Show ONLY K40SO TO ST LOlIS AND RETURN RE-TURN Via the Liiion Pacific For the TransMississippi Congress at St Louis November 26th to 29th the Union Pacific will sell roundtrip ticket at 4950 on November 23rd and J 24th City Ticket Office 201 Main St u n s i j ti C DUCKS DUCKSZ r Boys Get yourselves ready The season ojicacd Tip October ist < We it > J f are prepared to furnish all liipds ot Ammunition iu any luantlt Va have just received 2 CARLOADS OF POWDER 2 CARLOADS OF SHOT 3 CARLOADS OF LOADED SHELLS = Theae Goods are flue best in the market We dont handle seconds We have the largest stock of GUNS RIFLES PISTOLS Etc ia tie West We can furnish anything yon vrant in SPORTING GOODS LOADED SHELLS OO PER HUNDRED BROVNING BROTHERS 153 Main Street Salt Lake City 24G1 Washington Ave Ogdca > SEND FOR CATALOGUE Hi TRUSTEES SALE NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED G trustNotice Is hereby given by the un dersigned James T Little trustee named In a certain deed oC trust wherein E A Box and Roxey Ss Box his wife are first parties James T Little Is second party and The Deseret Savings Bank Is third party or beneficiary made executed and delivered on the 12th day of December A D 1S92 whereby the said first parties conveyed to said James T Little the Said sacond party all the real estate hereinafter herein-after described in trust to secure the payment of a certain promissory note of the sftme date 2gned by the said E A Box and Roxey S Box for the sum of 51000 payable three years after date to the said The Deseret Savings Bank thb third party with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum payable quarteryearly from date until paid and by said deed I was provided that 1 default de-fault be made in the payment of the principal prin-cipal of said note or any part thereof or the Interest that might accrue thereon there-on or any part thereof as the same became be-came due and payable that then the undersigned un-dersigned should proceed to sell said described de-scribed property at public vendue to thc highest bidder for cash after giving duo notice thereof as In said deed required and whereas said deed of trust was duly recorded on the 19th day of December 1S92 In the office of the county recorder of Box Elder county territory of Utah In bool G of mortgages page 47 reference ref-erence to which Ib hereby made as a part hereof and whereas no part of the principal of said note has been paid or the Interest due thereon except the interest in-terest to the 19th day of January lS94r and whereas the interest on said Ohio from said 19th day of January 1SDJ to March 1 1S94 became due and payable on said last date and three months interest In-terest on said note became due June 12 1S94 and a like amount on the 12th day of September 189 and no part of the same has been paid and said second parties have wholly failed and refused to pay the same or any part thereof and the said The Deseret Savings bank the legal owner and holder of said note has notified me of said nonpayment of said interest due and payable as aforesaiJ and has requested me to sell said real estate in accordance with the provisions of said deed of trust to pay said principal princi-pal sum due on said note and the interest I Inter-est accrued thereon and the costs oC this sale including a reasonable compensation compen-sation to said trustee and a reasonable attorneys fee Now therefore on Wednesday Wed-nesday the 12th day of December A D 1SS4 at the hour of 12 oclock noon ot said day at the banking house of said The Deseret Savings bank corner Main and First South streets In Salt Lake city Utah for the purposes aforesaid and at public vendue I shall sell to the highest bidder for cash all the right title and Interest that said E A Box and Roxey S Box his wife or either a them had on the 12th day of December A D 1892 or have since acquired Of In and to that certain tract of real estate I situate In the county of Box Elder territory terri-tory of Utah bounded and described as I follows towit Commencing at a point twentyfive 25 rods south of the north twentyfve 2 east corner of section fifteen 15 township town-ship nine 9 north ot range two 2 west of the Salt Lake meridian thence south fifty 5 rods thence west one hundred and sixty 0 rods thence north fifty 50 rods thence east onf hundred and sixty 160 rods to the place I of beginning containing fifty 50 acres Also commencing at a point eight 8 I rods and seventeen 17 links west and fortythree 43 rods north of the southeast south-east corner of section ten 10 township nine 9 north of range two2 west or the Salt Lake meridian thence north thirtysix 36 reds thence west fortyfive 15 rods thence south thirtysix 38 rods thence east fortyfive 45 rods to I place of beginning containing in all ten 10 acres more or less Dated November 17th 1894 JAMES T LITTLE Trustee I James H Movie Attorney for Trustee r = = = = = = = = = = = = r = t = TsteeT I I t i T ji t t f < I < 1 i TUE I II J m V il I Vi i i h4 C4A C DC L S 1 A L E r II I I J J h Will fee Coi7tintied oWe ± I r r Iii r i r t t T 1 i I I t W 1 I I I U S lY 1 > r i I I 1 I j1 IIi 1 Ii I i Becrnning at I a r J I I II I ill I r I I I 11 r We niiii SiDe ± c OW1fY ra kitH oui t i7e r t I I I H I I I EN1IRE 1 STOCK II I I f c ule wit birii g fo ± act a Laie Stock f I ii ee1e Goods icictii g I j > lankets1 RbbEoot I Overcoats New Dress Coods ELc t tc rdfyiclj were Oireiriooked CtLitit7 tije iUsi of te past week I iii ii I = = I t ti S ii i aIL < < 4 C l S n c 9 T IL S |