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Show Lost. A Pocket Lens, double glass, lmrn handle. Pleae call with it at the Museum. adv. No Wonder. In yiew of the abortive abor-tive attempts to procure a writ of lmb"t rorpus in the cae of Mr. Ottin-ger Ottin-ger and others, it is no wonder a member of the "ring" aid a lew days ago that they now had the courts and the juries! Were personal and other testimony wanting, the proceedings of ih past week would prove it. Wanted A girl to do general houework. Enquire at Muj. Hempstead's. Hemp-stead's. 12th Ward. Emigration street, lictween Lind and 3rd East streets, adv I'inkVkmh Honey iu the comb, , delicious and cheap, at H. Wallace's. adv WrNTKii is Coming on. As that is the seasoii of festivity you should buy your watches, jewelry, clocks and toys, at Call C. Asmussen's new jew-chy jew-chy and toy store, East Temple street. adv Wanted Board near the U. C. depot, by three gentlemen whose business bus-iness keeps them in that neighborhood. Inquire at this office. adv Paris is starving, the Prussians say. Golightly k Harris, though, keep the Globe well supplied with the finest bread, crackers, cakes, pies and. pastry; and manufacture the choicest quality of pure enndies. Try them. adv I A New Stock Of the finest 1 brands of cigars, tobaccos, pipes, pipe- I stems, walking canes and notions geuerally for gentlemen, bought personally per-sonally in San Francisco, and for sale by Ed. Harris. adv Go kor Him. George Chandler, determined to continue to please the puKic as ho has done heretofore, will keep the choicest meats of every kind, wjth accommodating salesmen to wait 1, 1 vst.m'.crs. Try him. Stall No. J, Pnfiaud. entrance of Meat Mar-' Mar-' -"'H adv. Important ! Don't forget that Joe Simmons' Saloon and Restaurant, hotel ho-tel basement, 2d South Street, is still well supplied with Oysters, Pigs' Feet, Calves Tongues, Sardines, Lager Beer, Tennant's XXX Porter, Barclay Bar-clay k Perkins' London Stout, Shep-ton Shep-ton Mallet Pale Ale, Brewer, Bemas & Co.'s Omaha Ale, J. C. Partridge's Golden Crown Cigars and Fine Cut Tobacco. Great speciality at this Saloon is Fresh Oysters, large, fat and luscious, served up in every style. A supply just received. This is the place to get a substantial Lunch any hour of the day, and at vory cheap rates. adv. A Frksii Srrri.Y of genuine English Eng-lish Ale, Golden Crown Cigars, Pigs' feet. Lambs' tongues, iVc. , iic, at Phil. Margetts,' :2nd South Street, adv jIatcuks. The f,et Western ::-.atc'uOi. manufactured by Paul Lech-tenburg Lech-tenburg are equal to any imported and warranted to keep in any climate. Try them and be satisfied. Sold at the lMth ward on-oixrative store. adv. Cm Sexton's Report for November: Novem-ber: Male, IT: females, 15. Of these: adults. 12: children. 20. Causes of dea-h, as retorted : Inflammation In-flammation of the bowels. 0: lung disease, dis-ease, :: di.-cae of brain, .": child led. 2: died at birth, 2: consumption. 2: still-born, 1: measels, ; canker. 1: croup, 1: marasmus, 1; old age. 1: fevers, Total interments, 2. Jos. E. Taylor, Sexton. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Monday, December 1. TOW-N'SEND HOCSii P H Upueraff, wife and three children, chil-dren, Dr Samuel Smith, Chicago: A Majors, J I-' Evers, city. SALT LAKE HOUSE. Israel Gibbs, M T: G W Griffiths. New York: J M Guthrie and G McKinuey, Weston, Nev: T A Blake. San Francisco : K S Payne, Little Cottonwood: MW BeLhau : Samuel Paul, Evanston: T Newcomb, New York; J M Wallace, lady and child, New York: D W Griffey, Corinne; Thos Norris. Ogden. AMUSEMENTS, THEATRE ! CHA.GE OF TIME. Door,- ojien at 7 ; Performance to coiuuienr-e j at 7:3 i. GLORIOUS ATTRACTION ! Saturday Ev'g, Dec. 3, 1870. i j Will be i.reeinpd. Falconer',, sparkling :; act j Comedy, entitled EXTREMES! Or, Men of Hie Day. To funclude with the Laughable l'jtive entitled DID YOU EVER SEND YOUR WIFE TO LAKE SIDE ? In active preparation, the great Nautical and Sensational Drama, entitled THE LOT SSIXir. Will shortly appear. Mi, and Mias Couldock, supported by l lie Lianrlitiie Dramatic Company. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Half a block west of President Young's Keidence. JOII1V W. YOUNG, Esq., Prop. Native Beasts, Birds and Reptiles, Wolverine?, Bears, Foxes, Mountain Deer, Lynx, Wild Cats, ic Important collection of Native Minerals; Admission, SO cts. Children, 10 " Open every day except Sunday, from 9 a.m. to a p.m Feeding Time, 3 p. iu. J.L. BARFOOT, Manager. PIANO KAFFJL.E. Only 300 dinners, at One Dollar Each. A poven Hnd a half octave Pian cuft $425. Examine the instrument and buy your tickets tor the Raffle at SIRS. CULbBKUOK'S. SiAXjT- LAKB EXCHANGE AM) READING ROOM Tkmporarv On'irc, (jould Ac Woodward's, East Temple St. Tho Secretary will be in attendance Daily to explain the Objects of tho Institution, the Killed and Reuulation?: enter the name of applicant!" for Membership, nad rtveive Entrance En-trance Fee. WAKKKN HUSSKV, PrMidnt. 21 nnn poujstis J.UUUl RON AND STEEL At Hassett . Hoffman'?. Op pns It e Salt Lake lions e. Liinbey ! Lumt)8r ! I am bow prep&r4Tt'farnifh LUMBER! On reasonable t.ra Fr l P. R. R. r I'. C. R. R- P.ptr, JOBFPH A. TQl'SO. SANDWICH ISLAND SUGAR, Just reccired. direct from the Laic Plantation, Planta-tion, a supply ot Raw Sugar, Put op in Doue which i r..--w t'A';zg cheaper than s:j.ir fter y'A in t.K.; market, a; :a IDlh Ward CO-Or-ERATIVE STORE. A Kreh Supply Received FIverj Mont h . r.F.O. M-HEHKK. A HEW SUPPLY f the i-e-li-n!.i WACOWS HAS J"TTerr ARRIVED. Km bin. iiif; heavy -ind li.ln FARM AND KANYON WAGONS 33 JVX O 1T T nnil otlit-r LIGHT SPRING WAGONS, Very desirable for Family ue. TIjo si tj.lci.nkii- W,i..ii arc maii: turtni nnt of th very k-t nialci i.-U l.y the I: 'yt-UMt Die, ImMir in the omintry. ami it' . WARR1.VTKI1 FJIl , . s, tOR SALK AT CUKA1' RATKS. JOHN T. CA1NE, Aciit, Salt Lake Herald Office j SHAVING & HAIR-DRESSING SALOON. JOHN SQUIRES & SONS, EAST TEMPLE STREET, First door south of Bp. Hunter's resident?. Private Rooms; For Cutting and Dressing Ladies' and Children's Chil-dren's Hair. MANUFACTURED HAIR. Every description of Hair Work made to order. A quantity nf Ladies' Switches on hand. OrnameutAl Hair W ork. Lftdic' and (irntlemen's Wtch (iuards, Bracelets, Kincs, Necklaces, ic, made to order. More of Hie War! IS PKACK PRKPARE FOR WAR! 0t rr flum. Pist..l. Bullets. Sh-.t. Fifh-1HK Fifh-1HK larkle. n I cvcrylhine i.eco-.nry for defence or lor ej.ort. Also. Saddles. Eridlef. Whiu. Sjup. at5 for raeinn or riding, trora JAMF.S IIAOIE, of the Big Gun, Zal Taci.le ilre.t. WW. H. H. SHARP, V. Hssident Dentist, A LT LAKE C1TV. TEETHa?:-s-:;;:s Teeth Ftlled with Cold nrf Warrant War-rant f d. Tcrlh Eiirxlrd vlthoul I'ain. OFFIf E-F;r.i d'-'.r eu: ' '. l-f.:, w, i). it. smtKi:i:, MKia llANT TAIL' ii;. o. M7 OlUe Mreel. ST. I. OI IS, eti t. : '.. : r.A ("iT- t-e T'-: 1 rr-ett.re rr-ett.re 'tfi. ji. A 1 -:r..L.i ,-j.fiil. DIEBOLD &. KIENZLE, 5"e.