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Show TTXION j Ice Cream Garde I Slixkan-i a half saet of Citj Hail. trim harden U beautifully fltttd up with 8om Hoorta, Seats, Tables, Caned Walks, 4c, . , fcHnited ia a fine lara apple orchard, and is dt 1 4diy the cosiest and cooie.it retreat in the citj. Attentive Waiters I ver ready to farro attrocs wilt cViktsttt ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS, Tgth6r with Strawberries and Cream, Lemonade, Cronk Beer, Oranges, Lemons, Cherries, Nmts, RaisinB, And all Jrmw &od -KoaM in at. B. H. TOTJNG, Prop. TO THE WOOL GROWERS OF UT-AII. I will receive WOOL In exchange for cloth anal yarn at the Deseret Woolen Mills, Koatb. of Kan j on Greek, Salt Lake Connty. BIUIYG ON YOUR WOOL J. W. Cummings. E. II. ROSS, Map Publisher, "., Wkolul ami Entail Dealer Ui Oval, RoHtio and Fancy Frames, Engravings, En-gravings, Li'bogTap18. Photographs, Photo-graphs, Chromos, Albums, Al-bums, rocket Mpa and Charts. No. 313 Lvcwit Street, Si. Louis, Mo. tssAini .ttl'nry D-lrt, AriMlta uA Oaa. reer irnpptid at thi lowest r'. fcVeol fcr diripi rr circular.. Son's Cooperative! Mercantile Institution TO CITY AND COUNTRY CO OPERATIVE STORES Aud the Trade generally Wholesale Dry Goods ! EAGLE I EMPORIUM, (Up Stairs.) In this Department will always be found the choicest brands of American and English Prints, Lawns, Organdies, Percales and Dress Goods, Ginghams, Cnamhays, Brilliaiites, &c , Sheetings, bleached and brown, of the most approved makes. Hosiery. Notions, &c, &.C. Also, a heavy stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Leather, home made and imported. Shoe Findings complete. Retail DRY GOOIDS department, liable Emporium, (Ground Floor.) This Department is constantly receiving, by express and regular freight, such additions to its already large and varied stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions. Trimmings, Ribbons, &c, foreigH and domestic, as to have to make this branch a public necessity. Much of our stock is purchased exclusively for this room, and ia offered at prices urdfbmily low. We would call the especial attention of the Ladies to our varied and seasonable sea-sonable varieties of Shawls, Sacques, Perfumed Handle Parasols, Skeleton Corsets, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, Flowers, &c. We have juet received a fine addition of Carpets, Crurab Cloths, Mats, Matting, Window and Table Damasks, Nottingham Lace Curtains. Our especial feature The Ladies and Misses Shoes, whicVcannot be excelled for variety and price. Just Arrived Window Cornices, new and unique. Three doors South of Eale Emporium, SPRING CLEANING AND FURNISHING. This Department has a fine assortment of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, DOOR MATS, AND WALL PAPER, including Low, Medium and High grades, with Borders to match. A first-class paper-hanger always on hand. Just introduoed a great variety of Home-made Trunk?, to which public attention is invited. Also just arrived, a lull stock of Gent's, Boy's, and Youth's Summer Clothing, From fine French Cassimere to Linen, at low prices. H. B. Clawson, Supt. JLUMBER FOB THE 3IILX.IOX f Utah Lumber better and cheaper than aDy imported. J. WIDLILEAMS & CO., Are prepared to furnish the inhabitants of Salt Lake City and vicinity w i& a first class article of Lumber, cheaper than ever before offered to the public. Having a large supply of every kind on hand, and our mill running in the bt 4 grove of timber in Utah, we will furnish Lumber, at the following rates at the TJ. C. B. B. Depot: All 1 and. of Plank, Scantling, Joist, Flooring, Beams, Rafters, Inch Lumber and Sheeting, at $37 50 per thousand. First i daaa Flooring, Finishing Lumber and Picketing, at $42 50 per thousand. P. irties requiring a bill for building will do well to give us a call, as we will furnish general bill of lumber cheaper