Show DIED Los BEIn Lehl City Utah County October 23h 1887 Abraham Losee aged 73 years 1 mouth and 20 days Deceased joined the church in Canada and emigrated to Nauvoo in 1841 where ho remained sharing fully all of the labors and dangers ofthe Saints during those troublous times until the Saints were finally expelled from that place He left Nauvoo as a eamster for Bishop Whitney journeying with the camps of the Saints to Winter Quarters remaining there throulh all of the rviig scenes of that time He still continued con-tinued with Bishop Whitney crossed the plains and arrived In Salt Lake City n 1848 EIcmarried In Salt Lake City and removed toL hi in 1850 He was c n equen ly one of our earliest set lers Deceased went back to Canada on a missl n In 1878 A lage concourse of iriends and neighbors neigh-bors attended the funeral yesterdayevldenc ing their respect for the departed and his family Bishop T K Cutler presided at the services Addresses were made by Elders Willam Goats John Woodbouse William Clark and John Zimmerman speaking of he deceased as a neighbor nd associate in tg der1 goah i1 gful the priesthood his faithfulnes as a man and Latterday Saint Also dwelling on the future as shown by revelation of those who are as faithful as he was well known to have been I bus one by one our old settlers are passing pass-ing away leaving their places to be filled by the young COM CRACROFiIn Salt Lake City October 28th at 10 a in Sarah daughter of Lorenzo and Maria Cracrolt Age 1 year and 18 days F n = ral services Sunday at 2 pm from residence 555 South Ninth East Street |