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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. Schneider, the actress, is d ad. Congress keeps busy with the appropriation appro-priation bills. Russia is expected to immediately recognize the French Republic A nf w reform bill is to be introduced in toe British House of Commons. Bacz continues to manifest great anxiety anx-iety for the annexation of San Domingo. Do-mingo. The British Houe of Commons lias pas-ed the hill giving the Princess Louise Jt'i,000 per annum. The coal harpies have got the price of coal in New York and Brooklyn up to fifteen doilars a ton. French ports are filled with provisions provis-ions for Paris, which cannot lie forwarded for-warded for want of transportation. The Arkansas gubernatorial troubles have created uneasiness at Washington, Washing-ton, and measures aro adopted to tiup-pre-s an outbreak. It is now said that Cjerinany will demand de-mand Alsace and a part of Lorraine, with Tbionvillo, Molz and IVlfort, and a war indemnity of 2X0,0011. (Nto. The House committ'-e on Pacific railroads, rail-roads, will report the Scna'o Southern Pacific railroad hill, with an ann-nd-lii'-ntcu ting off all branch lines and additional ad-ditional 1 md grants. Congress propose to nppropriale a million and a quarter lor cciimih ix-peri-ci; and twenty five thousand dollars dol-lars for the expenses of the joint high commission on relations wuh Great Britain. |