than any otherhouso in the lino. ALL KINDS OF PAY TAKEN AT MARKET RATES, Eggs, Bu tter, Flour, or other productions of the farm. Also, Stock of any kind, Sheep, Cows, Work Cattle, Wagons, etc. Store pay at cash rates, or even cash itaelf not refused. SIIIN1 MES ICIIEAPEB Til XS EYE.B . On good iccurity we will also give time on part payment for large orders. We . thall open a lumber yard in Salt Lake City in a few days. All comm unications to be addressed for the prcnent to Joshua Williams Sc Co. Weber Station, U- P. R. R. SHAKERS ,' SHAKERS ! SHAKERS ! S. D. M. S. 7iET.UL DjRT GOODS DEPARTMENT, KAtu.i: i;jnoitiu.ii. We are welling MAKERS! At 12J Cents Eaeh. II. 15. CLA WS(i, SuH. Ciildcr Brother, Salt Lakh Cm', Uooksellers, Stationers, And Dealers in Musical Merchandise and Fancy Goods. 51i5cllnoin Bof'kf, f-w Public, iTivai anl Supduy iV-hol Librariffl ; School Jookn, Mapn, Globo, Charts, and All sthnr artirlcx ne4 Id schools. A complete assortment of fiiank Hooka, Writing Paper, Pocket Cutlery, and Stationary. Albrtmi, Pocktt Books, KnjravingH and Cromoi. A full fltock of Uusical luctrutnonte and Mmical Morchandifw. Ueoral AfQ1- for all of thpheat pfano and rga munufactureru, and for thn pqblurbers of obbcription book. J A Larg AiPortmnt (1 SUNDAY SCHOO l PRIZES Jut RocrrHl. ?7 ? ? ? m f IMPORTANT To fry LOVER OF NATURE ! i THE CELEBRATED PATENT CRAIG MICROSCOPE, During the pa-it Six Ytart tit oorth hat been tettiUd to by ihoviandi of 8cifnt(fic Men, School Teachers, Stu dents, Physicians and others. - Simplified and Adapted to Popular a ceU as Scientific vst it is an Optical Wonder. Its AIa.gn ifying power is TEN THOUSAND TIMES ! Combining endless instruction with amyuement ; A Beautiful Gift, and one th&t nner loses its interest, reveals the unseen wonders of creation, Pels in Tine-gar Animals in water, Cheese Mites, Sugar and Itch Insects, MiUc Globules, Adulterations in Pood and Ih-ugs. Also the Trichina Spiralis or Pork worms. A very beautiful and ornamental Instrument, should be on ti.e table of every Family, Physician, Scientific Man, Student and School. An Unseen Kingdom is pened to the eye by this Instrument .No lover of the beautiful should be without it. Every Instrument is pat up in a neat box, with full directions for using it, carefully pasted on the cover, Thousands have been sent by mail, and the proprietor guarantees a safe transit to each instrument. We are Bending them every day. Price by mail, postage prepaid, $2.75, or with two Mounted Objects, $3.00. Address, K. II. ROSS, 313 Locust street St. Louis, Mo. IRVING IIOUS E.. Kurcv4Ui Plan. A Firt Clas Hotel. L"fon tiniurpapjd, bing Boar Union aqnar allaek'i UiMtrt, and A T Steart'i now sp town Mr. Broadway and Twelfth iU, New York. ' O. P. HARLOW, Prop, ST. CLAIR HOTEL, Cor. Third and Maiket PtretU, ST. LOCIi?, MO TERMS $2 PER DAY. IIou fomiiid wita Um bn ipring bed. Houm centrally Wtd. Bust for all traiai. OMAral R. R. and atmbM.t ticket office in tha bOUM. J. CHESLEY, Propr. lypjwpiia mt and Conriiprml. Paiu ha iti atvn. It indlratoii tho shU of dtwa.stt and ita Datum. Da-tum. If the locality, propnH aiul iutrnpity of a pinordT wero not mamfohtrd by t ho torture it occasions, oc-casions, tho Tlrliin would bn nurprincd by drlh beforn ha nui cenm iom of danpfr. Tho indescribable indescrib-able tortures whith accmipany Dysjiptia, preclude pre-clude all doubt ha to th i -harw lor of th malady. Combat the rnemy promptly with Takant'8 KrricRTi.icf.riT .Sii.T7.ir Aphuint. Thi ploa'Ant pacitie raretv the dHa."A at all poinln in tha waakened ato a h, the torpid linr, tha (xumtt-pated (xumtt-pated bwlN,t ha shall rnd norTiv auil by ra- UH-itita 11 ths jramt o their antural comlitioru aifrcta vil:ti ura Sold by all IVuKLstH. How to Make Good Strong Vinegar ! IN ONE DAY, From ( Wh-r, Snrslnim, Mo-Iassrs, Mo-Iassrs, Suffar, Whio or thr Julrr of any Fruit. 