stitch. The shuttle is carried; friction, wear and the necessity of greasing the race are thus avoided. Readiness with which the most inexperienced inexper-ienced can adjust the tension of the thread. Freedom from wear. After twenty years constant service these machines have never been known to wear out. They are noiseless, rapid and easy in all their movements. All our machines are adjusted and put in thorough running order, by competent hand?, before delivery. Purchasers therefore have no trouble, but can successfully operate with them at once. THE HEY BUTTON-HOLE MACHINES arethoroughly practical and will perform all that we claim for them. The Improved MANUFACTURES MACHINES for heavy work, are too well known to need comment. We also keep in stock the Aew Medium Aroisele$s MANUFACTURING MACHINES Our stock of the Singer Sewing Machines is very extensivo, mbracing every variety of finish, from the plain Machine, mounted on black walnut table, oiled, to the elaborately elabor-ately pearled Machine, witu cabinet case and folding cover in mottled black walnut, rose, wood, or mahogany highly polished. livery Machine is furnished with the same complete furniture.' including the new hem-mer hem-mer (sewing all widths) and feller and braider. We guarantee our Machines to do Hemming, all widths Felling; Hemstitching) Hem-stitching) Braiding; Magic Ruining) Embroidering (nd chain stitchj) Gathering and Sewing on at same time, with or without a band, on the edge or in the center; Cordlng)Tuclt-ngj Cordlng)Tuclt-ngj duiltingj Trtmmlngj Binding all widths and kinds, etc., etc.. etc Remember tb.e Mammoth Sign, mil mm machines Two doors aouili;or the Eagle Em. WE DELIVERttl,1AGMiNES Without Additional Charge TO AL.L. PARTS OF IE CITY tf$- AH kinds of Sewing Machines thoroughly Repaired on Reasonable Rea-sonable Terms. 019 H, St CLAWSON.Supl GENERAL STOCK DRIVE FOR. SALT LAKK A.D SOUTH PART OP DAVIS COl'MIES. First District, all the range north of the I?land road, uader the direction of A. U. li.ALh.IGH. Second District, from Island road to Point of West -Mountain and to Black Kock, under the direction of Jacob WntLER. Teiro Jjtst rict, from the Point of the West Mountain to Harker's Springs, under the direction of Thos. Jenkins. i Fourth District, from Marker's Springs to Bingham Canon, under the direction of Kkubln AllLLER. Fifth L'istrict, from Bingham Canon to Rote Canon, under the direction of amcel Bat em as. Sixth District, from Rose Canon to Jordan Jor-dan Kiver, uoaer the direction of A. Cahoon. i Seventh District, from Jordan River to ! South Cottonwood Creek, under direction of 1. M. Stewart. ! Eighth District, is the north part of Salt Lake and south part of Davis Counties under un-der direction ol JohnStokee. The above Superintendents are to be at the extreme poiuu of their respective districts dis-tricts on Tuesday, 2nd dj.y of jlay, and tne drives take place on the following days. A. H. Raleigh, A. Gardner, Thomas Jen- ! kins, Peter Nkbeker, 11. 0. Spencer aod David Hilton are a committee to receive and discharge the stock. These gentlemen will meet the herds at the Joraan Bridge and give alt further kecessary directions. a30 EDWARD HUXTER. Chaisman. NOTICE TO Persons Cutting: Timber on Government Lauds. NOTICE is hereby given to all persona who have been trespassing upon Government Govern-ment Lands in Utah, by cutting timber of any kind without authority, and in no case has authority been tciven except in cases of homesteads and pre-em ptiona covered by D. S., where the p irties are authorized by law to cut timber for their own use upon their farms, and form other purpose, that they are reouirei without delay to appear before the Register and Receiver, and make payment