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Show THEATRE IiiuiiciisM' Sucre! Wednesday Evening, Feb, 8, Will b i-rodu'icJ, for tlio sot on-l tiiuo. in i. Great Spectacular IEomance, OJitl!lC'J tho IICS WITCH I ntozKjv haw i), A TALK OF J'XCIAXTMKNT. Now uii'l UrKC".ist S- cnorv, I'V Mi. Altrr-1 Ljimliourno, C''mi-lii ui(j'l M.'1'ibiii- iy. l-y Mi. 1'otiT lioi'l nnd nit(tiiitn. MjiKinlli'Ont A p'iint (Mi- ill kv .Mr. II. DiiUit iiml n nietnnlg. N im iiml llfiinit it nl M n to. In- I'rnr. JSur I. y ,,n.l ' l. hr-l in Grand Transformation Scene ikim k or Tiir. nrw jm ini Tlltf ltKAIIK ;' III. ISM. V- iImiii fiiui.tN. l'it 111- lr I hi. i 111 Him II v. Mi.' Inn -lil'l I it rri't i 11 1 II lil RKIN'S LOVE LETTERS! I.ouilv Mit il ol' Hie (('"""' READ THIS! SINGER SEWING MACHINE In all the beautiful varieties. SHOULD BE SMS BY EVERYBODY 1 Contemplating tho purchase of a Machine for family or m other u.?e. At cur newly-fitted up Salesroom, Second Door South oft lie Eagle Emporium Em-porium between the IJrng and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. C. M. I., will he found a Pull Assortment ofthevc Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE NEEDS INT0 PUFFING to commend it to the public as the following jet" m. czs rmr fei show: In 1&J these now celebrated MachineB were firft ofiered to the public and in the four years succeeding 4.0a) were eold. 1-day 1-day over that number are weekly turned nut from thefactory, and yet tbie iumien-e sui-ply sui-ply is not cju.-il to the demand. At the end o' the year lv)7. upward of 20 Machines were sold, nnd in the -then following years, from 't6 to Ti), the number had been increased to upward of 500,000 MACIIIXKS SOLD, One tlilrd of which were disposed ofMiililutiieprrcrdlug t twelve m o lit lis. From the fn rejoin:,' it will be a-'cij thai dur-inr dur-inr the .ti three ye.ri, tiic f.iIc li;ive Oven upward ol fifty per c. nt mure th:m during the whole of the ecveutccu previous yearr, THE PEOPLE'S VEROICT, after a score of years 1 liorongh trial is that the .ol a-n SEWING MACHINE i a-inpted to all kinds of wnfK, ?ewinir u rcnlilr tne thickest and niut ftubburn tus-tcri.il tus-tcri.il u the fmc.-l autl uiMt JriioAtQ funcs: wi(h s tnt.-li, that l'r fDt.-(, per!--ljun and durability t u nf n il lr-4. Accou pn inir e;ich M4chine are printcJ inftrui-tiuii. fu plaiu nd c.y uf c- uj pro b en-smn en-smn thi'. stthuuk'D we re"ommcnd cutom-erg cutom-erg to take st k-.vi one leon ir in lbs Operator, Op-erator, it i ft-IJoin d-'iio pjri-:,a,-rr seeicg at a tflan-e the ntni wiy the Machine and completcDc. otthe con.tructii-n. Some ot ih ad Tvaii: s or THE SINGER MACHINES Simpliciijr of cn'tru-Mi.-n thtrcf're lej liability to get out uf repair. Hhort, traish needle l$s liable to bend, brejk or r k 1 1 the stitch. The shuttle if carried: friction, wear and tb nc-'ofjuy of gresAiiig the raco are thuj avoided. Ke.lineij wiib whicb liie uwl inexperienced inexper-ienced can a-ljuft tbo icnjiuo ol t uo thread. Frardom from wear. After tonty yean conitant jqrvice thc.-o macluuej bavo dotw boen known to wear out. They are noiclo5, rapid and cuy in all their tuovoiuonu. AM our machine are ai)utsl and put in thorough ruilllllli oritn.b C'UipolPUl haudf, bfnro tlrlivf ry. rur-h-rp iiiorrlnro have no trouble, but can mcccluliy operate with tlietu at oqco. THE NEW BUTTON-HOLE L C II L 2sT K & aro thoroughly i-raotical and will perform all that wpcl.iitu lor lliciu. The Jnipivin MANUFACTURIM3 MACHINES for be;n y work, are too well known to need OTOimviit. Wo al. o keep in ?lock tbo Xvio Aali'iim ASoistlcss MANUFACTURING MACHI NES Our ito.k of tho Sinaor Soiii Maobinod Is Tory esionjiive, i uiliriiciut rory varirtv ot finish, Irom tbo plain .MnohuiP, tuountCHl on bbu-k walnut luMe, oiled, to tho clabor-atrlv clabor-atrlv ponrlrd .Miu-lime, with nbuiot oaeand rddintt 0vpr in niottlrd tUok walnut, ro.'o, wood, or mahogany bmbly poli.