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Show The Inai'ih'ral Ball. By advertisement adver-tisement in our columns under the head of "amusements," it will be seen that tho Trustees of the Salt Lake Exchange Ex-change and Reading Rooms propose pro-pose having a social gathering of members mem-bers and their friends on Friday evening even-ing next, the Jul inst., to inaugurate the opening of their new establishnieul on East Temple street, four doors north ot Hooper, Eldridge & Co's Bankint House, and "just around the corner' from the Herald office. The com modions lecture room of the Association Associa-tion 011 the second floor is being taste fullv fitted up for the occasion undei the superintendence of the managiug committee, composed of Judite Strickland, Strick-land, Colonel Kahn and B. F'abian, Esq., tho Secretary, and we have no doubt but that tho affair will go off with great eclat. Olson's band will be there. The tickets of admission arc two dollars each; they cau be obtained of Mr. Fabian, or of Messrs. Gould & Woodward. |