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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. Prussians are killed every night in Strasburg. Religious liberty is to be established at Rome. , The German losses since the 7th reach 10,000 men. Yorkshire, England, had a heavy snow fall on Friday. Further successes by the army of the Loire are reported. A large portion of north-eastern France is being inundated. The Mont Cenis tunnel is expected to be completed next month. England is looking to be the next victim of German ambition. Rich gold diggings are reported discovered dis-covered near Lincoln, California. A scheme is being agitated for a railway from Cheyenne to Helena, M. T. La Situation says Gambetta is plotting plot-ting for tho restoration of the Orlean-ists. Orlean-ists. The French now hold the entrenched camp lately occupied by the Prussians at Athenay. The victory by the army of the Loire has created the wildest excitement throughout France. A considerable number of steel-rifled cannon are ready for the army of the Loire and that of the North. Masses of French troops are seen daily around Fort Valerein, practicing evolutions on a large scale. The North German parliament meets at Berlin on Monday to raise means for carrying on the war. The Democrats have carried the entire en-tire State ticket of Nevada. Fitch is defeated by about two hundred votes. Young Belgium peasants are flocking over the line to join the French army of the north under Buurbakt. The Kansas legislature on joint ballot bal-lot stand, a hundred and seven Republicans Repub-licans to sixteen Democrats. The case of Ex-Mayor Calhoun, of Richmond, Va., convicted ol forgery, is to have a revision. The battle of Orleans was stubbornly fought, and the French victory very decided. Many acts of unnecessary and terrible ter-rible cruelty are charged on the Prussians Prus-sians while they were in and around Orleans. The Prussians continue to make heavy requisitions on all places occupied occu-pied by them in France. The loss of the Bavarians at the battle of Orleans was 3,140 in killed, wounded and prisoners. The new French armies are rapidly assuming offensive operations against the Germans. The rapid and effective fire from the forts at Paris rendered much of the German works useless. The Democrats of Alabama have a majority in the House of the State legislature; the Republicans a majority of six on joint Ballot. Fernando Wood, of New York, is said to be preparing articles of impeachment im-peachment agains Judge Woodford, to be presented next session of Congress. The German force defeated at Orleans Or-leans has been reinforced and numbers 56,000 men. It is to be attacked at Touyr by a French force of 100,000 men. The Lord Chief Justice of England says Britain must arm herself lor a desperate struggle, and her only safety consists In remaining mistress of the seas. A fellow from Detroit has been arrested ar-rested in New York for obtaining goods under false pretences, he having got $200,000 worth of tobacco in that style. The Prussians captured at Verdun eleven staff officers, loO other officers, 130 guns, 23,000 rifles, and a large amount of stores and ammunition. The whole tide of popular feeling in England is now running in favor of the French. The Times has even changed its tone and urges Germany to make peace and leave France while she may do it with safety. Governor Iloldcu, of North Carolina, Caro-lina, has revoked his proclamations of March and July, declaring Almanace and Casewcll counties in a state of insurrection. in-surrection. Treilhard, the Frsnch minister to Washington, appointed by Napoleon, has arrived at New York from South America, but cannot be received in his official capacity without instructions from Tours. Over I,7o0 Prussian prisoners taken at Orleans passed through Tours on Saturday, going to the south of Fiance. Some of them having been recognized as parties engaged in outrages at Chateau-dun, there was great difficulty in protecting them from the excited populace. |