Show iyTJilXATIONAL CONFERENCE Germany is Said to Be Opposed to Calling One London June UlThe Berlin correspondent corres-pondent of the Times says that the minister of finance of Wurtemburg declared de-clared that the government was convinced con-vinced that any attempt to meddle with the currency would ca 2 danger dan-ger of most serious revolutions in economic and financial affairs and none of the proposals made for risIng ris-ing the price of silver while adhering be deemed I to a gold currency can likely to attain the object aimed at and the government was opposed to calling an international conference The lower house thereon by 49 to 29 votes adopted a motion requesting the government to use its influence In the bundesrath to retain the gold currency cur-rency I is hoped this decision will be imitated Im-itated by the other federal governments govern-ments and as Chancellor Von Hohen lohe only promised to call a conference confer-ence of all the federal states agreed to such a course it is believed Wtir temburgs refusal will prevent the conference |