1)1-rrctlons 1)1-rrctlons simple ami fnsy. Cost not onr-Iuiir that of I w. old prorcNs ol' iillowin? Cider to sour in )arr(-ls. Any oik- cum ni iKe, i t ; In 1 1 directions sent on receiit ut' Fifty cents, tddrcss; X) . II. SSiSi4i, .t. l.imis, M,i , Have on Land a full nupply of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HAir Boots & Shoes, Etc., Which ithey are ktenmoed to ell lower tkaa ever has Voen wld injtii, i Territory. CALL AND 8EE,TAT THEIR STORE, EAST TEMPLE &j PIONEER STEAM WOOD WORKING COMPAQ W. II. FOLSOM, . THOS. LATDOi Qko. Rowxrr, OH. Tatlqr. FOLSOH, ROHNEY & CO, fSotith Temple Street, one block west of the Tabernacle,) i . , . Having added to their already extonoiva stock of Machinery,, are now prtrt to furnish all articles in their line, a first class article, at greatly reduced rt from the best lumber produced i our own mountain home. We have a complete set of Sash and Door Machinery, by which we fill large or small orders with great dispatch. ' - ' . - AM AM ..-BOOHS We publish a list of sizes of Doors and Windows which are always kept y. hand. Lip or cheek rail sash and all kinds and sizes of doors made to order: Sash Si6. Door Sizes. 1x10 windows, 2 ft 4 b x 3 fi Oi io 2 ft S in by 3fH:- 10x12 " 2 10i x4 6 3 S " 63" 10x14 " 3 10i x 5 2 2 10 " i 1 10x15 " 2 10J x5 10 3 feet " 7 ft Illiuds, Frames and 3Iouldins. Rolling and Stationary Slat Blinds made to order to fill all kinds of ot-a ings. Door and Window Frames, plain and panneled. Having one of Fs; j spfendid Jto. 1 moulding machines we can furnish every variety of Mou'diui wood tur:ntS"g." We have a o. 1 Turning Lathe, and have engaged Fred. Phi-tcr. ir best turner in the Territory, aud will furnish turning of all descriptions, iidi- ding wheel heads, chairs, bedsteads, and all kinds of wood turning at lowrs: ; Latest improved machinery. Our machinery is the very best that could be purchased in the List, u-sisting u-sisting of a No. 1 Planer and Matcher, for surfacing lumber and tongmnj aid grooving flooring;' a Daniels Planer, for planing lumber out of wind; a Teaming Team-ing Machine ; a heavy power Mortising Maching ; machines for rabbiting, plowing, making sash, doors, blinds and moulding?. As a great variety of work can be done on these machines, it gives us great advantage in contracting and building. W. II. FOLSOM attends to the building department, and being u experienced architect, and having on hand all the latest architectural works, is prepared to make plans, specifications, details, and contract for buildings of a! Kinds. The old firm of LATIMER & TAYLOR have charge of Ue machine department and in connection with the above machinery run a set of circuia saws, and are prepared to rip hoards, plank, pickets, fence rails, strips, ic., All who intend to beautify, improve and build up, and want cheap s:f good work, call on . p.o. Box 366. Folsom, Romney &; Co. MIGrlaE HOUSE! HOME MANUFACTURED BSOOTS AM SBTOE8 As complete an assortment as can be found in the Territory ; iu addiuec to which we have every variety of Imported Manufacture to complete our stock We have also added to the above branch of business, a general assortment :i H5ry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, (Jlansware, Hardware, Hats Clothiiisr, fcc. Which we will guarantee at prices that will give satisfaction. Miner. Farmers and Families an be supplied with advantage to themselves. OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOUSE. TEAS DEL & CO. PRODUCE, PRODUCE Z. C. M. I. In order to meet the demands of our iuimer''us .'UNtomers we will JeliK'1 In purchasers all kinds of produce Flour, by tV sack or hundred sck' Wheat, Hurley mid' Outs; Hatter, put up in all h;ipes and iu any nua:U'.t'-K.ifxs, nua:U'.t'-K.ifxs, by the dozen or hundred dozen. Come en au, vy siij plevl. ICiiiporiiiiu Itiiildin, V 1 I'nd. Kntraiico from First South S'ive(. II. B Clavreon, Supt. |