-;rs Pi?'-. !i lUL-.-r.s dCv CELEBR MEP CINCINNATI 21 RE AXI ETKuLAK TKjOy SAFE S, a m- s. . P 1; ATT A' COVERT. G.-:.,-r:.: A::.:.-. -5 Wairfitor. :-. C:::.-a!:c."' ' II. B. CLAWSOI. Snpt. Z. C. .M. I.. Asrent for llah Ifrrimiv, ! toxsoeial: Iiy-.'U Tss; Fa;h:on-ib:e and 5k.i;::'al ' b a. r. b e n i xr g- i WO TO UNCLE BOB RUSSELL'S! ! A5-?ocifl;ei vii'j. him -Mr. Jl Lit S 'reet. II .:r lres?:rc. 'u:-.vir.c. Shairr--- I j inc. hiu! all k'.Evis nf Hair Wrs. ;,; a Tir to a w:c. done in a xacner warr.inu-d lt give I j saii-uciii. n. j I TELEGRAPHIC! Hereafter tLk iOZSERET TELEGRAPH CO., W-U :.rto ".( On attjjirca o; Ten v;v.s cr ic.'. titweaj SALT LAKE CITT AXD OCDK5 Ar. 1 Two CENTS lor eaeb sdaiii.-na) oerl. A. WILTOX JIITSSKR. Smpt. ColtOUATOOCl 3Iiit. 1t? r.? desija fo'.'.irs thi;r tta.y Cr.i'Cwooi Can- n. bou'.a pu re hue u. ia.N CuitAg 3 madr Hay Press, Which I Lai o tor oI OHKA'. B. F. K.VOWLTOX, i:nc;ceDti tt-fl. Or,. S. U1LL. iiooer. Edrnlc A C l.Qb VV . AaUXLUiv ha k ,irr i;i-:chi hp a lai;(;k lot or COOKING A! PARLOR STOVES I Cheaper than ever Sold in the Territory. CALL AM) JSKK T11KIK Splendid Assortment of New Goods! SAMPLES ARRIVED AND I'A.N !K Fur.NL) AT TEASBJE1L & C'S WHO AUK ACKXTS Ft i; Til K I'K I. K li K VT l BLEES rwiACHEEME Link .Motion. Lock .Stinh. .Strai-ht N,., ,l!r. . ,u ,.r,rm ,, Hrturi) tin- H.'aviLia Binl Liuhtc-l Work. MOKK MACHINES TO AltltlVi: IN A I'LM IAs, Our Dry Goods, Grocery, Boot, Shoe, Hardware and CroLkery Departments Are being Ji.iiy 1oploiyK.J with iul VHrit.,y ,! Hl irict ,0 MUf(v h,, THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT COIttPANY:S PAINTS, Kmbracius over A IIUXDUKD DU-TKKKXT SilADKS, r, vH,,..i , r nuuiediate application and rvquiri nu no mixing, just rVeuivi'd and lor stile tit the DRUG DEPARTMENT Z. G. IV1. i. Tlie inrivdiems of thee Paints aiv .-implo and iti.losiruMil.V Tl,e ,tm h ties with which they recommend thenirlve, are: Chi,ius .l.nalii in- .. nojity of color, an unusually siuooih and rl..sy ap,-:,R.:ic. 1,- UW,r i-e.,,,,, m Itinn,, no tronhlc of n,,x,nR, w.il stand lire ram. ad d no, C, V r ,,oe off w,th aunosphone ehan,es, nor chalk off hy IVic.i.,,,. They a,.. ," kst cheapest n,,,st ,l,,r:1, (, ani, mo,, ,,,,,. J.,i,s j 1M. l ""' The AN kit ILL Wl UK PAINT YASi) PAINT, e.m.i,,i ,,. cad, and is of e(tial ttipcrmrity ami popularity. " BRING ALONG YOU REPAINT ("AXO J'KN AND 1TKC1IASK A full line of Foreign, domestic and (use Liquor. At the pru Dcpartir,i;in, Y.. C. M. L n. is. c iaAvso, supi. Zion's Co - op er ati vo Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, F.LDUKIXa: &. (.'L.AWso.N lil ll.DIX.S. Vou can fill at tl.ih ' m'ii.i i-l l .CM. I. a le'.o-j k "1 LAMPS, CROCKERY, HAHDWAfiE, STSVE5, MLN'JM. TOOLS, Ji LAM JAfi rOVJ)KJJ, S(aile and Faitcy (-recti it l.tv. And can Cet More f;r your Money and Orders than you can ?t any other House in Utaii. n. u. i;lavso., su |