Show 1EOPLE OF lROnXBCE Duke Robert of Parma Is the father of more children sixteen than any other man of his rank In Europe His oldest daughter Is the wife of Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria Mme Henri Schneider wife of the proprietor pro-prietor of the Creusot iron works wears a diamond which belonged to the crown jewels of Fiance and lor which 5100000 was paid at the auction sale Prof T W libya Davids of London who delivered n lecture at Cornell university univer-sity the other day on The History and Literature of Buddhism is a man of atlarctivc appearance of medium hl h with the pale complexion and nervous manner that Oe PI the tncHgl an entertaining speaker Von Bulcw often expressed the wish that after death his brain should be carefully examined with the view of discovering careful covering the cause of the dreadful head acnes to which he was subjected and to which he doubtless attributed his ecc n tricitles of speech and conduct which provoked pro-voked so much unfavorable comment There is curiosity in St Petersburg to know what has become of Mile Kiscne neffskl the beautiful Jewess whose powers pow-ers of fascination over the Czar Nicholas have been a public topic for the past thr s years This lady has two Romanoff children child-ren and also enjoys a certain irregular status since the dead czar knew of and oxen connived at the relation which seemed calculated to keep the yougster from worse things Mr AlmaTadema who 13 i uncommonly fastidious in his personal annearince had for his guest on one occasion Elihu ved der the wellknown American On the morninp after his arrival at the house Mrs Alma radeni was awakened by a rude knocking at her chamber door Much alarmed she aroused her Husband who demanded In fierce tones what was warned warn-ed It was Mr Tedder who was at the f I 1 door and he answered I say ladema old chap where do you keen the scissors I that you trim your cuffs with i The first colored woman to receive the degree frst M A in the Tnited States was I Miss Mary Patterson who was graduated from Oberlln college In 15K L In speaking of her the Womans Era of Boston says The schools of the district have sustained an irreparable loss in the death of Miss Patterson who for twentyfive r ears Paterson rendered valuable service as a teacher When Oberlln college opened Its doors to women she was courageous Indeed i who dared to brave public opinion by tatting brc publc what was commonly called the gentle that It belonged the principle mhns coumse on longed exclusively to the lords of creation cre-ation and nQ womefi need applY Only young women of the loftest ambition and the keenest thlnt for knowledge pre seated themselves a candidates for the of A B Miss Paterson was dereQ the first to prove to the world that among could Greelt and te high r mathematics be mastered by hem I |