-lir.. Kvpry M-u-hino i lutiuliod with tho auio coini'leto turniture. iiu-ludinir tho now heui-iner heui-iner t't'Wing all widllm) and teller and braider. brai-der. We KiiMranlee our Marlitura lo do IIcililiiiiifT, all wldl liat Krllliifii Urnt- tlCt-hliiKi llralillniti MurIo l(umiuRl Kmbroldri-litax iio v linlu atttrli UathvriiiK and Sewing on at aam Minn, with or without a hand, on (ha Kle or i"Itcrnteri( ordliiKi l m k. ti"'lliiKI Ti linintiiHi Htndtiia: ail vldf ha and klitda, etc., etc, etr. WE DELIVER MACHINES )'it limit Ad,litiomil Charge TO Air. PA KTM OK Til IS CITV t tfJi- AH kimls ol' owiiiK iMiu'liino.i l)iomiu;lily l!-:iircil on Hoh-mhihIiIc Hoh-mhihIiIc Tonus. Ki'lnoiiihiT llin Mflinnii'Ill Sin, SIIfEE SEWIIC MlCfilSES Tvq ditoi a ouiil li uf Htr Kgl Km f ortiim, II. It. CL.WVKON, 8up(. T. & W. TAYLOR Have .u-t Keccived a lot of Dobbin's Electric ANU Toilet Soaps ! is. yai ie c: bh m b . DUEMFORD & SONS Have Just Received a Lare and 'V'aried Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES! LADIES', MISSES' AM) CHILDREN'S SHOES In every Style and at prices that cannot fail to suit. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OK Gents' and Youths' . 15oots and Shoes. We would also call attention to our Laree and Fashionable Stock of HATS JJSTTD OAS Men's, Boys' and Children's Wear, all of which we will sell at RAILEOAD TIMES PRICES ! HI Give TJs a. Call. w WELLS, FAR GO'S IS NEAR w I s I 1 o O O p v si ss3Nisng jo lyiNio 3hi Jt CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Comp'y, OF XEAV YORK. JL'STTS L.WEE"f.'E, Pre-id-nt. .1. P. KOGEK-, Secreurv. M. B. WYNKOUP, Vice-PrtuiJ-jiit. C. CHANDLER, Jr., Actuary. " :i yX I S ' o 2 th m s i s o -- z fir-'- J 1 c trr )d J j - , 5 A 00 CO S i - lr . ? - Tlie entire Fiolit of the Coiupjny are distributed annually mong the Policy ilold'Ts, upon the contribution plan. All Policies ."Voii-forfeitaolo, according to the eiprsjed terms contained con-tained in each l'oliey. .No Kxtra Vreiuiiiia for travel or foreign residence. Tliirly lav prace alloweil on the payment of premiums, and the policy held pood djrins that time. Policies Incontotible for ihe customary reasons. l'. ononiy in .MauaseiiiPiit. Only one other New York company shnwinir as low a rste of expense? to income, t'nreful !rletlion of its risks, as indicated by the exceedingly small mortality of iu members. Policy Holders have a oice in t lie Elections and Manacemcat of the company. Assets, January 1st, 1871, over Five Millions. NOUTHWKSTKKN DKl'AKTMliXT ; OKFICK, No. ;4, 7..V SALLE STREET, CHICAGO. S. T. T. Ork' WOOD,' - IfAXAGFR .1. li. DAVIS. - - SUIT. OF AGES'CIES JOHN B . MAIBEN, General Agent for Utah, OFK1CK AT WOIIP.H A.SKK nmVS. SALT LAKK CITY, MEIMCAL KXAMl.NKKi: NV. V. ANDBUiSOS, M. L). V. 1. JiENKDICT, M. V- Jxjiablc Agent! Wanted throughout tlie Territory. )f Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND EETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE D E P A FT fil i Pi T, l.l.DUKIXir. Ac 1"I..VV.N Hl ll.DJXJSi. Vou can lind at tlu.-i panuu ii( of Z, IX M. I. a bouor tuvk. ol LAMPS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, STOVES, MINIMI TOOLS, BLASTING TOWDKU, Maple iiml F:uu' rotTi-ir 1' And inn" Get More for your Money and Orders than you can at any other House In Utah. li. n. i i.xwsoy. sxii't. |