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Show "Jfficial. directory. ccij jiatw oa ' riab. Wilwn Shaffer, Til. ",n'.TS A Mann, Nevada. lr?iLS E Patrick. Kebruka. 1 nZ iffwra-J. B. Tourtelloti., Mi. PlT"'"1-0- C Clement. Ind. of Hnblic Moneys J. B. Orerton, Pa. Ui Offite-rg R. Haxwtll t4; i-or John P. Tutrsrart. III. ' cr-O.J.lMli,.,r CI. t e-1-' if(!c. c. WiUon. 111. iu Juitict -O. F- Strickland, Mich., and jjli'i'l-1"- Territorial Oflievv. , nu to Conirresa TTm. II. Hooptr. .Tnord-ZcrulA.tib.l Snuw. iSl-J- D. T. McAllim.-. !ir-Wm- Clayton. f..fr-JaniM Jack. "aadtrit of Coiuiuwi Schools Robert L. :;wii- ,auJt Lake County Otnr. -jjm Jdne. Elias Smith. Leuaen, Keuoen Miller. Jviac M. Stewart, Parid Briutun. jTOTW.n. S. Bcallie. jyriff, R I- Burton, pecutins Attorney, Z. Snow, iawsor and Collector, R. J. Goldins:. Trtaaarer. Theodore llcKean. taut; Clerk, E. W. East. 0ntj Recorder. Edwin D. W oolky. Sujerintendent, Robert L. Canii'liell. City Officer'. HATOlt. Juitl H. Well". Aldermen. In Mnriii'r'J Ward, 1aac Groo. ' " Samuel W. Ricbard. w " " A. H. Raleijrh. ; Jeter Clinton. i " " A. C. Pyper. CotxciLoite. B. I. liurtou. Theodore McKr-an. Thomas .Ten-liM .Ten-liM Il-Owr P. Kimball, ll' tiry Grow, John Clark, Iboiu McLelland, Johu R. Winder, Ix-viis S. Reorder Kebert Campbell. Trurr-r Paul A. Schettler. Mrihal John D. T. McAllieter. Au-Jitor of Public Accomilt Robert CiuiiyWH. A.t.Ni"r and Collector Johu 11. Win.ler. SqurYisor 01 Sti'et Itouc Oroo. 8arYpyor-.Je.se W. Fox. I Bw.t of School Injectors Pn.l. F--or J. R. irk, Rolicrt L. Campbell. Henry 1. rioremus. &!er of Wcinlin and Measures S.i'lian Dans. Cii.nin of Police Andrew Burt. aier Miiotf-r lmcOroo. Ini-tor of lSuildinpi A. n. Ralei'b. Wood and LumWr U. I)uiTooJ.-y. " o Lienor. r.oW-rt Calniboll. o p10viiou(; Jee C. Little. Q-.ir uitine Pliyician J-.-n-r Clinton. Chi. f KngineeV i'ire Dei-artment John D. T. McAlli-ler. Bt'tird of K.tfimininr Phvician Doctr V. F. And-T-on, ,T. S. Ornipby. Jeter Clinton. Cay Murket Ma-ler Andrew Hurt. t'-xlon Jo.-eph F.. Tinier. n rt"' k In-pe. tor II. J. Fant. np' rinteudeiit Insano Asylum and II ital Theodore McKran. PiirMciau Insiuo A'-ylum and IIo-i'it-.i Jeter Wiatm. M Municifal Ward Tvi Riter. ' Suinuol TurnlKiw. 3rJ " " C.id. im II. C. Uibbf. 41j ' " .Millen Atwood. ptb " W. C. A. Smoot. |