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Show PfXiciors IrE Cream and summer drinks, under the rcfrehinsr shade of overarching trees, at the "Union Ire Cream Garden." one and a half blocks east of City Hall- adv. Seasonable. Ice cream and summer sum-mer drinks at Henry Wallace's, east side Eat Temple .street. Pure home made candies at wholesale cheap, and fancy groceries. adv Just Look! lee Cream, two plates for a quarter, of the best make and most delicious flavor; and candies at wholesale and retail, at the Golden Gate. adv Just Received. Some of the best brands of cigars from San Francisco. Call and try them. Ed. Hams, adv Magic Macedonian Oil cures rheumatism,- aches, pains, coughs, colds, cholera morbus, &c, like magic i'or sale at loth ward cooperative store: $4.50 per dozen. adv Good. Golk'htly & Harris, of the Globe, have commenced supplying by wholesale crackers of every description, descrip-tion, properly packed for shipping, pure home made c, indies and everything every-thing in the bakery line. adv Good wholesome Vinegar. Any one can make it. Head the advertisement advertise-ment of W. II. Bishop in this paper. adv A Scientific Wonder. The Craig Microscope,- adapted to popular and scientific use.. Head the advertisement advertise-ment Price, $2. 75. adv Just the Thing. Vegetables, fruit, poultry, butier and eggs in abundance at M. ;hadd's Pioneer Green Grocery, East Temple street. adv Cigars. For an excellent brand of cigars and the choicest chewing and smoking tobacco, call on Ed. Harris, uear the Post Office. adv The Ckaio . Microscope. This Microscope is simplified and adapted to popular as well as scientific; use. A new optical wonder ! This is the only instrument that requires no focal adjustment, ad-justment, and therefore can be readily used by every one, even by children. Costing only two dollars ana seventy-five seventy-five cents, by mail, postpaid, it is within with-in the reach of all in the community, and should be on the table of every practitioner. Read advertisement in this paper. adv HEADINGS! KATE HI Of SiicrameLto, Will Ii;ie tlio hnn.r f a j-.. raring Kf-.ro a ?;ilt .;ike hulLi'Im;.-, in the MUSIC II ALL, s Hallo's Hull) On Wednesday Eve, 1.5th, Wh-a tli will g:e Choice Realinps, Comic and Sentimental, Senti-mental, in Prose and IVetry. Ti. k.-ti an he .l.tiur.il at the K-wr. II. n-e. !!' l;..i.-au. " r-ii.-.. .;. . ,,i. i ..; :U l.;-i-II.-11 on ;o.,y u-.. n;ii--. ADMISSION. - - - ONE DOLLAR. Buors ox-en at eigit ; coffiaicccc at ka'.i rst e'gii- XT. C. 15. It. CHANGE OF TRAINS ! The Aci. rnTiKl:itif.n Tmin will hero.ifter d;-tnntuiii-d " SUNDAYS, and the n-ulnr trains 2 and 3 will be run uii Sundays, sauie as t-u Oilier day. Lake Side will hereafter be a station fur the regular regu-lar tiuius. Jos. A. Yoim, tt. c. n. JR.. Lake Side! Look out for Tlie Scliool Train To leave at S:50 a.m.; return re-turn 6:20 p.m. Every Saturda j ! EVERY SATURDAY! If you want to Bathe, Go to Lake Side! If you want to Boat, Go to Lake Side! If you want a dance in the grove, Go to Lake Side! If jou want to hear the music free, Go to Lake Side! If you want to swing, Go to Lake Side! If you want a right good dinner, Take it with you when you Go to Lake Side! Mountains of Cakes, Cand'es and thiegs, and Oceans of Lemonade. Bithing Dre-ses, Perambulators and all the modern conveniences to rent cheap At Lake Side! B-iggage wagon in attendance to hml bundles, babies and other baggage, bag-gage, free, to ihe grove, when you go To Lake Side! II, f a mila to t-e grove; three-fourths three-fourths of a mil to tie Lake, From Lake Side! i i Scholars from b to 13 ye.irs, o cents. All oTer 13 years, round trip, .