Show The Th Queen of my Kitchen wishes to inform the public that she fiiids nothing to equal 6 ° kst c Wasbh Powder lightens her labor lessens her care and lengthens her time of k leisure Your Grocer will hJ sell you a large package yji7 LI of this great dirt destroyer Sfor 25c Made only by f fJ VUIJr THE N K FA1RBANK COMPANY ST LOUIS CHICAGO NEW YORK BOSTON PHILADELPHIA EARNU1 I said the people like to be humbugged and perhaps they doin circuses but big promises do not make your clothes satisfactory unless the wear and fit is there We try to make our announcements announce-ments as attractive to you as we can but we Warrant our clothing and our prices to b exactly as represented or We will refund the money If you want to be humbugged dont trade with us for if vre cant do a square honest business we will do nq4jB5i ness atalir and by the way our business is increasing it looks as if we were in the clothing bxishess to stay ONE PRICE P 141 MAIN STET A i 0 |