Show MISCELLANEOUS F AUERBACH BRO NOVEL TI ES For Fall and Winter Arriving Daily For All Our Departments t Our Dress Goods Silks Plush and Velvet Department is replete with the best and most stylish materials to be found in the leading establishments of the country Prices sure to please Our Trimming Department is filling up with the most desirable European Novelties Our Hosiery and Glove Department is crowded for room and low prices are the order of the day We are sole agents for the Mather Glove which wherever shown force its way to the front Our Ladies and Childrens Muslin and Woollen Underwear Departments show only desirable goods at bargain prices Our Cloak Jersey and Shawl Departments show the very latest and best goods at prices to please every custpmer We guarantee fit and workmanship workman-ship to be superior and prices lower than ever Our Carpet Linoleum and Curtain Department is chockfull of newest patterns and < < best makes We warrant our work and give our patrons honest value every time Our Ladies and Childrens Shoe and Slipper Department shows the best goods and lowest prices Every pair warranted Our Gents and Boys Clothing ank Kilt Suit Department offers the latest and most Stylish Goods in Cassimere Cheviot Jersey Cloth and Fast Color Satinet at most popular prices We warrant every article we sell We have an overstock of Gents Heavy Underwear and will offer astonishing aston-ishing bargains in that line Rubber Goods Slickers Blankets Quilts Gents and Boys Furnishing Goods Cloth and Tailors Trimmings in greatest variety at reasonable prices Wholesale Buyers will find ours the largest stock west of Chicago and our prices the lowest WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD t f For our Extensive Bargain Sale see read and study our Hand Bills and profit by an early call for those Boys Knee Pants at 25c 40c 50c and 60c a pair and many other special bargains sure to crowd our mammoth store F e AUERBACH BRO UFO M 0 SCOTT CO O Have on hand at their New Store 58 60 SECOND SOUTH STREET West of the Walker Opera House a New and Complete Line of Latest and Best Styles of HEATING STOVES = COOK STOVES = RANGES ETC AT LOW FIGURES Also Granite Ware Pressed Ware and Tin Ware Their Shop is fitted with New and Improved Tools and they are prepared to do All Kinds of Sheet Iron Tin and Copper Work Tolaccommodate the Retail Trade they have opened at he same place a fUll line of Hardware Carpenters Tools iners and Blacksmiths Tools Etc We have a few Carpenters and Millwrights Tools also uilders Hardware slightly damaged by water and sniolce hat will be sold at a bargain Orders received at the same place for Iron Steel Machin ry and other Goods kept at Warehouse GEOo Am LOWS DEALER IN GUlTURALIMPlEMENTS WAGONS Specialties for FALL TRADE RADLEY SQUARE CORNER SULKY PLOW SOLID COMFORT SULKY PLOW GARDEN CITY HAND PLOWS x BISSELL CHILLED PLOWS Latest Improved and Best made I LAVAJNA PRESS DRILLS Saves Grain and Increases Yield I VANS PATENT HARROW ACME HARROW SCOTCH and FRIEDMAN HARROWS jsckfiler Wagons and large Sfoct of Buggies Spring Wagons Backboards Etc OVLES STEAM PUMPS AMES ENGINES SAW MILLS AND WOOD WORKING MACHINERY SALT LAKE CITY AND OGDEN Dont let that cold of yours run on You think it is a light thing But it may run into catarrh Or into pneumonia Or consumption Catarrh is disgusting Pneumonia is dangerous Consumption is death itself it-self The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obstructions obstruc-tions and offensive matter Otherwise there is trouble ahead All the diseases of these parts head nose throat bronchial tubes and lungs can be delightfully and entirely cured by the use of Boschees German Syrup If you dont know this already thousands and thousands of people can tell you They have been cured by it and know how it is themselves Bottle only 75 cents Ask any druggist Bucklenj Arnica Salvo The Best Salve in he world for Cuts Bruises Sores Ulcers Salt Rheum Fever ores fetter Chapped Hands Chilblains Corns and all Skin Eruptions Erup-tions and positively cures Piles or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price 25 cents a box For sale by Z C M I Co FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint Com-plaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shilohs Vitalizer It never fails to cure For sale at A C Smith Cos Drug Store 15 GOLD MEDAL PARIS IS BAKERS roakfastGocoH Warranted absolutely pure Cocoa from which the excess of Oil has been removed Itbas three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch Arrowroot or Sugar Iq and is therefore far more cconom t lea costing less than one cent a cup It is delicious nourishing strengthening easily digested and admirably adapted for invalids t I I inval-ids as well as forpcrsons in health Sold by Grocers everywhere W BAKER CO Dorcbester sr MISCELLANEOUS i SCRATCHED YEARS A Scs1y Itching Skin Disease with Endless Suffering Cured by Crvticura Remedies II I I If X had known of the CDTICTEA REME DiEStwentyeIght years ago it would have saved me 200 00 two hundred dollars