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Show Latest Slews EY TELEGRAPH LAST MCKT. Congressional Reports on the Cuban Question. The Chinese and Servile Labor. Land Grants to Railroads. &e., &c, &.c. GENERAL. THE CUBAN QUESTION. Chicago, 14. The Times' Washington Washing-ton special says the majority and minority mi-nority reports of the House committee on foreign affairs on the Cuban question ques-tion were yesterday officially published. The majority report declares it the duty of the United States to recognize the existence of the contest in Cuba, and declare and maintain an impartial neutrality, and give both parties the same advantages of intercourse and trade with the United States, and invites in-vites the President to remonstrate against the barbarous manner in which the war has been conducted. The minority submit as a substitute for their proposition a bill, making it a misdemeanor to equip a ship of war with the intent of being employed in the service of any European province or State for the purpose of subduing colonies claiming independence, and providing for the forfeiture of such vessels. The minority say they have seen no evidence that there is a Cuban revolutionary revolu-tionary government in existence, exercising exer-cising permanent control over any part of the island, and are constrained to believe that the constitution, political divisions and control of the island are mainly on paper. They further look upon the proposed declaration of neutrality as a concession of belligerent rights which would enlarge en-large the powers of Spain asainst this country, at a time when they believe it to be the duty of the United States to preserve an impartial neutrality between be-tween the parties in this struggle, against European supremacy in any portion of the continent The minority also recommend the government to maimain a naval force in the Cuban waters to protect the . rights of all American citizens. THE CHINESE. The officers of the'workingmen's organization or-ganization are calling the attention of congress to contracts for Chinese labor just made in Louisiana and elsewhere, and asking for legislation to protect tliem. Tnere is a bill now before the senate judiciary committee with the title, "A bill to prohibit contracts for service and labor," which provides that every contract for labor, any part of the consideration for which shall be money for transportation advanced for any alien from any foreign country, coun-try, which provides for a longer period of service than for six months, shall be declared to be a contract for servile labor, and contrary to the public pol icy ; and punishes any infraction by heavy fines. REVENUE. A comparative revenue statement, prepared at the revenue department, shows the total increase of collections for the first ten months of the fiscal year, over the corresponding time last year is over twenty-one millions. LAND GRANTS. The Tribune s special says the members mem-bers opposed to excessive land grants to railroads consider the bill passed by the senate on Saturday, for the extension exten-sion of the Atchison the most objectionable. objec-tionable. By the bill the road will get at a minimum estimate two and a half million acres of the best land in Kansas and Nebraska. Twenty-seven senators were absent when the final vote was taken. |