Show POLICE COURT Sam Grice Acquitted Violatlnc the Meat Ordinance Sam Grins fooled the members of tha police department yesterday where ha was on trial for burglary It was thought that the detectives had a cinch in the festive Sam but sucM proved to not bo the case He proved that he was not even worthy of being held on probable cause Sam was charged with entering a butcher but-cher shop and taking therefrom a lot or meat which he deposited with a neighbor in order so he said to protect it front spoiling The neighbor had a cellar where the meat would keep cool something Sam bad not To defend him Sam engaged Charlie Morse the attorney while Assistant County Attorney Harrington pleaded the cause of the people The prosecution proved that the meat looked like the pieces taken from the shop It demonstrated that it was placed with the neighbor as stated But when Sam and his witnesses got a chance they swore that he had taken the meat in part payment of a debt and supported this assertion by evidence of such a positive character that the court dismissed the defendant William Brophy who was charged will the same otfense was also dismissed Ha had no trial the county attorney suggesting suggest-ing this course He will be taken to Cen terville and tried for entering Strepers store and petting a set of harness all ready to tike away when young Streper shot him in the arm The interested parties were down from the place yesterday looking up some evidence evi-dence in the matter and it Is quite likely that some of the members of the r > ole department will be called upon to go there 3 and testify as to the character of the man If they tio the Centerville court will have tome racy testimony as regards this individual Grice will not bo taken there he was not seen by any of the witnesses and as a result a case cannot be made against him although it is believed be-lieved that he was with Brophy and brought hm back to the city R W Haslam was arrested yesterday at the instigation of the health department depart-ment charped with a violation of the ordinance which requires that all stock slaughtered and offered for sale in tim city shall bo inspected He has been killing kil-ling calves and offering them tor sale hero repeatedly He pleaded guilty and was fined 515 and costs amounting m all to 540 Richard Henry Smith was on trial yesterday yes-terday charged with keeping a doe1 without with-out paying a licence After hearing all the evidence in the matter the court dma wed him Louis Cline was charged with having assaulted a Chinaman Chne is a small boy who assists in supporting a widowed mother He threw a rcclt at a Celestial He was sent up for ten days It is said that the mayor will be appealed to for A rpnvs nn of the sentence He did no more damaee than is done many times each day The hSnamen are getting1 so they cause complaints to issue if a boy looks crossiviFe at them and it is t mo that the white man had some chances say those who art interested Tames C F rhp who was aTfst > d a day or two ago charged with having feloniously fe-loniously and with malice aforethought beaten and otherwise wounded one Ifcl Cnnhaim wa tr eJ and lourd guilty tio wa sent up for ten days Snjc Lee who it is alleged lias as Qaiifprl another rnpmhpr of the Chine nuarter nnpearod and his case was set for the loth with bail in the sum of S3 > rk w Robinson and G W Glandell two hackmen are charsr d with a violation viola-tion r > f th rlipancp hv soliciting trade In front of the Krutsford hotel They wilt be heaid today Those two oifl nuisances Mike Bojde and one armed Meakin were given twenty five and fifteen days respectively for the same old offense |