and an immense anount of suffering Jly disease dis-ease Psoriasis commenced on my head in a spot not larger than a cent It spread rap idly all over my body and got under my nails The scales would drop off of me all the time and my suffering was endless and without relief One thousanddoUirs would not tempt me to have this disease over again I am a poor man but feel rich to be relived of what some of the doctors said was leprosy some ringworm psoriasis etc I took and Sarsaparillas fiver one year and a half but no cure I went to two or three doctors and no cure I cannot praise the CCTICDBA REMEDIES too much They have made my skin as clear and free from scales as a babvs All I used of them was three boxes of CUTICURA and three bottles of CUTICURA RESOLVENT and two cakes of CDTICURA SOAP If you had been here and said you would have cured me for 20000 you would hay had the money I looked like the picture in your book of Psoriasis picture number two How to Cure Skin Diseases but now I am as clear as any person ever was Through force of habit 1 rub my hands over my arms and legs to scratch once in a while but to no purpose I am all well I scratched for twentyeight years and it got to be a kind of second nature to me I thank you a thousand thous-and times Anything more that you want to know write me or any one who reads this may write to me and I will answer it DENNIS DOWNING WATERBURY VT Jan 20th 1887 Psoriasis Eczema Tetter Ring orm Lichen Pruritus Scaly Head Milk Crust Dandruff Barbers Bakers Grocers and Washerwomans Itch and every species of Itching Burning Scaly Pimply Humors of the Skin and Scalp and Blood with Loss of Hair are positively cured by CUTICURA the great Skin Cure and CUTICURA SOAP an exquisite ex-quisite Skin Beautifier externally and CUTI CURA RESOLVENT the new Blood Purifier internally when physicians and all other remedies faiL Sold everywhere Price CUTICURA 50 cents SOAP 25 cents RESOLVENT 100 Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Company Boston Mass 3FSend for How to Cure Skin Diseases Dis-eases 64 pages 50 illustrations and 100 testimonials niHHPLES Blackheads Chapped and Oily DIMPLES I III Skin prevented by CUTICDRA MEDICATED MEDI-CATED SOAP FREE FREE FROM PAINt I t JE In one minute the Cntl STf Jkcura AntiPain Plaster re S 5rieves Rheumatic Sciatic Sudden Sud-den Sharp and Nervous Pains Strains and Weakness The first and only pain killing Plaster acts Established 1S62 Established 1862 JOSEPH E TAYLOR Pioneer Undertaker of Utah I I Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds ol Wood Metallic and Clothcovered Caskets and Coffins Full stock of Burial Caseaand I Coffin Furnishings Telegraph or Telephone Orders promptly attended to Factory and Warerooms No 253 E First I South St Sextons Office In same building j Telephone No 70 flC TheWASHBURN AfflERiCAH CUITARS AND MANDOLINES IESr Etaeat ton pd most t owasie and possess the only artsoolziy correct scale vvlprantea SoiSaiJinfcuyclfciHte ASK roar detuar for theme them-e milled free by the Manufacturers etfCtt HEALY 162 State St Chicago MISCELLANEOUS GEORGE M JOHN M CANNON HAVE OPENED A Real Estate Loan AND Collection Agency AT r No 39 MAIN STREET Two Doors South of ZO IttI We have Money to Loan at Lowest Market Rates Honaes and Building lots in all parts of the city for Sa > i CALL EXAMINE OUR LIST i No trouble to describe and exhibit properties I proper-ties for sale to those desirous of purchasing I Examination of Records Specialty NOTARY PUBLIC IN OFFICE = r ARBOCAST TRUMBO CO THE OYSTER HOUSE No 108 Main Street Wholesale and Retail Manufactures of FINE CONFECTIONERY AND Boston Ice Cream JUST IKECEIVED A Fine Lot of Goods FOR 25 SUITS HE F OLARK fe The Tailor 29 E FIRST SOUTH STREET WASATCH MEAT MARKET HASLAM BROSY SUCCESSORS TO VILLIA1I WOOD Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Beef Mutton Pork and Veal ce SAUSAGE SPECIALTY Family Trade Solicited Orders promptly filled and delivered No 22 W FIRST SOUTH STREEI Ja Telephone 299 i Care irfthont Medicine Palent A POSITIVE ed October 16 xi 1876 One bar will cure the most obstinate case in four days or less Allans Soluble Medicated Bougies No sIckening results as from the nee of cubebs copaiba or oil of sandalwood which are certain to produce dyspepsia Price 150 Sold by all druggists or mailed on receipt of price For further particulars send for circular J C ALLAN COP CURE CO-P O Box 1533 or 83 John stN Y I T R JONES Pres 8 J LYNN Secy and Trear 1 Sierra Nevada Lumber Co DEALERS MANUFACTURERS LUMBER WINDOWS CHERRY SHINGLES MOULDINGS OAK LATH WALNUT SP CEDAR DOORS ASH MAHOGANY it Stairs Counters Mantels Finishing Etc a Estimates Furnished in Hard or Soft Wood HALF BLOCK SOUTH U r c DEPOT S J LYNN SALT LAKE CITY f 1 SUP d DONT YOU FORGET IT All talk to the contrary you can get EEER COAI SURE from the Home Coal Company Price per ton delivered 600 at Yard 550 Will furnish Pleasant Valley Rock Springs Red Canyon and Anthracite Coals at regular prices OFFICE I 40 MIAXISr STREET SFAI T LAKE CITY F i A MITCHELL Secretary and Manager |