Show At All HeaooBi At the Occidental the beverages concocted whether In the winter axing summer or fall are delicious I pure and superior Full stock of spirituous spirit-uous vinous and fermented liquors and hoice cigars Family trade a specialty AUEE MUEPHT Proprietors Down Quilt in silk satin and sateen also Japanese embroidered Sofa Pillows cheap at Din woodeys S FOB all kinds plumbing steam and gas fitting go to J W FABBELL Co 136 Main St opposite TeasdePa Telephone Tele-phone No 193 f WHY WILL YOU cough when Shi lohs Cure will give immediate relief Price lOc SOC and 1 For Sale at A 0 Smith Cos Drug Store 11 Take Notice Great reduction in emigrant fares from Europe For further information inquire at No 29 E Second South Street Bait Lake City J A PETBBSEN 4 Emigrant Agent SEVERAL lots of Ladies and Ohilds Cloaks at half price at F Auerbach Bros OnePrice Store J Syrup of Fig Is Natures own true laxative It is the most easily taken and the most effective effect-ive remedy known to Cleanse the System Sys-tem when billions or costive to dispel Headaches Colds and Fevers to Cure Habitual Constipation Indigestion Piles etc Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Company San Francisco Cal For sale in 50 cent and 1 bottles by all leading druggists A C Smith 00 agents Salt Lake 18 SILKS Satins Velvets and Plushes at special bargain prices at the old established OnePrice Store oft of-t F AUEEBACH BRO NoMcc We will contin our cost for cash furniture sale until further notice BABBATT Baos BEFORE buying elsewhere call at F Auerbach Bros OnePrice Store You are sure to save time and money SHILOHS CURE will immediately relieve Croop Whooping Cough and Jroncmtis For sale at A 0 Smith Cos Drug Store 14 A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shilohs Catarrh Remedy Price 5C cents For sale at A C Smith Cos Urng Store 13 UWANTI Of Course U WantWhat Dont U Want U want to rent a house U want a situation U want a servant U want to sell something U want to buy a horse U want to find something lost U want to rent a room U want a housekeeper U want a bookkeeper U want to know how to have your wants gratified and well tell you Advertise in THE HERALD want column col-umn and you will see how soon your wants will be supplied Boys and Childrens Suits We have an overstock of boys and childrens suits and in order to reduce same we have made a cut in the price which will enable you to get a good boys or childs suit at same price formally for-mally paid for a common suit S L GOLDBERG Wake TTpI The cheapest and best place in Salt Lake Citv to buy your groceries is at No 29 E Second South Street Imported Im-ported fish a specialty S J A PETEBSEN Agent Matinee H B Younger will give his first matinee mat-inee Saturday afternoon at 4 oclock Admission for ladies and children 25 cents gents 50 centsH H B YOUNGER HACKMETACK a lasting and ragraat perfume Price 25 and 50 cents For sale at A C Smith Cos Drug Store 18 BARGAIN Sale of Blankets Quilt Shawls Table Cloths and 100 other articles at F Auuroach Bros One Price Store + To Whom It May Concern Flat cost for furniture for one week Extra charge for packing BABBAIT BnoIlIEBS RHEUMATISM is caused by lactic acid in the blood which Hoods Sarssparilla neutralizes and thus cures rheumatism 9 Etchings The collection etchings now on exhibition ex-hibition at Rivers Brothers is the finest ever shown in Salt Lake being the en tire publications of C Klackner New York Call and see them today as the exhibition closes tonight tARE t-ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indigestion Indi-gestion Constipation Dizziness Loss of Appetite Yellow Skin Shilohs Vital 3 zer is n positive cure For sale atA C Smith CO3 Drug Store 10 J W KABBELL Co Plumbers 136 Main street Telephone No1 |