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Show If you want to read five columns every day in the week on the same subject, take the New York papers, if you need an opiate, or think you need lulling, take the Philadelphia papers; if there is anything you don't want to find, take the Baltimore papers you. can't find it "to save your lite;" if you want astronomy as-tronomy and venom, take the Chicago papers; if you want capital removal, take the St. Louis papers; if you want ancient and decayed paragraphs, take tbe Springfield (Mass.) Republican; if you want "Reviews of the Week" and Beecher's lectures, take a Boston paper; pa-per; if you want to "shoot'em on the spot," take the Memphis papers; if you want agriculture, take the Nashville Nash-ville papers; if you want "original poetry," take the New Orleans papers; if you want to know what Kentucky ought to do to build up a proud com: mouwealth, and "what, by thunder, she must do or Congress'll make her," take the Cincinnati papers. Courier Journal. |