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Show a few words to the public;. Certain Agents of Organ Makers visiting this city have been representing represent-ing that their instruments are fully as good as the Mason & IIa.mlin Organ Or-gan Co's make. Being Mason & Hamlin Ouqan Co's General Agents for Utah, we beg to say that wo are prepared to prove, beyond be-yond ALL POSSIBILITY OF A DOUBT, that their instruments are superior IN EVERY respect to thoe of any other ni'iji:r. The Company's. sales are over two HUNDRED r-Kti WEEK, being nearly double that of any other ( )rgan Factory Fac-tory in the world. Wherever they h?ve been exhibited they have uniformly uni-formly won the highest'awards at Industrial In-dustrial Fairs, including the Medal at the Paris Exposition. (Jn application applica-tion we will furni.-h the testimony of nearly one thou-anl Musicians, including includ-ing the nio-t prominent Orirani-t, Piani-H, Composers, Mti-ictl Conductors, Con-ductors, Directois of Operas, c, in America and Europe, who d -clar-' that they ae .siTKittuii to all others. We h ive tins tc tioomy of Joseph II. Ridges, K-q , builder of the Salt Lake Great ( )rg.tn, Professors George Careless, J. dm TulliJge and O. Pratt, Jr.; C. J. Lull Panic an 1 Ben. Judyin, m ikers and repairers of org ins and other reed instruments, and m any o-le-r tnu-ieian- in the Territory, to the superiority su-periority IH'TlllsEliIliiAXs; t ) whom we beg to refer all person- who intend purcha-inir. We have sold hvkh ONE HUNDRED organs, and many of our customers, from all pans of the Territory, have written us enthusiastically enthusias-tically in their praise. We have been offered the Agency of many of the principal makers, including inclu-ding all the organs introduced in this city up to date, and have had five leading lead-ing organs placed side ly side with tho.-e of ihe Mason & Hamliu t)rgn Co's, and the unanimous verdict oT our home musicians was that they were inferior to tho-e of our company. We did not accept the Agency of -my of those, although offered mnrli mort lihrrnl Imis. being well a--urcd that we had THK BEsr, and could rea-om-mend them as such. So soon as we discover a better or-iran or-iran we shall try and secure it, as we are on'y dependant on the company we represent so long as their instrument AKETIIE LEADING ones IN the Market. To accommodate those persons whosj circumstances prevent their paying the full amount at. one:, we offer our organs or-gans on a small cash advance, and the balance in Eight .Monthly Installments, Install-ments, ranging from i'j no to $11,011 per month, according to style. The organs are delivered on payment of the ca-h advauco. Send to us f'ou illustrated catalogues, giving description of each instrument and prices. ( 'ALDER P.llOTIIEIts. Salt Lake City. Feb. llh, 171. |