-tI-OO. All under 3 year?, free. JOS. A. YOUNG, Sunt. UTAH GEHTRAL BAILSOAD! Pioneer Line of Xltali. Trains leave Salt Lake City daily at 5 a. in. and !:43 p. m., arrive at Ogden 7 a. m. and 4:43 p.m.; leave Ocden city at S a. m. and 5:30 p. m.; arrive at Salt Lake city 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. In addition to the ahove, an TRAIN WILL RUN, WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, Leaving Ogden city Sam, and Salt Lake city 4:40 p m, on which full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the same day and train free, and will stop by arranging w'.th the conductor, at any point on the line to take on or let oil' passengers-Passengers passengers-Passengers will please purchase their tickets at the offices. Fifty centa additional ad-ditional will be charged when the fare is collected on the train. For all information concerning Freight or Passage, apply to ID. O. CA-XVDEI, Ticket and Freight Agent. Jos. A. Young, Supt. The Pullman Palace Oar Company Having completed arrangemouta with the Fill aluil, Fort Wayne, and Chicago RAILWAY I'aii-IIancllc Koute AND PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL 11 A IE HO A I). Tho P.ibico Drawing Roora'Cars of tlif CV1 bruti-J Pnllmnn rntt'-rii will bo run tliruuKh, vi thin llniitc, fn.m CMICAOO to I'lTTSIIUIUill, PHILADELPHIA and NEW VOHK Without (Jhanyc ! This in the ONLY ROUTE EAST hy whi'-h Piisx-tipTk Kt-nre the mvmt? of Pt'l.l.MAN S PALACE CARS tlio Entire ditnufc from SAN EKANC1SCO to PHILADELPHIA, NEW YOP.K and liiternii-il.ult: Point. THROUGH TICKETS via this (ll'.EAT SHORT IlOl.TE lor nU at 410 Haliloriiin St., Sail Krati-(1,-co, Siirramento, Salt Lake City, Denver, 1'mt.di, Promontory, Cheyenne, and Omaha. J. N. McCULI.OUtill, (jeneral Marintrer, p., n. w. i c. i: y. D. S. ORAV, lin l l "-Pros't 4 Gen. M;tmif-r. Pan-ILn.Ue Route. EDWARD II. WILLIAMS, (j'-neral n ."ri nt'T'l'-nt, Penn a Ont.-.il P.. II. THOMAS L. KIMBALL, to-n l W.j-ttrii Pawner A:-' Ot. p.-lin'a 1 --iMi.il K. R. 1IENUY W Genual lWuj.fr and Ti );.-t .W' '. p, 1,1, a O !i : -! R. R. For Information and Tbron.-b Tirh-t ., u.-!;y u.-!;y to Wisi. Caltlrr, Cullc-I Bna Hook Store, Eft T?m).! ?trt, ?i!t Lke City. PIOMEEH SHOUT It OUT R CHI OA CO AND NOUTH-WE STEIIN RAILWAY, Shortest & (Quickest Uoutc l'ltOM OMAHA TO CHICAGO AND THE IS A T. The Eastern Express leaven Onmha daily in couneo-iuu wi'h trains ol (lie Central uml I'ni'm Purilic railroiid, i rrivea in C ic.igo in Advance of oil other routes, tlnia insuring connection wi h all lines Knit. This is tlie roitd wlfch rims tho celobiatud i'ulln;;ui lalarc Hotel and Sleeping Coaclies. A new and splendid lino of which bus r -coi.tly been liuilt for tliia contpiwiy. Tliesc sploudid couches aro uoeipialed by any in the world fir Elegance, Comfort and Convenience. Tlio Chiui-o and Not I h-we. tern is the Piotiopr Railway betwi-en (liualiii und t'lii' ui;o, having beu completed Home TURKU Y KAILS AGO; rliim wbieh turn-, the Maliu'TH bain njar-d liyitb-r piiiiiH nor ii ii-ii in ' ileetiii(; iln ronr-l,.tl oud tra k and e'linj-piiii,' it w ith rolliii Mo k of t Ulorit modern impion'ini-ulu; thin toy-lber with the la-t of ill behia' THE SII'IH'-'KST LINK, Ofb-ri lu the T:av..iNir I'llMic all Ealnrn rout UN EQUALLED POJ. SPKKI), COMFORT AND SAFETY. I!-,-i-,i;:o -he' k-d through to ul "'intn Pil nit4 no extra ihai.e for tian-t-r at Olnalia or C'lo'a;;o to j.art li s l,o!di:i(.' tlirou-h te Lets. Re funj and a-k tor Th l.'jt vio Chi'tio utA .North-wr-hii-rn Rudmiy, who li (hii b oblairmd nl nil 11, u jiriii-ijial railwny and Meamboat ofllrei iu the United State-, Mid ot V in. Older, Tii-k-t afrit ofTiee at CA LLKK PROS.' Store, KaM Teuij,le. St.' Salt Luke Cur. l or any infoniution In regard to Fn '0'hl,iij ply lo HARRY ROGERS, W.iM'Tii and Vt nt. il. I'. SfTANWoi.n, OJ.LJ. L. M'M,AP, Genial Pnjtf. W. M. 5TRONO, Crn?!1 h-pM. 'Jniaha, Neh. |