Show S WANTS A DISSOLUTION The Partners in the Firm of A C Smith Co Quarrel A suit was yesterday fed in the Third district court by A C Smith against James T Clasbey praying for a disco ution of partnership of the firm of A C Smith Co wholesale and retail druggists of this city ct The complaint sets forth that tho oartnorship was formed on December 1 18S1 between the plaintiff and the defendant each to have equal shares in the profits that the plaintiff gave his whole time and attention to the I business and defendant gave none of his time but was engaged in other business By agreement plaintiff was allowed in addition to his share of the urofits a salary of 125 a month for his ervices for the last ten years and by his experience and hard work had built up a large business I is stated that for the last five years the partner hip hap een conducted without any written articles of copartnership and that no agreement as to the duration the partnership existed that in Octo her 1894 the defendant demanded to be allowed a salary or 75 a month fox doing nothing and to this the plaintiff objected but expressed his willingness that Mr Clasbey should draw 50 or 75 a month provided the plaintiff was allowed to draw an equal amount in addition to his salary of 125 a month The defendant jt is alleged then became be-came very angry assaulted plaintiff and caught him by the throat went to the bookkeeper and demanded that he be credited uo with 125 a month salary On November 1 he came to the store and made a similar demand Two days alter on November 16 plaintiff convey e I written request to the defendant that the partnership be terminated and that a proper accounting be had but defendant refused to consult with plain tiff 1 do anything looking towards 1rcoking towad a settlement of their difficulties Plaintiff further alleges that the stock and HIeges tat stk accounts ac-counts owing to the firm amounts to about 34000 and that the firm owes 7500 much of which as either due or about to become due and the creditors threaten to commence suits that owing to the strained relations existing be tween plaintiff and defendant it is impossible im-possible to continue the partnership and therefore prays that an order of the court the Terminating partnership prtnersblp be made that a proper a accounting be had and that a receiver be appointed appcnted to take < tfarge of the affairs or the firm in the meantime |