therefor, in accordance with in-structiuns in-structiuns of Commissioner to Register and Receiver, dated Nov. 4, 1S7U, heretofore published pub-lished in the "Salt Lake Hera'd." Those failing to comply with this notice will be proceeded against in accordance with law, as per circular dated Dec. 24, 18-55, and the said instructions of Nov. 4, 1870. And those continuing to cut said timber without authority will be prosecuted criminally. GEO. R. MAXWELL, Register G. B. OVEKTOA, Receiver. n!3 WOODWORKING. Thomas Latimer, W. H. Folsom, George II. Taylor, George Romney CHANGE OF FIUM. The Planing ilill, Sash and Door Factory Fac-tory of FOLSOM, ROMNEYdbCo, Will hereafter do business, under the firm name of LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO, SASH &d fiizes 011 hacd anmaieto nfl ("I DO Raised panel, moulded, sash UtUfiwl door?, large store door3, any thickness, size orkind.llur nished to order. WINDOW gtopgt beads and sash. FRAMES complete' PRflMFQ Pane frames, plain door and inHlflbO window frames. BLINDS Stationary and rolling slatta. MOULDINGS rl'rK traves and cornice, CI PRIMH Tongned and grooved and I Luutll 11 U square-edge on hand and worked to order. I MMpPP Planed out of winde, to a ImU 111 Ubll thickness, and ripped to any desired size. Planer and Circular Saws Running all the time. MIINIIVG DISTRICTS Supplied on short notice. LATWER, TAYLOR Jfc CO.. J- OneBlock west of Tabernacle HELMDOLD. Advice to the Broken-Down in Health ! ThuaeofDAD BLOOD and OLD MAIDS in particular : APRIL, MAY, AND JUXE. uPURIFY TUB BLOOD In these months. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SAKSAPARILLA cures all eruptions of the skin. HELMBOLD'3 FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA cures the worst form of BLOOD DISEASES HELMBOLD'S. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA ENTERS READILY INTO THE CIRCULATION CIRCU-LATION OF THE BLOOD. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA BEAUTIFIES THE COMPLEXION. All Powders and outward applications destroy des-troy the skin, rendering it harsh and coarse. Look at the skin of old maids and those that have used such any length of time. My ad-yice ad-yice is to discontinue them and ui'e HELMDOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. ONE BOTTLE IS EQUAL IN STRENGTH TO ONE GALLON OF THE SYRUPS OR DECOTIONS AS USUALLY MADE; AND A WINE GLASS ADDED TO A PINT OF WATER EQUALS THE CELEBRATED LISBON DIET DRINK. TRY IT THIS WAY. A DELIGHTFUL BEVERAGE . HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRiPE PILLS. A PLEASANT, SAFE, AND AGREEABLE CATHARTIC. HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Used in all affections where a purgative medicine med-icine is needed. HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. HARMLESS TO A CHILD AND TAKEN BY CHILDREN. HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. SUPERSEDE MAGNESIA. SALTS, AND EVERY OTHER PURGATIVE HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. CERTAIN IN EFFECT AND PLEASANT IN OPERATION. HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE PILL IS NOT A PATENTED PILL. HELMBOLD'3 CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. ABE COMPOSED OF CATAWBA GRAPE JUICE AND FLUID EXTRACT RHUBARB HOW TO PROCEFD IN THE SPRING AND SUMMER MONTHS to insure NEW LIFE, NEW BLOOD, NEW VIGOR. Purchase two bottles of HELMBOLD'S HELM-BOLD'S SARSAPARILLA and one box of PILLS WORTH THEIR WEIGHT FN GOLD. No better investment can be made for so small a sum. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHTJ . Hasaquireda WORLD-WIDE FAME. All of my preparations are meritorious. A period of twenty years has PROVED THIS to be the case, See remarks mad by Benjamin Travers, F. R. C. S., &c. Speaking of those diseases, and diseases arising from the excess of Mercury, Mer-cury, he states that no remedy is equal to the Extract of sarsaparilla; its power is extraordinary, ex-traordinary, more so than any other drug I am acquainted with, It is in the strictest sence, a tonic, with this invaluable attribute, attri-bute, that it is applicable to a state of the system so sunken, and yet so irritable as renders ren-ders other substances of the tonic class unavailable un-available or inj urious- See REMARKS of the GREAT CHEMISTS AND PILL MEN OP AMERICA. WM. R. WARNER, & CO., 154 North Third St. Philadelphia, Pa. H. T. HELMBOLD, Esteemed Friend: I congratulate you on having the handsomest hand-somest and at the same time the MOST EFFECTIVE EF-FECTIVE PILL t'jat I have over known for the purposes intended. WM. P. WARNER & CO. H. T. HELMBOLD Will remark in conclusion that his Remedies Rem-edies are the result of long and careful study. The Fluid Extracts have been before the public twenty years; the sale of them in that time proves their value. All have beenbenifitted by them who f allowed my instructions in-structions and to-day they stand UNEQUALLED UNE-QUALLED in the extent of their sale and UNSURPASSED by any Medicament in tho Dispensatory of the United States not excepting ex-cepting a single HERB, ROOT, PLANT or scientific preparation. Pharmaceutical I claim all mine" to be and have never patented a single one, ALL STAND ON THEIR MERITS The Pill I have thought of offering to the afflieted for ten years. They are now perfect, and I shall stake my time, fame and money on their effectiveness. effective-ness. The enviting stylein which the Pill is made, the bottle, label, wrapper all show with what care they have been prepared. After examination, no English or French preparation will show greater care, and I am really proud of them. Instead of the nauseous-looking, carelessly prepared Pills vended generally and put u? in wooden boxes, and made generally or offered of-fered by those having no experience as physicians, phy-sicians, druggists, or manufacturers of medicines. med-icines. Test the medicine offered by Your obedient servant H. T. HELMBOLD, Crystal Palace Drug Store, 5Di Broadway, New York. Palace Pharmacy. Gilsey House, Broadway and Twenty-ninth street. New York, and Temple of Pharmacy, Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. hal " ";'"V"IJ'' Plo'd Extract Buchu has gained wona-wiae fame. GROCERIES. JUST ARRIVED Another lot of tliat Choice GUNPOWDER 1? 2E3 Some of the old kind ! Which has been so scarce lately ! Lovers of Good Tea are requested, to try It before purchasing elsewhere. else-where. I A FULL STOCK OF 1 GKOGEKIES WHICH WE GUARANTEE TO SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY H 0 USE IX UTAH. CALL, AND SEE ! G.W. Davis, AT THE OLD STAND. dS SPRING GOODS. i 5 lei O 3? M m i Oi i 0 t 3 Ph - ESS ' V l OL A " CO- fl BUILDERS. SHELDON & CO., Architects ami Builders, FIRST EAST STREET, One aud a-half "blocks south of the Theatre. a15 R. R. MELROSE & CO,, Carpenters and Builders, Frame Buildings delivered and put up in any of the 3Iining Camps adjacent to Salt Lake City. Shops in Commercial Street. m21 S m . go wl1 3 & ! "11 HARDWARE. ALL KINDS OF ASSAYER'STOOLS At CA!,3,.M!A.VS. C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STOKE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Irou and Steel, Stovss and Tin Ware BLACKS.HITU TOOLS, Agricultural Implement And Mining Tools, At Lowest Rates. OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOUSE d15 BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring Baths ! Private and Plunge. These celebrated bat hi axe open to the public st all twaaong. Tbeir medicinal properties are o widely known that it U needlea to enumerate them. Besides the Private Biths, the large and handsomely handsome-ly furnished Plunge BatliM fur Liwlies and Gentlemen are now open. il AilA"t)Ltl Bl7 SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. EINSTEIN EROS. Si CO., Importers and Manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVERY STYLE AND KIND. 113, 113, and 117 Pine Strret, SAN FKA'CISCO. Our Home-made Goods are unequaltd iy any. ' Samples at Mr. Goodliiud's Office, oS SALT LAKE CITY. WEIL & CO. IMPOBTF.R3 OF Cigars and Tobacco Proprietors of the HAVANA CIiiAK MAN (.'FACTORY iil, 243 and 225 Front St., Southwest corner x ront & Sacramento Sts.. J. EVEUiilXtt & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 4:8 Clay St.. San Kranclttco. DE ALEXIS IN OREGON PRODIXB. Are constantly in receipt of Oregon llani?. Bacon, Lard, Salmon, Ac. Starch, of our wr anri KaTern manufacture always on hand. GRAY, JONES, & CO. DEPOT OF THE SANTA CRUZ TANNERY MiSUPACTDKEBS OP On li fole .Leather. 418 BATTERY ST., SAN FRANCISCO fl9 TOBIfj, DAVsssori & GO., IMPORTERS OP MERICAX, ENGLISH, FRENCH AXD GERMAN" FANCY GOODS, . Small Wares, Pocket Cutlery, Perfumery, Yankee Notions, Stationery, Dress Trimmings, White Goods, Millinery Goods, Hosiery, Linen H'dkehfs, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc Cor. Sutttr and Sausome Sts., SAN FRANCISCO. J A.. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer in fctf all kinds of SALMON AND HERRINGS, 133 Washington Street. All kinds of Dried, Smoked and Pickled Fish constantly on hand. j4 J.C. JIEItKII.L cV C O, COMMISSION MERCHANTS 20 and 306 California St., san Fr&ncisco, - - California Particular attention paid to the filling of rders lor every description ot merchandise! n23 Sale of Ores, .c, Jtc. BOO? A. 13LIS XX IEJ 2Z 1830. CASTLE BROTHERS, X 3Z O 3TI. 17 IDIIS WHOLESALE GROCERS, 213 and 215 Front Street. 116 CHENERY, SOUTHER Sl CO,, Importers and Jobbers of FOREIGN A AD DOMESTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, 311 Clay Street, San Francisco. jyl9 A. C. DIETZ Si CO. IMPORTERS OP PAINTS, OILS, Varnishesand Lamps, No. 224 FRONT STREET, Bet. Sacramento i California, San Francisco A. C. Titoomb. Geo. II. Williams. TITC03IJB & WILLIAMS, .Manufacturers, Importersaud Wholesale .Dealers in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Every Description of Jewelry, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE Also Agents for tho celobrateJ Howard, Elginand American Watches, 2-10 Montgomery, S.E. cor. Pine, Up Stairs, San Francisco, Cal. All orders from thn Territories promptly filled. ft 104 and 106 FRONT STREET, BAN" FRANCISCO, CAL. Offer the finest and most complete stoclc on the Pacific coast. ' Refer to II. B. CLAWSON. Sup'tof 25. O- lkLm IE. a4 J. BAUM & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of MEN'S &, C3YJ3 CLOTHING 323 Sansome St., Sun Francisco. 43 Murray Sl.f Aew York. fi KELLER, ProprietoroftheKi-infT f?un and Lob Angeles Vine yards. Deixt for theBnie of Uia NATIVE WINES A?iDBRAK3!ES M. KELLER fc CO.,) Corner of Battery and Washington Streets, San Francisco, - - - California An&ellca"VVIne, KMornrto Wine, White 11 .Madeira Port AVI ue Hitters,) Sherry tirape iirandy. All our Wines and Brandy pnaranUy-d strictly pure, and over three years old. -Sa1t Lake City Corporation, Zion's Co-operative Mercantile lostituliuii, Uodte A Co., SiiltLiikoCity, I). II. Peerv, and G'.tdl A Co., O.lcii, k.'p oar wines forsale. K1CI1AHD UOOUHI.VD, o'22 Agent, Salt Lake City. S. P. Holden. J as. Moorhead. S. P. KOLDEN & CO.. IiIP0&ILS OT -T3 FOREIGN DKi GOODS, Linens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Slo. 28 & 30 SAKSOilE ST. London ; 27 LeadenhaU St.. B.C. o |